The Lance Observations
As much as I love Lance, as huge of a crush I have on him, I can't help but notice little things about his relationship with the other members of 'NSync. I also can't help but notice the rumors that float around about him and his relationship with the other members of 'NSync. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't really care that much about the whole "Lance being gay" thing. I'm not willing to get into a debate about this, and I damn sure don't wanna investigate this further. Shit, if it's true, it's true. If it ain't, then it ain't. I'm just gonna share my views on this, and afterwards, the subject is CLOSED. Atleast, from my point of view it is.
Okay, so when 'NSync first started out, Lance and Joey were always seen together. Always in pictures together, always sitting next to each other, always just around each other. The joke around the humor world was that Joey was molesting Lance, or that they were atleast lovers. But we all figured that it wasn't true. We just joked that it was. But what if…?
Moving right along, there seemed to be a short, yet sweet comraderie between Justin and Lance. It didn't last. How could it? Justin is a known asshole and Lance is stubborn. That was like putting gasoline and fire together. Or better yet, oil and water.
Then, Lance and JC started to hang. I started to notice it right after the lawsuit they had. JC and Lance were always just… together. Hanging together, sitting next to each other, talking to each other. And of course, I have a little suspicion about why, but let's just run down why and where I had just cause to take notice to their budding relationship. When they did "'NSync Live", JC and Lance sat next to each other. No big deal, right? But remember the part where they were all making fun of Chris about his fear of heights? Remember when Lance was telling the story about how they were at the top of the Empire State Building and Chris wouldn't step out and Lance was mimicking Chris, saying, "Don't… touch me."? Well, right when he says, "Don't", he grabs JC's leg, and JC just gives him this Look, like, "What in the world…?" trying to be all subtle and shit. Lance kinda blushes after looking him in the eye and mumbles, kinda meekly, "Oh. Well, I thought it was funny." I didn't even notice it until after my suspicions started to rise, though. Now that I look back, I'm like, "Why the hell didn’t I notice that?"
Next, I was looking in the June/July 2000 issue of Teen People, you know, the one with the "Hottest 25 Under 25"? And who did I see posing together? Lance and JC. I'd just like to take this time out to say, how HOT did Lance look in that picture? Yummy yum yum. LOL God, I'd have pinned him down and covered him with kisses if I was the photographer. But anyways, the average person would be like, "Well of course they're together! Joey and Chris weren't there!" True, but it was just a weird coincidence that Justin would have his own page and JC and Lance are conveniently together.
Thirdly, on the cover of YM Magazine (the July 2000 issue), when the guys are posing on the cover, Lance is grabbing JC's leg. Now, I'm like, "Psh, that's no big deal. Nothing wrong there," but you have to understand that there could be subliminal messages floating around. Oh well…
And finally, at the 2000 VMA's, on the "Making the Video" of both "Bye Bye Bye" and "It's Gonna Be Me", when they performed live at Madison Square Garden, and when they appeared on "Regis", just go back and watch them, and notice how Lance and JC flock to one another and always make it a point to stand or sit next to each other. And when they're NOT together (example: "The 100 Greatest Pop Songs" countdown) you can so obviously tell that they're pissed off at each other, or one is pissed off at the other. Like when they were doing the "100 Greatest Pop Songs", Joey stood between Lance and JC, and Lance kept sending little glances to JC, who made it a point to NEVER look at Lance, even when he was talking. LOL Everyone else would glance at Lance (hey, that rhymes!) while JC would glare at the floor. LMAO Cute. But I love those two a lot. I think it's great that they find solace and friendship in one another.
I've read a few stories at and some of them I don't believe (since you can't believe everything on the Internet), but some of it I was willing to take at face value and put two and two together. Just go look for yourself and then make your own call. The final judgement based on everything I've seen? Lance is possibly gay and JC is probably bi... and they're with each other on the sneak tip.
Now, I'm sure some of y'all are laughing y'all's asses off right now, and I can't blame you. 'Cause most of y'all are probably going, "JC has been seen with Bobbie a million and one times!" True… but look at it like this: if you were more famous than the President of the United States, idolized by millions of little girls, and happened to be gay but you knew it wouldn't be accepted, what would you do? Exactly what JC is doing right now.
But you know what? If it's true, then I'm glad. I may sound like a major freak geek, but I really think that they look good together. But I'm not saying that they ARE, I mean, God knows that no one will ever know that unless one or both of them comes out and admits it (which they probably won't). But still… it's a nice little idea to ponder. Lance and JC… how cute. But anyways, even if they're not gay together, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell is up with them kinda forming their own alliance and pushing the others out. I'm thinking that if they're not lovers, then it's possible that they've had homosexual tendencies and might have found that gay connection in each other. Like, they can understand something about each other that the other guys can't, so they're kind of the "best friends" of the group now. Still, I can see them together and being in love, and if that's not the truth, then sorry. It just seemed that way. If it is true, then GOOD. They look wonderful together, in my opinion. LOL
So that's it in a nutshell. I don't want you guys to go out and say, "Oh my God! Lance and JC are gay! They're lovers! I know 'cause I saw it on the Internet!" Nope, don't even bother. I'm just saying this as one of my parting thoughts. I've thought about this for awhile, and since I truly see nothing wrong with homosexuality, I had to comment on this. Am I saying that Lance and JC are gay? Nope. I'm saying that in my opinion they are, and because I believe they are, that doesn't mean that everyone else has to. Form your own damn opinions. Believe what you want to believe. And on that note, I'm outta here.
**The use of a pink background in no way is a dig at homosexuals… sorta. LOL
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