Oh Yeah, I'm A Bit Annoyed…

Hey y'all! I recently received an e-mail that I KNEW was gonna be a bit… unusual, but I didn't think it'd go this damn far. Read it, and I'll explain:

From: Bailey Hughes <superdeluxe@usa.net>

To: getjopartyon@hotmail.com

Subject: Just a little site feedback

Date: 7 Oct 00 03:14:11 MDT


Hey you all. Love you, love the site. There's somebody that loves the site so much that they actually set up a little section for you: https://www.angelfire.com/biz6/straightedge/what.html


Now, me being the type of person I am, I can pick up on sarcasm when I read it. What annoys me is that this person didn't have the balls to come out and say that THEY wrote the damn thing and that they really HATED the site. LOL So anyways, here's a link to what they had to say. Read it in it's entirety, and try not to get too pissed off at what they say, since that's exactly what they want… Then, report back here for MY comments. **Rubs hands evilly** Here's their shit: "Oh Hell No!"

Okay, ya done readin'? Yeah, me too. I thought it sucked and was ignorance in it's purest form. See, Cassie wanted to be the bigger person and ignore them, but this is TAMMY ya talkin' about! You really think I'm gonna let somebody that ignorant roam God's good Earth and not be enlightened by the Master? LOL Now, I don't know if they're black or white or "other" or whatever, but I'll tell ya this: If they ARE white, then they REALLY have no room to be judging our "blackness" and if they're black, well, I won't say a WORD! Kinda… I'll try not to say anything… Maybe… Okay, okay! I wrote them a letter back and boy, is it… in your face. It's not mean or anything, 'cause Cassie made me swear not to cuss them out, for which they are immensely lucky. But I did lay their asses out. Here's my reply to them:

Subj: You Wanna Battle? Fine...

Date: 10/9/00 2:49:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time

From: DevanteT

To: gosalyn_mallard@go.com


First of all, lemme just take a moment out to laugh my ass off. Ya see, I never woulda thought that someone could be so disillusioned about me and my girl Cassie based on the stuff we put on our site. Ha! That cracks me the hell up. And second of all, since I am an 18 year old woman with two jobs, a major move to LA in the works, and REAL issues to think about, I won't even bother to get offended over what two seemingly young ass girls think about my site or MY opinions. (I hope you picked up on the "MY" part). It's pretty childish to know that you two chicks are "expecting to hear from us 'cause you haven't had a fight in a long time". Hahahahahahaha! Man, if you could see the smirk on my face right now... Have you nothing better to do than pick fights? Well, here's mine, and I'm gonna show you the MATURE way to put someone in their place. Since you tore apart my opinions (and Sharron's for that matter) piece by piece, I will treat you in the same manner. Get ready to ride...


1) First of all, we KNOW that "Jo'" is not a word. The entire title of our site is making fun of Justin's usage of the word AND sentence. We thought it was hilarious and something that his wannabe self would do, and it fit. Also, which of us ever said that ebonics was a language? Are you actually trying to sound smart or something, 'cause ya know what? If you go to the "Listen Up!" on our "Opinions and Observations" page, you would SEE that we are the main ones that are against the usage of "Ebonics". So much that we don't even CALL it that; to us, it's just plain old fashioned SLANG. Third, did you EVER hear us say or even IMPLY that all black people speak "ghetto"? Child, you need to... Naw, I'll finish up my points, THEN I'll lay you out.


2) In my "Rambling of An Idiot", I state several times that it was late at night and half of the stuff I'm saying is gibberish... hence, the title of the section. (Man, this is so easy that I'm actually laughing at how preposterous you guys sounded!) As for us talking "all throughout the site" about how Justin wants to be black, girl, open your eyes. We don't even LIKE Justin that much, and the comments about him trying to gain 'hood credibility and wanting to be black based on WHAT HIS PERCEPTION OF BLACK IS take up maybe 30% of our site. The rest is just a bunch of humor sketches, rants, and reviews. Also, we may comment on how he talks about how much he LOVES Aaliyah and Beyonce, but we don't talk about it ALL through the site. Where the hell did you get THAT from?! Lemme quickly add that you know damn well that Beyonce is not white, that she's as black as they come. And if your comment about Beyonce being white was a joke... trust me, it WASN'T funny. And who is tarnishing Aaliyah's name? Puh-lease, child. It was a JOKE. A joke based on a picture that Sharron sent me where it looks like the two of them are hugging and kissing. If you want the pic, maybe I'll send it to you if you learn something from this e-mail... but learning doesn't seem to be your expertise.


3) As for the whole, "he wrote a song for Aaliyah", Sharron clearly stated that it was a RUMOR. Man, I can't believe you guys don't catch this stuff. You should try to in the future... it'll save you a lot of embarassment. As for her not wanting him, how do you know? I'm not saying she does, but what I AM saying is this: You are NOT Aaliyah. You don't know how or what that girl thinks about and just 'cause she's black, you can't ASSUME that she wouldn't wanna get with him. And why would it be such a big deal if she did? You'd actually STOP listening to her music if she went out with him? If that's the case, then you two girls obviously DO need to grow up.


4) As for us having a Justin complex and "thinking he's God", I reiterate (which, by the way means, "to repeat", since y'all have already proved on several occasions that y'all don't comprehend), we don't even LIKE Justin. If you go through our site, you won't see us praising him hardly at any time. As a matter of fact, we get mail asking why we make fun of him so much. Obviously another little point you seemed to have missed.


5) And as for the whole, "there's no way in hell that Lance's parents would let him date someone Black"... thanks for agreeing with me! If you'd read closer, you'd have noticed that I commented on that also.


6) And as for the whole "Shades of Blackness", well, you're lucky I didn't send this to Sharron, 'cause she WOULD bring out her violent side and hurt your feelings. All I'll say is this: It was not about how Justin IS black, it's making fun of the fact that he acts like he is and that if you didn't know he was white, you might think he was black based on stereotypes unloaded onto black people. Damn, I can't believe I have to sit here and explain this shit like I'm talking to kindergarteners. Y'all should KNOW BETTER.


7) US? Trying to prove our BLACKNESS?! Excuse me while I fall on the floor in laughter... Okay, now that I have no choice but to believe that true stupidity lives in the world, I'll refute that dumb ass statement. Do me a favor. Go to "Frequently Asked Questions" and read that comment about someone saying we seemed white, 'cause ya know what? I wouldn't be a bit surprised it y'all sent me that damn letter in the first place. You are SO fuckin' lucky that I'm in a relatively good mood right now or else your ass would be crying right now. We drop names like Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock and Jodeci because we LOVE them. Chris Rock is my favorite comedian... why should I not mention a funny phrase that he said that amused me? As for Jodeci, don't you DARE use my all-time favorite group as a way to insult me, 'cause that's when you make me REALLY mad. Jodeci, in my eyes, is one of the greatest R&B groups of our time and will NEVER be surpassed, with the possible exception of Boys II Men, so please feel free to keep ignorant assed comments to yourself. And of course, if you like a white group your "blackness" (your word, not mine. What the fuck is blackness?) will naturally be questioned, because people like y'all exist in the world that believe that your blackness is measured by how much rap music you listen to or by how you talk. You know what makes me black? My brown skin and the fact that my ancestors are from Africa. So I don't care if I fuckin' MARRIED a member of 'NSync, no one, especially not two little ignorant ass wannabe ghetto girls, have the right to question how "black" I am. So step to that shit. (Ooh, chile, you are bringin' out the bitch in me now.) By the way, what the fuck makes Eminem a wigger? Lemme stop right here. Ya know what a "wigger" is, right? A white NIGGER. How the FUCK can you have all this fuckin' black pride if you're willing to use a word that is connected to a word that demeans us as a people? Y'all need to get some knowledge... and QUICK! So I ask you again: What makes Eminem a "wigger"? The fact that he hangs with black people? The fact that he raps? The fact that he wears baggy clothes and uses improper English? Y'all little girls need to open y'all's eyes and see that there is more to Black people than fuckin' stereotypes, and everytime you use them on us, YOU make us ghetto, not our site and the things we say about Justin. And lemme tell you this: The fact that black people like 'NSync can disgust you, annoy you, and make you puke up your guts for all I care. I'm not gonna sit around and let you limit MY PEOPLE to what your perception of what black people are and what they SHOULD listen to.


8) Who says we don't listen to Wu-Tang? I have every single ONE of their records and have been to more of their concerts than you have in your whole life. In my eyes, they aren't RAP artists, they are HIP HOP artists, and if you knew the difference, you wouldn't have even bothered puttin' that silly ass statement up. As for Limp Bizkit and Korn, I like the stuff MTV plays, but I don't have their albums... And who the fuck is Creed?! In case you're missing the point (which is quite often with you two), WE DON'T LISTEN TO ROCK THAT MUCH! Damn, how dense can you get? And as for proving blackness, aren't you actually doing the same thing by going "(I can't wait until the new Wu comes out--oh, my goddess)?" I don't know if you were trying to say "goodness" and don't really care, 'cause I just copied and pasted that, but hmmm? Who's dropping names now? Are you guys trying for black points also by getting TOTALLY off the subject and letting EVERYONE who frequents your page know that you're a Wu fan? Hahahahaha.... This shit is too ridiculous.


9) Just like to say that I don't remember saying anything about making him an "honorary brother". That's Sharron's opinion, and we completely respect her opinion with an open mind. But just for the record: she was JOKING. Why does it seem like I'm repeating the same phrase over and over? Oh, 'cause I am, since you guys don't seem to pick up on stuff the first time.


10) As for our whole website being dedicated to "Justin being a brother", all I have to say is, you haven't read the stuff on the website AT ALL. If you did, you'd see that we don't even spend a lot of time on that topic. And if you were "traveling" this site before and was pissed off about it, why'd you come back? Lack of a LIFE, perhaps? Or maybe just intelligence...


Ahh! All of the ramblings on your page reflect two young ass, immature little girls that I shouldn't spend another two minutes on. So I'll sum it up like this: If you're lookin' for a fight, look somewhere else 'cause we got better things to do. We actually have LIVES. And as for the whole "we're here to piss people off"... Congratulations, your mothers must be proud. You actually didn't succeed in pissing me off, so much as you mildly annoyed me and forced me to get bitchy, which I hate. And as for the whole "Destiny's Whore" comment, hell, I may not like 'em, but atleast I'm above callin' them childish names like some kinda hater. Looks like y'all were definitely sippin' on some "Hater-Ade". And as for the KK comment, for the last time, that's MY opinion, and just 'cause he's the only one you can tolerate, that doesn't make me wrong and you right. That's the whole point of an OPINION. Damn, y'all can be so slow. And FINALLY (thank God I can get back to my life and stop wastin' time with you kids), we KNOW "crunk" isn't a word as in it can be found in the dictionary, but it IS a word as in being verbally spoken. Don't think just 'cause all these suburbian kids are usin' it wrong that it's not a word, 'cause it IS. Just go down to Georgia, New Orleans, or anywhere in the south, and you'll hear it frequently. If y'all were so "black", you'd know this. Justin did NOT make it up, and I really think you should read a few things on our site (I won't even bother to put up hyperlinks since you "travel" it so much): 1) "Listen Up!" (found under "Opinions and Observations"... for the love of God, READ THIS FIRST and LEARN SOMETHING!), 2) "Frequently Asked Questions", (found under "The Sistas Who Got Everythang"... and yes, that IS slang, not ebonics), 3) read our mini-bios under "The Sistas Who Got Everythang" so that you can learn a lil' somethin' somethin' about us besides what you perceived in my "Rambling of An Idiot" and Sharron's "Shades of Blackness", and finally, 4) "That Damn Word!" (found under "Opinions and Observations"... it'll give you a bit of enlightenment on the word "crunk"). By the way, this (along with a link to your page) WILL be posted on our site so that thousands may laugh at you and possibly send you feedback on it. It just annoys me that you have the audacity, the gall, the FUCKIN' NERVE, to actually send us this shit in the hopes that we'd get into a petty ass "web war" with you. Please, spare us the bullshit, we deal with it enough in our REAL lives. Trust us, we don't have time to "fight" with you guys, 'cause for you two girls NOT liking what we say, almost 21,000 DO like it.


Always and forever chuckling at your stupidity,

Tammy, co-webmaster at "Crunk Baby Crunk: Get Jo' Party On!"

Hmm… I hope I don't make them cry. LMAO Seriously, how retarded can these girls be? But I'm not dumb y'all, I know that they're gonna post this letter on their site with their retarded assed wannabe sarcastic remarks inserted (very unoriginal, in my opinion), since they won't have the balls to write me back probably. But ya know what? If they do say somethin' in response, I'm not even gonna bother to answer it. I just responded this time so that they could see where I'm coming from. If they wanna "get the last word", then more power to them. I'll ignore them, 'cause they aren't even worthy of anymore of my time. I hope they have fun, they have my blessing. But I'll say this: Someone once told me this phrase that really changed my life. Here was the quote: "Open your ears before you open your mouth. The results may open your eyes." So yeah, this definitely applies to them on a deeper level. If they had sat back and not only READ what we wrote but also UNDERSTOOD it, they might not have come off as sounding so ignorant. It's too bad, too. I mean, they even went so far as to SIGN OUR GUESTBOOK! I mean, how childish can you be? Man, I can't stop laughing as I type this. It's like, up until I was sixteen years old, my "friends" (I put that in parenthesis because I see now that they weren't my friends) and I were getting into a lot of fights and stuff. It wasn't until my dad put a computer in front of my ass and told me to do something constructive with my time besides harming people that my life turned around for the best. Now, I write stories constantly, I meet a lot of kick-ass people on the Internet, and I really feel like I can control my temper. So to hear these two girls talk about how I'm "so white" and "trying to prove my blackness" makes me proud on one hand, 'cause I see that I truly left my old life behind, and on the other hand, annoys me because they probably don't know what it's like to live in my neighborhood, have people steal your wallets, and have fucking BURGLAR BARS on ALL your windows because motherfuckers will actually BREAK IN YOUR DAMN HOUSE and not give a shit whether you're home or not. Psh… whatever. I've got better things to worry about. And by the way, if ya wanna send them a letter telling them how dumb they are, I can't stop you, but I'll say this: If you're gonna say something about their obvious ignorance on race issues, present your case intelligently, 'cause if you don't you'll wind up sounding like them. Bridge the racial gaps, y'all. We don't need this shit. That's one of the main reasons I made the banner at the bottom of our index page. See ya.


"And I just do NOT got the patience, to deal with these cocky Caucasians who think I'm some wigger who just tries to be black, 'cause I talk with an accent and grab on my balls so they always keep asking the same fucking questions: 'What school did I go to? The 'hood I grew up in'…" Eminem, "The Way I Am"

Opinions and Observations

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