No Strings…And Not A Lot Of Good Performing, Either


Okay, I'm sure that I along with every other female in America saw this performance on HBO. Hell, even two of my guy friends said they saw it, and they don't even like 'NSync. Now, it's true that one of them was sick and under the influence of NyQuil and the other one is certifiably insane, but they still said that they were really getting into it. Me? Well, I'll say this: Atleast it didn't flat out SUCK. But it does make me glad that I didn't pay any money to see it. I wasn't upset, but let's just say I wasn't too impressed either. My lil' cousin Ramone was watching this with me, so I'm gonna insert a few things he was saying throughout the concert. **By the way… he's a fan now. He'll never admit it, though.

Alright, the five minute interview they did before the show came on was amusing. LOL Justin's like, "This isn't 'Sex and the City'! I'm not Samantha!" Me and Ramone were sittin' there like Beavis and Butt-head. I was like, "Huh-huh-huh-huh… he said 'sex'…" and Ramone's like, "Heh-heh-heh-heh… his name's Samantha." We're dumb, we know.

My mouth dropped a mile when I saw all the guy fans stating what their favorite songs were. One guy's like, "Digital Get Down" and Ramone was like, "What?! Why?" Then another was like, "No Strings Attached". I was like, "Figures."

Chris: "There are signs on the bus stop. That means you made it." Yeah, if you're riding the bus, you made it to your destination.

Joey was like, "Only a couple million people will be watching this at home, so if you see a couple of wet spots, we're nervous. Just ignore it." Chris goes, "We told ya about the chronic bed wetting." LOL

I knew someone was gonna tell that damn story about the whole, "Rehearsing in a 110 degree warehouse." Who cares? I damn sure don't. Just get your tight ass on that stage and dance, damn you! LMAO

The reporter's like, "What's your favorite part of the show?" Justin immediately goes to answer, and guess what? Lance blatantly cuts him off. Yeah, Lance! Keep that sucker quiet! LOL JC's like, "I like when we blow stuff up at the end", and Chris says in this… I dunno, high-ass, Indian 7-11 cashier's voice, "We blow it up. We blow stuff up." LOL Ya gotta hear it.

The choreographer was amazed that they learned "It's Gonna Be Me" in a day… why? Ramone learned it in an hour. Gimme a break.

Justin was barely able to speak in the interview 'cause Lance and Chris DOMINATED (YEAH!), but when he did the, "A mom gave me the money shot" look, I was dying laughing. This kid is getting seriously cute to me for some reason.

I'm thankful that JC didn't tell the story of the girl who snuck through security to meet them again when the lady asked, "What was the wildest thing a fan has done to meet you?" JC's like, "If you can name it, it's been done." No, it's hasn't, 'cause y'all haven't given me a reason to be all wild to meet you. I was thinkin' along the lines of some old "Mission: Impossible"/Beverly Hills Cop type thing. You know, going down the side of the hotel, kickin' in the windows of they're hotel room. When I told this to Ramone, he started to laugh and rapped, "Kick in the door wavin' the 4-4 (which is a gun to all you un-hip people)… 'NSync was screamin', 'Tammy don't hit me no more!'." LOL I thought it was cute. By the way, that was from an old Notorious BIG (R.I.P.) song.

Justin was so happy to finally be able to talk in the damn interview that he gave one of the dumbest answers he's ever given when the lady was like, "Is this the best it can be?" Justin stole Lance's answer: "It's incredible." **said in a doofy-sounding voice** Uh-oh, Spesghetti-O's! LOL

**Note: I'm watching this for the second time as I type this. Ramone is sitting like, a foot away from me.**

During the contest where they had to pick girls to dance on stage with 'NSync was bullshit, pardon my French. I knew they'd pick the sluttiest lookin' girls. The dance contest sucked, as usual. I was like, "NONE of these girls have an ounce of rhythm. It's sad."

When the girls sang "It's Gonna Be Me", Ramone just started clutching his stomach in agony. His quote: "With the way y'all are singin', it won't be y'all. It'll probably be me."

I liked the opening. It's my favorite part. LOL I keep rewinding it over and over. Ramone is wondering if I've lost my mind. I love when they're in the air and the little "Annie"-soundin' version of "No Strings Attached" is playing. I've always loved those "Annie" remakes. LOL I'm singin' it right now. "I got no strings to hold me down…" And as for the puppet dance during what I guess was the "breakdown" of the "Annie" song…LOL Screw you guys, I loved it. Thought it was awesome. Except… Lance looked weird, JC looked like he was break dancing, and Justin looked the best… as usual. LMAO

They do "No Strings Attached" and I'm pleasantly surprised that you can hear Lance really well. Now, my only beef with this song was the choreography. In one word, it SUCKED. Me and Ramone, just to spite them, stopped the tape and spent the next hour making up a newer and BETTER dance routine. Ramone says he and his friends are gonna do it in their talent show. **Note: They really should have turned up everyone's mike rather than just the people who were singing lead (ahem, Justin and JC's), 'cause when it came time to dance, there we NO background vocals, and poor JC had to sing to make sure the song was even heard. And he sounded seriously out of breath… and kinda flat, but not on this song. That comes later.

And of course, just as we're all psyched up after "NSA", guess what we're hit with? "I Want You Back"… well, shut my mouth wide open! I mean, I thought it was cool to give us a lil' bit of the old school 'NSync sound, but really. I wanted to see the "No Strings Attached" tour, not the "No Strings Attached So There Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" tour. Atleast Justin didn't do the "Y'all ready to sing… Louder!" dialogue. But I just gritted my teeth and watched as Ramone assisted 'NSync by executing all the dance moves right along with them. Cute kid. He made the dance more bearable 'cause he added a comedic flair to it. He kept pelvic thrusting the TV.

So when I'm sure that all the old school shit is out of the way, guess what they have the gall, the audacity, the fuckin' nerve to hit me with? "God Must Have Spent (A Little More Time On You)". I hate having to type that. But you know, before they sang it, atleast they gave me a lil' taste of my Lancey-poo. And why does Justin always want people to sing for him? I'm like, "You sing. You're the one gettin' paid for this, bitch!" The pedestal thing was a nice change from the normal routine, but is it just me or did those things look might-y unsturdy? They were wobbling all over the place. I betcha Chris was about to piss on himself. That would have been amusing to see. Hahahaha… Atleast JC's hyper ass didn't fall off.

And just when I thought I couldn't take another old song, or anymore wackness, who do I see but Ananda Lewis' dumb ass. Hey Ananda, feel free to go back to "Teen Summit", where I won't have to see you anymore. Seriously, I'd like her if she didn't act so dumb all the time. So anyways, like I was saying, just as I was recovering from my Ananda-sighting, guess what happens? They sing "Tearin' Up My Heart"… I'm VERY glad I didn't pay to see this show 'cause I'd have been pissed. I really would have liked to hear them sing "Three Blind Mice"… so Chris could have gotten another solo. "Yankee Doodle Dandy" would have been good for a Lance solo. Who wants to see "TUMH" again? Not me. "When I say 'N', you say 'Sync'." Humph. When I say 'This', you say 'SUCKS'!"

Ramone: "Okay, hows about we sing, "Here We Go" so we can see JC jump off of a pillar again?"

Okay, here is me and Ramone's favorite part… not 'cause of the talent or anything, but because of the sheer cornyness and all around WACKNESS of it. How can I put it? Um, I'm just gonna be a bit sarcastic here. I just loved the "Human Beatbox Machine"… it didn't make me roll my eyes in annoyance and it certainly didn't make me want to vomit all over the room. I died laughing on this part. I mean, he was kinda good, but… I dunno, he wasn't great or anything. Ramone put his butt to the TV and started making all these fart sounds to the beat. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. "All mah people ova haaaiiiirrrr!" No, Justin… just stop, dammit. I'm assuming he was saying, "All my people over here", with that southern, Britney Spears drawl. LOL When the whole "Mission: Impossible"/"Spy Groove" or whatever music came on, I liked watching him rock his hips… and that's about it. Had I been in the audience, I'd have thrown my Timberland boot right at Timberlake's head. Hey, that sounded kinda cool. Timberland… Timberlake. LOL I'm stupid. Here's my all-around favorite part, though. The part where I know that when I meet him again, I'm gonna FRY dat ass. The drummer was tryin' to challenge him or somethin', and I was just like, "Whatever." Justin's bein' all gay like, "Are you calling me out? In front of all these people? In front of HBO? Now I got ta cut ya." Excuse me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep in mind that he didn't say, "Gotta", he said, "Got ta"… that's what makes it so funny. Pardon me as I try not to choke off of my own spit, vomit, and laughter… By the way, the drummer won. I don't care what the audience says. I liked Justin's little "Ode to Michael Jackson", though. I also liked how he was able to make his voice sound kinda digital as he sang, "Off the Richter scale". See? I don't hate him, I just make fun of him the most. I swear on all things holy, my new phrase is gonna be, "Now I got ta cut ya."

Thank God they cut to "It's Gonna Be Me" after that. Ramone was like, "Whew! Thank the Lord! I thought it would never end! What could possibly beat the human beatbox routine?" LOL He was being sarcastic, obviously, but he got his answer a micro-second later. When JC ran out and jumped high into the air off of the stairs, Ramone threw his fist in the air and cheered loudly, "MY boy! That's how you rock the casbah!" LMAO That whole "raise the roof" bullshit was just that… bullshit. But because nothing could top Justin's beatbox cornyness, I'll let that slide. By the way, did y'all see how Lance was tryin' to hop around and pimp all thug-like? Very amusing, but it still doesn't top the "Human Beatbox". "IGBM" was as good as I though it would be. I was very impressed and proud… but maybe 'cause I was so glad to be away from the "Human Beatbox". Lemme stop… his beatboxing wasn't that bad. I loved the piano playing during "IGBM". So yeah, this performance was pretty good. **Note: Isn't it sad that my little cousin' had to teach me how to do the dance?

Next up was another trip down memory lane. As if some couch scene was gonna take my mind off of the fact that I was being exposed to "I Drive Myself Crazy". Psh… Chris was stuttering. The remix was alright, but I wanted to hear "That's When I'll Stop Loving You". **Note: I don't care what Cassie says, I don’t think Chris can sing well when he's solo, so step to that. Even while lounged on a couch, JC looked like he was seriously going into a seizure during his solo. The orchestra never stops, huh JC? LOL

The whole sermon Justin gave was boring. I don't care that they were number one on the Hot 100. I liked how they busted into "I Thought She Knew", though. Ya hear how everyone screamed when Joey did his solo? To quote JC, "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" Hahaha… I still think he sings a bit better than Justin, so screw everyone out there. Joey's voice seems more pure, whereas Justin does all those voice inflections that show he can sing.

Them lounging in the fun room was funny. JC was checkin' the mirror to make sure he was "lookin' fly". LOL The look Justin and Chris gave the camera when the guy was juggling was cute. I died out laughing when JC said to the chess playin' monkey, "You just mad 'cause ya lost". Ramone laughed when JC hit the pool cue one time, then threw down the stick like he was all mad, sayin', "C'mon, let's go." Then they sat down to watch TV and things got really interesting then. When the robotic thing came up, Chris was like, "What the heck are you?" He started reading his magazine and was kinda sayin' to himself, "It looks a lil' like Lance… got his hair." LOL They're like, "That ain't Lance", and he's like, "You're not Lance?" Lord, help them. Will no one save the children?

Ahh… the contest. The girls who go on stage to dance with 'NSync. Humph. In other words, if you're wearin' somethin' slutty, you get onstage. They all went so hysterical. Most of them didn't even touch 'NSync. Then, when Lance comes out and says that the best dancer gets $1,000, I was like, "It's gonna be me", but then I forgot that I wasn't there. Poo. But anyways, when Lance ran back to his dressing room or something, trust I woulda ran right after him. Hehehehe… I don't see nuthin' wrong… with a lil' bump and grind. LMAO They don't know how to take advantage of situations like I do. I'd have ran forward and kissed him right on the lips while he was talking. Ya think I'm Not me. Word.

"Just Got Paid"… I don't think I like this song yet. I liked when they performed it though. It was pretty good, ya know. Hahaha… when Justin was lookin' in the mirror to see if he looked "fly", he pretended to comb his hair. I was like, "Naw, Cricket! You know you gotta pick that mess out! Where's your afro pick?" The rap wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Atleast it didn't suck. That seems to be my favorite saying these days. And yes, when the doors opened, Ramone and I were in for a big shock. Every single female up there was off-beat, yet they were on-beat with each other. I never thought I'd see anything like it. I mean, they were all doing the exact same "shake your booty and toss your hair" off beat dance move. Lord, will no one save the children? I gotta give that one white girl props, though. You know, the one who put her arm around JC and started freakin' him when he stood in front of her. Now that's somethin' I would do! Haha! She's officially a "Cool White Girl"… and it ain't easy to get that title from me. I mean, c'mon! Joey was right there next to one girl dancing and she just stood there. LOL Had that been me, I'd have started backin' my thang up ghetto-style. 'Cause I can wobble-wobble, shake it-shake it, drop it-drop it, and take it-take it. They'd have seen some seriously good dance moves up there from me, including "the Wop", "the Cabbage Patch", and "the Roger Rabbit"… LOL 'NSync's booty shakin' could use some fine tuning. JC… what can I say about you? The way you were bouncing all over the place, there's no way I'd tell you where the party is. I'd tell you where the mental hospital is.

"Space Cowboy" wasn't as amusing as it was on MTV. They didn't get a good shot of JC humping the air and then licking his finger. But the slow thrusts were wonderful. Just what I needed. Will someone please save the children? LOL Okay, dammit, I'm tired of them teasing me. YES, I want to ride. YES, I want to take a ride with a cowboy. Now can I finally ride it, dammit?

"It Makes Me Ill" doesn't make me ill anymore. In other words, I like this song now, don't ask me why. I warned you guys that I probably would. The choreography sucked on this song, too. You could hear Chris a lot… bad move. You also heard Lance a lot… another bad move. Also, another play on words. Lancelot. Cool. Anyways, JC can't sing and dance at the same time, which is why the background mics needed to be turned up so the other three could harmonize and JC wouldn't sound like he was about to faint. Because of that, their vocals sounded bad, and we ALL know that 'NSync can sing like nobody's business when they are in live concerts. Joey was cute when he screamed, "Clear!" I laughed when they all died, but only 'cause it once again showcased how horrible they are at acting.

JC and his "I want to be closer" shtick was like, not whoa. LOL Poor JC… he was panting all through his speech. I would have happily given him some mouth-to-mouth. Question: Why does Justin have to be a hard-headed, rebellious, little bad ass when JC commands for them to move their asses closer to the edge of the stage like good little bitches? Chris led the charge and he's like, "He wants to move closer! Follow me!" LOL It was cute when Chris was about to jump off of the stage to get closer. Lance: "What'd you do to the stage?" JC: "I broke it!" Better that than an expensive ass Ferrari, huh? "This I Promise You" was good. They sounded wonderful when they did it. Way better than they did on MTV. I told you that those MTV bastards sabotage their mics every chance that they get. One more question: Where were the cameras? In case you don't understand what I'm talking about, during the song, they gave us a view through the "Justin Cam", the "Joey Cam", and the "JC Cam" (why there was no Chris or Lance Cam is beyond me). Where were the cameras? Only someone as perverted as me can imagine where they stashed 'em. Crotch shot! Will no one think of the children?

"Digital Get Down" was good, but it wasn't great. I didn't see when they humped the stage 'cause they showed a floor view of JC kissing or licking or whatever little perverted molester thing he was doing to the floor. Now, here's another question: Why did Justin do the "Baby, baby we can do all that we want?" speech? That had Joey written all over it. The choreography sucked on this one, and yes, I've already created a new dance for it. Most of it involves me humping them. LOL Just serious… I mean, kidding.

And finally, finally we have "Bye Bye Bye". You know what would have been cool? If they weren't wearing anything under those brown robes. Aww, yeah. Tammy would have been a happy girl. **Note: I seriously hope that "Space Cowboy" won't be their next single. They should do "It Makes Me Ill" or "This I Promise You". Justin and that do-rag… I don't know what to do with him, y'all. Someone, anyoneplease think of the children! LOL

So overall, this show didn't suck and for that I am happy. It wasn't as spectacular as they made it seem though, so for that I am unhappy. Will I be buying tickets for the second leg of the tour? Nope. Why? 'Cause I don't think I wanna see them in concert this time around. I will, however, sneak into one of their hotel rooms in the middle of the night and molest them like a nasty molester pig. LMAO That's my word, y'all. See ya in Hollywood! Bye bye bye! LOL Oh, God, that sucked.






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