'NSync Live: Bring It All To Me!!


Right off the bat, this gets five stars. It was sooo hilarious that I don't even know where to start. I guess their outfits are always a good starting point, even though I don't really care what they have on. So I'll just sum it up like this:

  1. Joey didn't match. Oh well.
  2. Justin had on an AC DC t-shirt, but as long as he didn't have on that same freakin' jean jacket he always wears, anything else is a treat.
  3. Chris looked pretty good… like a college boy.
  4. Lance and JC were alright. I was such a perv during this entire performance 'cause I was staring between JC's legs… can you blame me? His legs were open so wide!

On to the other stuff… I'm tired of hearing "This I Promise You"… period. I didn't know that guitarist in the back was Ruben, though. He cut off his long Jheri curl locks, I see.

The fans that sent in videos… WOW. My cousin Ramone summed it up in one word: DORKS. Sorry, but we call it like we see it. Those five girls that said, "Hi! We're 'NSync!" were scary and dumb. My reply to them? "No you're not!" LOL The girl who got in the sink? No way. Then there was a girl who started crying before she even finished her sentence! That was kinda sweet, though. The girl who died her hair for Joey was weird. My cousin Ramone died out laughing at the girl who was like, "Justin has never been in love, but that will all change when he meets me…", 'cause after that, they showed the clip of Justin in "Bye Bye Bye" when he does that laugh. Ramone: "He was laughin' at her…" The girl with the Joey poster on her face was just retarded. **One final note: None of those girls could dance! My lil' cousins do the dance better than that and they've only seen it three times, as opposed to the fans' assumed, I don't know… THREE THOUSAND? I liked the naked boys, though. They were funny and represented, ya know?

Chris: "Those guys were naked!"

Hey Justin? Shut up, much? You talked entirely too much during this special. I need a graphing calculator to count how many times Justin interrupted somebody.

The number 10 video: "Thriller" Justin is what? A year older than me? Guess how old I was? Two! Making him three… at three, he was in the mirror practicing all the dance moves. I'm kidding. I'm assuming he did like me and had a copy of the video and practiced it when he got older, 'cause at two and three, I don't think we knew who Michael Jackson was… we only knew about Sesame Street.

Justin had a Michael Jackson afro wig… he has a real one now! Notice how Justin tried to sound all intelligent? "That revolutionized music videos…" Okay, Justin.

I believe Joey knew all the moves. I can see, I really can.

Video #9: "No Scrubs" Dave: "What was it that made you put this video at number 9?" Joey: The lights they just showed on her… her clothes." Joey, you know you wanted to say "breasts". To thine own self be true, baby.

Justin with the big words again: "This video is really futuristic."

*Justin is talking AGAIN.* As usual. God, I really wish he'd be quiet and let JC talk. He's cut off JC like almost five times, so far.

JC was lying when he was talking about Wild Orchid. "They're old friends…" Riiiiight.

JC got clowned when he revealed that he sang on the Wild Orchid demo, "I want you, boy"… Awww.

Lance looked really sexy… so molestable.

**Justin is talking AGAIN!!!** Shut up!

Number 8: Rob Thomas and Santana. Only 'cause he won so many Grammy's…

I'm glad they showed the MMC clip of JC and Justin… JC is so funny in that. He's like, laughing and saying, "Yeah, that gorilla's real!"

The return of No Refund… HIGH-larious.

The fans really DID know all the words… scary.

Justin looked and sounded gay when he did "Model Behavior".

I died laughing when I saw the guys going "Kiss her! Kiss her!" during the 7th Heaven clip, and then when he kissed her, they just cheered and started wilin' out. Lance is so cute! Then they started clownin' him on the whole arm thing. Joey: "You don't mind if I make out with you?" LOL JC was like, "Man, that was so like the movies…" then he pretends to yawn and put his arm around Lance. LMAO Oh man… Chris: "He learned that in Mississippi!"

Number 7: Beastie Boys… figures. Chris was "DOPE-ily fresh".

That first girl that called in asked a million questions… somethin' I woulda did! Yeah!

Justin interrupted Lance… To all you Justin lovers… I wanna hit him with a tack hammer right about now.

Chris was amused by the word "NSYNCer"… Plus he loves Gwen Stefani. You do NOT compare, Cassie! LOL

Joey got Justin really good… "This video reminds me of our photo shoots… how they always want Justin in the front." Amen… I wanna see some Lance!

Justin's talking again… **sigh**

Video #5: Busta Rhymes. They give Busta's outfits a back handed compliment. "His outfits are… interesting." I KNOW they aren't talking about clothes… don't make me clown y'all some more.

FuManSkeeto… Fu Man Chu + a Mosquito…so that's where the name comes from.

The clothes… Dave got his clown on! Yeah baby, yeah!

Dave: (in response to Chris chillin' on the couch in "TUMH") "Pimpin' ain't easy!" Hahaha…

Lance: "I look like that guy from 2gether." No… not Chad! Never Chad!

Chris: "It's the headband thing… it's the phase of my life where I thought I was cool." I couldn't have said it better if I tried. But I always thought Chris was hot, so oh well.

Dave joked the pirate earring on Justin… I love this guy.

On to the hair…

Ouch! Look at Joey's hair!

JC's hair wasn't that bad, but Justin's made him look kinda pale. It looked good, though.

Dave: "I just wanna say thank you for getting rid of that human pineapple look. You look great." Dude, you're a homosexual; you AND Carson, I don't care what anyone says. It's something about 'NSync that brings out the feminine side of a man.

Video #4: Themselves. Nice free plug. I liked the part where Dave cut Justin off so he could see Justin do his cute laugh. Cute…

Lance broke the car… how?

Number 3: Lauryn Hill… Seriously, I am soooo tired of Lauryn Hill. They played her out the second she won those Grammy's.

I love Chris…he's too funny. Dave says that the Fugees are goin' off doin' their own thing and he asks if they ever thought of that. Chris' reply: You mean joining the Fugees? LOL

Justin cut off JC AGAIN!!! God, just give me a sawed off shotgun right now.

The guy who asked the question about the tour represented for the guys LOVELY… He doesn't love the guys, he loves THEIR MUSIC!!!

Hearing Justin sing "Age Ain't Nuthin' But A Number" was pleasing… He didn't have to talk after that, though.

Joey and his "Waterboy" voice… funny.

Damn Lance looks good… whoo!

Number 2: "Forgot About Dre"… I'm tired of this damn song, too. Shut up, Justin.

I said, "Shut up, Justin!"

Joey was kinda dumb…don't pick and pass the paper… PICK the paper and PASS the bucket! Dumb ass.

Naked guy got picked… YAY!!!

Shut up, Justin…

Chris looked hot… boy.

Joey is funny… seriously.

Shut up, Justin.

Those questions were easy except for the one about who's afraid to fly. I guess Lance, but who knew?

When Joey's partner cut the string and Joey mannequin looked like he was feelin' himself, Joey's like, "Hold the pickle"… LOL perv.

Chris is lovin' his partner. They're a cool team.

Why did Chris hit Joey? I'm gonna havta research that a bit.

JC pronounce Jordan as "Joe-dan"… funny.

Justin is telling the story of meeting "Joe-dan"… shut up, Justin.

Damn Lance looks good.

The whole rippin' on Chris about his fear of heights was funny.

Chris: "Start the show! Start the show! Start it!" LOL

It was nice how Justin helped Chris out on the question about Howie Mandel… cute too. (See! I do like Justin… just when he's not talking.)

Justin: "Can I phone a friend?" No… you can't.

"Final Destination" was a kick-ass movie… By the way, Lance looks good.

That face Chris made when they were talking about the final quote was funny… and cute.

Dave's head is too big for a do-rag.

Joey won the game… hurray!

It was funny how they started beating down the Joey doll… Chris let his thug appeal come out.

Those fans really mutilated the Chris doll… ouch. Glad he didn't REALLY stage dive. His face was like, "Eww…" as they started to rip up the doll.

Video #1: Lenny Kravitz "Fly Away". I have always been kinda partial to "Are Ya Gonna Go My Way?", but oh well.

That's it for this review, overall, it rocked and I'm glad I recorded it.

This is Cassie and i noticed some stuff that i wanted to bring up. First off, did ANYONE notice how Joey looked a lil' bit unhappy?? Seriously, whenever the camera showed Dave you see Joey and he looks kinda unhappy. Sorry i'ma a little bit worried cuz Joey NEVER unhappy.

Second point about Joey's unhappiness was the thing about Justin being in the front of the pics...

Notice when Lance is talking about FreeLance (can the name get anymore gayer?lol) Joey goes "hey i got an act for you" then Lance says "who is it?" and Joey goes "me! are ya lookin for any solo artist?" AWWWWW... I feel so bad for Lil' HoHo:(

The only time he DID look somewhat happy was when his partner won the game and he got to present her with the poster thing, because he was in the camera by himself. Just wanted to bring that to everyone's attention.





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