It's NOT Gonna Be Me...

That's for damn sure...


As 'NSync continues to top the charts (they've beaten out Toni Braxton, The "Mission Impossible 2" Soundtrack… the only person they haven't beaten is Britney Spears, but I figured that would happen. The only question I have is, "Will they beat out Eminem?" I hope so), more videos get thrust our way. **Sigh** And what would we do without these videos? Without them, the world would be devoid of laughter, and that ain't cool. So here's a review of 'NSync's latest video, "It's Gonna Be Me". Enjoy!


--Anyone notice how much they showed Justin? Wow, that sure is unusual. (I hope you guys are picking up on the sarcasm.)

--Speaking of which, what was the deal with Justin saying the first, "It's gonna be me" right as the song began? Since the voice was kinda deep, wouldn't it have been nicer to have had Lance say it? Give the kid something to do, for Pete's sake!

--Dolls. They've evolved, I see. At first they were puppets, now they are dolls. LOL Hmm… do you think they play with each other? Or themselves? LOL I'm bad.

--I liked the dance moves to this song, but I could have choreographed something better than this. LOL "Call me a hater if you want to…"

**Speaking of dance moves, you know that move where they have their arms out and they like, curve one leg inward, then do the other one? (It's right after JC says, "You've got no choice, babe…") Doesn't it look like they're massaging their balls with their legs? LMAO

--The whole performance scene was a well-needed break from the bright colors of the store and dolls and stuff. Thanks Wayne Isham!

--They showed JC a lot. You know what I noticed in this video about JC, though? Even though we've always known it, the numerous close-ups on his mouth REALLY showed us how weird his teeth looked. Like, they're straight, but the front two look like crooked Chicklets. LOL Who cares, though? In this day and age, only 30% of the population have perfect teeth. JC still looks hot. I like that. He's imperfect, yet still hot.

--Chris sure did spaz out a lot during this video. Waaay more than JC.

--They showed Joey (and his disgusting looking hair) a lot. Why no Lance? He looked GOOD!

--The scene where they got their asses kicked by the army men was funny. One of the soldiers looked like Eminem. Just kidding.

**Side note** From "Making the Video"- JC: Man, I'm gon' kick some tail! Lance: (said in an alarmingly, and unintentionally,
thugged out voice)
I kicked some major butt.

--Not surprising, the "Barbie dolls" really looked plastic. Just like I bet their personalities were. Runnin' around in underwear and belly shirts. Humph. Yeah, I'm hatin'. **Chuckle**

**Side note: Notice how on "Making the Video" Justin went straight to the black girl? LOL

--That chick from the first video was there. Wow. I wonder if one of the guys has a crush on her. If I could guess anyone I'd say
it was Joey… or JC. (Regardless of any girlfriends.)

--They finally get picked. Hurray. The scene where they go across the scanner was original. Really kick ass, ya know?

All in all the video was… original. Expensive, confusing, SCARY, and weird, but also original. I can give them that. I liked it, though. The first time I saw it I hated it, but after the second time, it grew on me, ya know? I think that considering this is one of the best songs on the CD (in my opinion, of course), they could have come up with a better video concept. This was a good one, but I'd have enjoyed it more if like, JC was stalking some chick and gets arrested. Then at the end, the chick bails him out or something. That'd have kicked some serious ass. One more thing, though. Notice how like, when they were wearing the plastic doll wigs, and Justin's was all wavy, symbolizing his curls? I wonder if he was disappointed that he couldn't get a cornrow wig. LMAO



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