Apology Accepted… Aww!


Okay, okay… maybe, just maybe I was a bit harsh with Cassie. LOL Maybe I am bitter… kind of. And maybe, just maybe I forgot a few small details, like the fact that she offered me a ticket in the 400th row… or whatever row it was. I mean, yeah, she was nice enough to offer them. So I'd like to just say that….


I forgive you!!!! Yes, you, Ms. Cassie, my beloved cousin and partner on this kick-ass site. Much love always.

So yeah, I was a bit rash. It's cool though. I'll just catch 'em on the second string of their tour. There, I will be able to get you guys some REAL nude pics of Lance.

**By the way, when Cassie does her impersonation of JC, it's HILARIOUS, trust me. THAT'S why I make her do it over and over and over again. LOL You know the one where he's like, "You see this smile? This is a LIE! She gon' be baaad girl…" LOL I die out laughing everytime she does it. She knows it's funny too, so that's why it takes her TWO HOURS to get through it, 'cause she'll fall out laughing in the beginning and have to do it all over again.

P.S.: Even though I forgive Cassie for the whole ticket-fiasco, I don't forgive her for her broken promises. In other words, where is the tape that you've been promising me for the past six months, hmm? Yeah, I thought so. Spend more time in church so you can stop all the lies. LOL

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