OK, I have sooo much to say, I don't even know where to start…Let's see…This whole teenybopper thing. Just becuz I'm only 13 DOESN'T mean I'm a teenybopper. Basically what I see as being a teenybopper is someone not realizing that N Sync IS human and they're NOT perfect. Yeah, my walls are covered with pictures of them but that doesn't mean I worship them. I KNOW they have girlfriends, I KNOW they drink, I KNOW that they gotta take a dump every once in a while JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. Just because I wanna scream my head off at a concert and yell "Chris I Love you!" doesn't mean I'm a teenybopper. If you wanna yell and scream at a concert, that's something called BEING EXCITED or having a little fun. Maybe you should try that the next time you go to a concert. If you wanna represent for N Sync than you can. As long as you can back up what your sayin and you know what your talkin about then, I'm all for it. I do it ALL the time. If someone says to me "JC is gay, dumb, and ugly" I'm not gonna say "Na uh! JC is SOOOO HOOOOTTT!!!!!". That's something a teenybopper would say. I would break it down to them like this.

    1. He has a girlfriend. He has had girlfriends before the one he has now.
    2. He has written several songs for their new album and several songs for other people.
    3. He has produced songs for other people.
    4. He has done duet with other people.
    5. He has the voice of an angel (Sorry I don't see Blaque coming to you asking if you would sing a song with them)
    6. He's obviously pretty darn fine if there are girls all over the WORLD sweatin' him. THANK YOU!

That's what I would say. Every once in a while my friends and joke around and we'll say we're teeniboppers (with an "i") meaning intelligent. We're practically walkin' N Sync Encyclopedias and I know there are other fans out there like that too. So don't hate just because you can't appreciate. (lol)

This brings me too a whole OTHER topic. These days, everyone always has to worry about what other people think. Sometimes you just gotta ignore other people's feelings and go with whatever you wanna do and what you feel. If I wanna walk around school with pics of N Sync all over my binder I'll do that. I don't give a crap about what people think. If you wanna call me a teeny go right ahead, but I don't see you doing that. And why is that? BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO CHICKEN AND YOU ALWAYS GOTTA WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!!!! If I wanna be different than I can be. But if you do wanna be different, you're always gonna be the one that gets criticized because people are afraid of what's different. You may think "yeah right" but it's *SO* true. Let me give you this scenario. Everybody remembers back in the day when Chris used to have the braids and what-not, right? Let's see, how many people can I think of that called Chris ugly? Too many! WHY did they call Chris ugly? Because they're aren't used to seeing a white boy with extensions. Instead, EVERYBODY'S gotta like Justin because they're tryin to play if safe (not everyone but some people know it's true cuz i'm probably talkin about you). They're thinkin' "oh, he's SO hot! He's the hottest guy I've ever seen". When the truth of the matter is, he's just like every other wanna be ghetto boy. There's not really anything "unique" about his whole get-up. Don't get me wrong. I love Justin and everything, but I'm just sayin that he lacks a little originality. Chris on the other hand wanted to be different, therefore, he gets talked about and labeled "ugly". I LUV Chris to death and that's one of the main reasons. Everybody that wants to know why I love him, that's the reason. Now, me wanting to be over obsessive about him is sumthin I choose to do, lol…When I was in the seventh grade, everyone ALWAYS used to ask me who my favorite was. I had no problem sayin it was Chris cuz I don't care WHAT you say about him, I will comeback and say sumthin 10x worse about someone you like. Now since he cuts his hair "normal" all the sudden "oh! He's so hot!". Give me a break.

That's all I havta say right now.

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