Final Notes


I just wanna say thanks to everyone who read this story and liked it. To those of you who didn't, eat me. LOL Just kidding. Seriously though, this story completely embodies my passion to be a writer, and how much I want this. It seemed like fate to me, how this all happened.

My English teacher challenged me to prove how much I wanted to be a writer. I had gone to him and told him that day that I was contemplating becoming a writer as opposed to a psychologist. I told him that I wasn’t sure if I was that good of a writer though, so he said simply, "You know that you're good when it comes to creating your own universe and your own characters. Why don't you take people who already exist and place them in a story, seeing if you can remain true to their character, which has already been developed." So I did, and the end result was "Revenge of the Boybands". I mean, who better to use than the members of 'NSync? Their personalities and mannerisms had already been developed, so all I had to do was put them in a story where they acted on them.

The response was so overwhelming that I felt compelled to write "The Webmaster's Revenge". Besides, there was no way in hell that I was gonna go out like that. The day a boyband member killed me would be the day that Britney Spears admitted that she had implants. So I did the sequel. Looking back though, I see that I didn't yet do what my teacher asked. I hadn't really done their character's justice. I merely used them and their names, but still made up my own mannerisms for them. So I guess 'NSync's violent deaths at the end of the sequel was a good thing… and inevitable.

I felt so guilty about their deaths, yet was so stubborn about keeping the story the way it was, that I felt the need to compromise. I decided to write a really good story about them, a story where I could finally do what my teacher asked and prove that I was a good writer. I knew that I didn't want it to be a love story. I mean, the Web is so flooded with a bunch of crappy ass love stories that I couldn't bear to write one. Also, I don't think love stories portray them the way that they should be portrayed anyway. So I go, "Fine, I'll just introduce another character, a girl, and make her their friend… and ONLY their friend. Then we'll see how they act."

It was great. I loved how in my mind, they were just regular guys kickin' it and having fun, regardless of their superstar status. The things they said, the way they would use their facial expressions, it seemed like they were really coming to life. I actually had fun writing this story. I mean, don't get me wrong, I had fun doing the other ones, but this one seemed more real somehow. I actually had a bond with this story and was committed. It wasn’t just something I could write and never finish. I had to finish it, because what y'all don't know is this: I wanna be a movie screenplay writer, and am always having ideas about potential movies. Unfortunately, it was like something was disabling me from expanding on those ideas until this story was done. So now that it is, I can do my scripts, move to L.A., and become a big writer. LOL

As for the plot, well… if you go back and read, you'll see that I really didn't know where the story was going in the beginning. LOL I mean, it was like this muse was making me write those things, and all the while I'm sitting there like, "What? What child? Five Deadly Venoms? Where the hell did that come from?" LMAO Also, the writing style seemed a bit, I don't know… crude. It didn't get a certain sophisticated flair to it (in my opinion) until chapter seven… I think that's the chapter I'm talking about. You know, the one where they're takin' photos. That's why I never read before that chapter, I'm too embarrassed to. Still, as I was writing, I just notice how everything seemed to fit together, like the pieces of a puzzle. There was never once a need for me to go back and change something because of a plot hole. Never.

The music… hmm. Well, I really like a lot of the 'NSync songs, and they fit a lot of the time, especially "Together Again" and "If Only Through Heaven's Eyes". I could totally see them singing that to the girls. As for the DMX song, I had heard it maybe a week before I started to write that chapter, and knew that I had to put it in there. I mean, the whole, "Things ain't goin' too well, but that's my life…" just added to the whole theme of how much Tammy longed to be normal, but couldn't and therefore had to accept her life as it was. As for Enrique Iglesias, well, he's just a sexy mutha-- Shut yo' mouth! LOL Sorry, I saw the new "Shaft" movie two weeks ago and loved it.

As for the main question a lot of people have been asking me: No, the Tammy in the story is not me, regardless of the insertion of Isabella and Yasmine. I mean, they are similar to us, but they are NOT us. I took characteristics that the three of us have and rearranged and reconstructed them in such a manner that it'd be impossible for you guys to figure out what we're really like. In addition, I'd just like to say that I really love the National Geographic story on the chapter index. The entire time I was writing the part about Tammy and the others absorbing the energy of the supernova, I kept getting visions of the mother bird stretching out her wings around her babies and protecting them from the fire, no matter how much pain she was in. So yeah, the mama bird story and the situation with Tammy and the others stretching out their arms and covering the world from the harmful affects of the nova definitely run parallel to each other.

Finally, I want to say thanks for all the letters of feedback I've received. You guys are also the reason why I finished this story. Once I realized that there were people out there reading (and getting hooked on) this story, I knew that I couldn't leave y'all hangin'. I appreciate all of y'all's letters a lot, for everytime I feel like I have no talent and shouldn't bother writing, I'll receive a letter telling me how much someone enjoyed my story and how gifted I am. So yeah, y'all are the bomb. With that, I will say this: NO, I AM NOT WRITING ANOTHER 'NSYNC STORY! LOL This story was just an experiment that turned out wonderfully and I'm thankful for it. It's now time for me to move on to bigger and better things. 'NSync was just a pit stop.

Thanks again, y'all, and I love you all!

Much peace and love,



E-mail me with your final remarks on the story!

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