Justin and Britney: Can They Live?


Okay, I've been silent on the whole Justin/Britney subject for a VERY long time, but ya know what? It's time for me to lay it all out there. First of all, no, I don't believe Britney's a virgin, but ya know what? Who cares if she ain't? If she wants to say she is when she isn't, then by all means, let the girl lie in peace. Second of all, yeah, I've ALWAYS known that the two of them were messing around with each other. I just didn't think they'd come out and admit it.

So now that they've openly admitted that they're together, people have so many fucking opinions that it makes me wanna puke. I mean, damn, can they PLEASE just enjoy being with each other? People go, "Oh, Britney's so stupid! How can she not know that Justin's cheating on her?" Well, ya know what? Love is blind. I mean, I've put up with shit from my love interest since November and I'm STILL not over him. He's fucked me over on levels that I don't EVEN wanna mention, but ya know what? I still love him. Call me a fool, 'cause that's what I am. That's why the Frankie Lymon song is called "Why Do FOOLS Fall In Love?". Get me?

But for real, I didn't really think Justin liked her that much 'cause when they were at the VMA's, he was acting like he didn't wanna be too openly affectionate with her, whereas she was hanging all over him like she was one of his articles of clothing. But then… THEN I saw the AMA's and was so proud of her when she performed. Screw what anyone says, that girl may lip synch like her life depends on it, but when you get down to it, she's an awesome ass performer and people need to stop hatin' on her. I used to didn't like her at first, but now that I've actually given her a chance, I'm looking forward to maybe going to one of her concerts after I leave for L.A. But anyways, back to what I was saying. After her performance, which I thought rocked, cut to Justin in the audience. What I saw just brought a huge smile to my face. He was on his feet clapping and cheering like the proud boyfriend he should be. And I was like, "Yeah, Justin! Represent!"

So if Justin is cheating on her, or if she's not as into him as she claims to be, who cares? I think that in reality the two of them really like (possibly love) each other and make a cute couple. My cousin (who isn't even really into pop music like that) agrees that the two of them look good together and should stay together. When she heard "This I Promise You" for the first time, she kept squealing and going, "Aww… I bet Justin sings this to Britney all the time! That's so cute!"

I'm glad the two of them are together. They both seem to understand each other and they really seem happy together. I mean, how thoughtful was it of him to pull her on stage and sing "Happy Birthday" to her at one of their concerts? Naaa mean? To all of you teenyboppers out there that hate the fact that they're together and boo them every chance you get, I say this to you: Grow up and get a fucking life. I guarantee you that you do NOT EVER have a chance with THE Justin Timberlake and never HAD a chance. So let that boy be happy and let Britney be happy with him. Stop hatin'. That shit is so annoying and SO played out. That's my word for now. See ya.


"Let love rule…" -Lenny Kravitz


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