JC plus "Moesha" equals "JC-Sha"

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the members of 'NSync were placed into the show, "Moesha"? First off, let me say that I HATE this show and haven't really watched it since Moesha turned down that car three years ago 'cause she didn't wanna drive a Saturn (now where's my sawed-off shotgun? Would ya really miss her? LOL). But anyways, this here is an episode of "JC-Sha", complete with a laugh track at the seemingly appropriate times (like they have on the show… oh, I'm such a hater). The name fits 'cause his last name is pronounced, "Sha-zay", naa mean? But I'm off the subject. I hope you enjoy your viewing experience.

JC: Moesha

Justin: Hakeem

Johnny Wright: Mr. Mitchell

Joey: Kim

Lance: Mrs. Mitchell (only in theory! He's still gonna be a boy, and he's not even gonna be gay!)

Chris: Miles, Moesha's annoying little brother

Opening Chorus: J to the… C to the… J to the… C to the… J to the … C to the… JC-Sha!

(Scene opens with JC and Chris sitting at the kitchen table eating. Just then, Johnny walks in.)

JC: Mornin' daddy.

Johnny: (sitting at the table) Morning, Cupcake.

Chris: Cupcake? Don't you mean "Crackhead"?

(Laugh track)

JC: Shut up, Shorty. Isn't it time for you to take your Flintstone vitamins anyway?

(Laugh track)

Chris: So funny I forgot to laugh.

(Laugh track… even though it was TOTALLY unnecessary)

Johnny: Okay you two. Behave.

(Just then, Justin comes in from outside, grabs a plate, and fills it with food.)

Justin: (sitting at the table) Wassup, family?

Chris: Umm… we are NOT your family. We're just people that allow you to eat with us.

Johnny: And speaking of eating, Justin have you ever considered eating at your OWN house?

Justin: Why when I can eat here for free?

(Laugh track)

Johnny: Whatever.

JC: So what ya up to today, Justin?

Justin: Man, I'm trying to go see Brit-- I mean, "Brisham's Revenge" at the new movie theatre. (Glances at Johnny nervously, hoping he didn't catch his slip.)

(Right then, Lance enters the room)

Lance: Good morning, all.

JC: Mornin' Lance.

JC and Chris: Morning.

Johnny: (getting out of his seat and giving Lance a hug) Hey Lance. You look great today. You goin' in to the office? I think we need to get these last two acts signed as soon as possible.

Lance: I'm there. Just let me eat first. (Looks at the rest of the guys) Umm, you guys? Is my southern accent still noticeable?

Justin: Only when you get mad.

Lance: I thought so. That's why I'm always in a good mood. I never get mad. Not even when I catch JC and Bobbi making out in public.

Johnny: What?!

JC: Daddy! You said we could date, so don't even trip. Please!

Johnny: I said that y'all could date, not make out in public. What if a fan saw?

JC: But they didn't.

Lance: Let it go, Johnny. No one saw. Besides, JC is growing up now, and we have to let him make his own decisions.

Johnny: You always stick up for him, Lance.

Lance: I'm not sticking up for him. I'm just saying that we have to give him space.

JC: You mind not talking about me like I'm not in the room? Thanks.

(Enter Joey)

Joey: Heeeeyyyyy! Wassup!

Justin: (moving as far away from Joey as possible) Hey Hoey… I mean, Joey.

Joey: Hey Juju! Man, I just got off the phone wit' that hottie Britney Spears. Whoo!

Justin: Man, how many times do I hafta tell ya? That's my girl, so stay away from her, you horny girl-crazy freak.

Johnny: What was that Justin?

Justin: C'mon, JW. You knew the truth from the beginning. I can't fake the funk anymore.

Joey: Fake the funk? What, you don't bathe anymore? I'm shocked. And disgusted.

(Laugh track… this is getting monotonous, isn't it?)

Chris: You're an idiot, Joe.

Joey: Whatever. What we gonna do today, y'all?

Justin: I wanna go harass the Backstreet Boys.

JC: Yeah!

Johnny: I don't think so.

JC: But daddyyyyyyyyy….. Everybody else is going!

Johnny: You don't have to do something just 'cause everyone else is doing it. If everyone went off and started shooting up crack and heroin, would you do it?

JC: (looking at the camera guiltily) This IS a hypothetical question, right?

(Laugh track)

Johnny: The point is, JC, that you can't do something just because everyone else is doing it.

JC: Fine. I'm gonna do it 'cause I want to then. Is that good enough?

Johnny: Yup. In that case, you can go. Just make sure you clean up first.

JC: (rising to his feet in anger) Why don't you ever let me make my own decisions? You treat me like a child! I hate you! (Storms out of the room)

Justin: Umm, did I just miss something?

Chris: If you did, then I must've missed it too. That JC gets stranger and stranger everyday.

Justin: (getting to his feet) I'll go check on him.

Joey: (following Justin) Me too.

Justin: Eww… just make sure you stay atleast two feet away from me, Sperminator.

(Yet ANOTHER laugh track)

(Meanwhile, up in JC's room…)

Justin: (entering with Joey) Man, what are you doing?

JC: (struggling to climb out the window) I'm sneaking out to go harass the Backstreet Boys with y'all.

Joey: But why?

JC: Joey, I have to prove to dad that he can't hold me under his rules anymore. He has to let me be my own man.

Joey: No, I mean literally, WHY? You're dad just gave you permission to go!

JC: Oh he did, didn't he? I totally forgot. That's funny. (Suddenly loses his footing and falls out the window.) Auuugghh!!!

Justin: (singing) I've got to get away… I wanna flyyyy awayyyy. Ay, yeah!

Joey: JC definitely got the getting away part down pat. I'm just not so sure about the flying.

(Laugh track starts to play, but Tammy jumps onto the set with a sawed off shotgun and shoots the laugh track machine)

Tammy: Sorry 'bout that, y'all, but that machine makes me friggin' crazy! By the way, you guys aren't funny. (As she walks off the set, she starts to sing) You may hate me but it ain't no lie, baby bye, bye, bye!


The End

On the next episode of "JC-Sha", Johnny finds birth control pills in JC's room, or is that speed?

Johnny: JC, I've been meaning to ask you about these. (Holds out the pills)

JC: (angrily) Oh my god! You've been snooping around my fucking room! I hate you!

Johnny: I had to! I ran out of condoms and thought you might have some. But I have to ask you an important question about these.

JC: What? (sarcastically) Am I doing drugs? Selling? Or just holding them for a friend?

Johnny: No. What I want to know is: Who'd you buy them from? How much did they cost? And, can I have some?

Anyways… NOT!!! I am not writing anymore about this. It's like some kind of comedy overload, and I refuse to take part in it. I hope you enjoyed this episode, though. As usual, feel free to send some kind of feedback.

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