Love Always…


I was just reading over the stuff on our site and I realized, "Hey, I'm on a site that makes fun of somebody." People might look at our stuff and think we hate 'NSync (or Justin), actually. I asked myself, "What if by some odd twist of events, 'NSync stumbles over this page and laughs all the way through it? What would they think about us?" I then put on "Tearin' Up My Heart" and sat back, letting the melody roll over me and that's when I realized it:


Seriously. In a world so overpopulated with crappy music, angry musicians that hate on artists more successful than them, and Georgetown rejections (yeah, I got rejected but what the fuck. It actually worked out for the best so I'm not bitter) these guys help keep me sane. I really like seeing them on TV. I love hearing their voices. Now, I know I make fun of them, but I can honestly say that I love these boys as much as the fan with posters all over their walls, tapes of every appearance, and all that other shit. I may not have the merchandise, but I just want everyone to know that even though I make up funny skits and sketches about them and rip on them sometimes, I still appreciate all the hard work and bullshit they go through to make music, and to make us happy. They have it hard, and I'm sure that it ain't easy being in the spotlight all the time, 'cause even though they knew beforehand that they'd be giving up their old lives and becoming "superstars", I'm sure they still yearn for their old lives sometimes. 'NSync is great and I'm sure that they've lost a certain sense of reality on how much and how many people they've touched (since theoretically their fans are nameless and faceless. Think about it: they meet thousands of people a day. Do you really think they remember the names and faces of all of them? If so, give me your name and I will happily put you on my "Naïve People To School" list). But I'm off the subject (as usual).

Not only do they have to put up with crap from the haters (Korn, Fred Durst's phony ass, the BSB fans that can't accept that 'NSync is around to stay, etc), but they have to put up with stuff from the media, too. Critics who slam their albums saying that they wanna be the Backstreet Boys, or even worse, wanna be black. Not to mention that no matter how nice they are, somebody's gonna say, "Justin is such a jerk" or whatever. Can the boy live? So on top of all this shit, they might happen to go online and surf into an 'NSync humor site that basically makes fun of them mercilessly. I mean, I'm sure people think me and Cass are mean to JuJu, but ya gotta keep it real, people. Some sites out there just KILL the guys. What me and Cass do is all in good fun and I'd bet my right buttcheek that Justin would laugh at EVERY sketch about him, 'cause we don't just make fun of him, we put him in a fictitious situation where he's 100x goofier, funnier, and cornier than he normally is. But I am once again off the subject.

By now, I'm sure the reader is wondering, "What's your fucking point?" My point is this: At first to me, 'NSync was just a group of C.A.W.B.s, Corny Ass White Boys. Now, I see that they are just fun loving and free spirited, a lot like me. They are out there everyday doing something that I can't (and wouldn't want to) do. I really, really appreciate what they're doin', and I'm glad they're still doin' it. They tour all the time, and I don't know if you guys sat down and analyzed their tour schedules, but they are CONSTANTLY moving. I was looking at the tour schedule they did last summer, and my heart went out to them. They did a different city almost everyday, and I know they were dead tired. But guess what? Come 7:30 p.m., their asses were on stage givin' it their all and jumpin' off of stairs like good lil' crackheads (ahem… JC. ~LOL~ I love the guy.) Anyways, I just hope that when they get tired or burned out, they remember that we (the humor sites) do appreciate them, and will have "love always". Makes me almost wanna write 'em a fan letter. I think it'd go a lil' like this:

Last night, I wrote a short letter, and it went this way:

'NSync I love you, just thinkin' of you.

Love Always,


Okay, I'm a cheating, stealing bitch. LOL Sue me. Wait, I'll let K-Ci and Jo Jo do that. In case you hadn't noticed, those lyrics are from K-Ci and Jo Jo's "Last Night's Letter" which can be found on their first CD entitled, "Love Always". What can I say? It fit.

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