Damn Them… Damn Them To Hell And Beyond!


I saw the Movie Awards. It was DUMB. But alas, I must speak on 'NSync. Just when I thought it would NEVER happen, 'NSync has given me a reason to comment on their outfits!!! Damn, damn, damn! Well, for forcing me to suffer through their horrendous attempts at "fashion", I'm gonna light their asses up. By the way, the reason this page doesn't match is because I did it as a tribute to their failed attempts at matching. I think it looks kewl… *gag*.


The Outfits

All- In a nutshell, they looked like an updated millenium version of THE VILLAGE PEOPLE! God, I just wanna kill them for the outfits they came up with. Lance looked like "the hippie", JC looked like "the cross dresser", Justin was the "almost black, maybe even Indian, but still not quite there yet" guy, Chris was "the cowboy", and Joey was "the bum". NONE of them matched at all. They couldn't even match their PANTS correctly. At no time during the night did they match, not even on the red carpet. By the way, "Hey Chris, I love that gay pinkish purple hat you had on." Bitch. You know what killed me, though? They're like, "Oh we paid our stylist such and such amount…" You PAID someone to fuck you up that badly? I mean, I don't believe they paid like, the twenty dollars they said they did to the stylist, but I bet they paid SOMEONE to screw them up that badly. By the way, the shoes Justin (and I think JC and Lance) had on during the performance? They were GIRLS' tennis shoes. They're called Saucony's. I mean, they're not for girls exclusively, but ONLY girls wear them. Damn them.

Justin- Ha! Whatta dumb ass. I loved when Jason Biggs kinda cracked on his cornrows. He's like, "I was walking down the red carpet and all these girls were screaming and I thought it was for me. I turn around and there's 'NSync. Ya know, Justin…" Then he kinda looks flabbergasted and continues, "…with his cornrows." Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. During the performance, he looked like CRAP. God, I just wanted to punch him… HARD. He had on this like, longish jean vest thingy and it was like… I can't even describe it, but it was fringed with fake FUR or something. And he had this weird looking shirt on under it. It was the color of puke. THANK YOU, TIMBERDICKHEAD! By the way, the diamond studded "thug appeal" bandana and the cornrows DIDN'T make you look stupid. **Picking up on the sarcasm and blatant cynicism?

Lance- He actually looked the best out of all of them… only by comparison, though. He had on this dumb looking colorful tie-dyed shirt, and I just wanted to run him over. He was wearing a blue jean outfit, but had a black vest over it. O-kay… You guys don't know how pissed off I was watching them. If I recall correctly (which I probably won't since I didn't record it), he looked like one of those stupid hippies.

Joey- Yeah, whatever Fatone. You looked so good. NOT! I'm glad you got rid of that red shit in your hair, though. His outfit actually made him look… fat. I didn't wanna say it, but it has to be said. He looked fat. The shiny, plastic dark red shirt over the dirty gray t-shirt was a horrible choice. **sigh** I'm getting so pissed off as I write this.

Chris- Cassie will hate me for this, but I TRULY don't remember everything he had on, only that it was incredibly gay. Sorry. I do know that he had on a black leather vest or something… as I was looking at his outfit I was thinking, "He's the cowboy of the group." Under it he had on this… I don't know, zebra looking tie-dyed shirt. Trust me: it was horrible.

JC- Ahhh… my personal fave. What was with that lace BLOUSE? Not shirt, but BLOUSE. He looked like he was shopping at Victoria's Secret. His shirt was black with LACE SLEEVES!! And it wasn't the masculine lace either (as if there is such a thing), it had these rose vine designs on it or something. Suffice it to say that I was VERY disappointed. Plus his pants were tight… and were brown with black shit marks on them. God help them.

The Performance

Not bad. I liked the choreography. They showed Lance more than once, which is a blessing in itself. We got a glimpse of JC jumping around like the junkie crackhead he is… I also realized that JC's mic was louder than everyone else's. One thing though: what is it with them mimicking their videos? At the AMA's it was the whole "puppet routine" for "Bye Bye Bye" and here they had to drag in those HUGE Barbie doll boxes to jump out of. I know those things have to be expensive… **By the way, I'd have died laughing if they had rigged it so Chris couldn't get out again.** Um… let's see, what else? Well, Lance looked off beat when it was time to free style dance… he couldn't even jump up and down with rhythm… sad. **sigh** I'm so annoyed right now. the performance was good, but… I don't know, they pissed me off. It could have been better, that's all I'll say.

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