'NSync As Pokemon


Well people, here it is. The infamous Pokemon thingy. First off, let me tell you how HARD it was to write this damn thing. I actually had to sit down and watch an episode of "Pokemon" to know what the hell it was all about, and it wasn't very fun. My brain actually went numb halfway through it, and the only understanding I was able to draw from it was that the weird little things could only say one word… their names. How stupid is that? Yet, how FUNNY is that when placing that same characteristic on 'NSync? LOL Not to mention the fact that the Pokemon had incredibly weird names, which I had to assign to the 'NSync boys. So anyways, here it is. Hope you enjoy it.



Justin- Afrorows

JC- Ethiohead


Lance- Prettyhorsimen

Chris- Grampanoodle

**Keep in mind that the boys can ONLY say their names…. LOL


(The 'NSync Pokemon are in a meeting with Jive Records' top executives)


Jive Executive: I'm sure you all are wondering why I called you in here. (The guys all nod) Well, I wanted to discuss a few things. For instance, what with your album going one hundred times platinum in only one year, I feel that a small reward is in order. Don't you? (The guys are stare at him without answering) Well, atleast answer me. Tell me what you think!

Lance: (shrugging) Prettyhorsimen.

Jive Executive: (nods his head in agreement) Yeah, you guys have been riding this year's hectic schedule like troopers. Or rather, like horsemen. So I've therefore decided to reward you young men with whatever you desire. You young men deserve it.

Chris: Grampanoodle.

Jive Exec: Yes Chris, I remember that you're in your thirties. I'm sorry, Grampa. Anyway, what would you men like?

Justin: (sitting up excitedly) Afrorows!

Jive Exec: I'm sorry?

Justin: Afrorows! Afrorows!

Jive Exec: (shaking his head confusedly) Is that some Jamaican dish or something? I don't know…

Joey: (rolling his eyes) Penalwartix…

Jive Exec: Well Joey, I understand about your venereal warts, but that's not something you should worry about right now. We'll get that cleared up, but what I need to know is, what you guys would like as a reward.

Joey: (looking offended) Penal! Penalwartix!

Lance: (raising his hand) Prettyhorsimen?

Jive Exec: (wrinkling his brow in disgust) I'm sorry, but did you just say you wanted horse semen? Lance…

Lance: (shaking his head forcefully) Horsimen!

Jive Exec: Okay, let’s move on. With the success of this last album…

Chris: (laughing hysterically) Grampanoodle! (All the guys immediately burst into laughter)

Jive Exec: (sighs in annoyance) Look, I don't know what you guys' deal is, but I don't appreciate you calling me old. I'm old enough to be your father, not your Grampa.

Justin: (shrugs and looks at Chris with a mischievous smile on his face) Afrorows. (The guys laugh some more)

Jive Exec: (rolling his eyes) Anyway, I think that we need to start planning on a new charity to help out.

JC: Ethiohead.

Jive Exec: Good idea, JC! We can send money to the starving kids of Ethiopia! Where do you get your ideas from, man?

JC: (grinning widely) Ethiohead.

Jive: Yeah, the Ethiopians inspire me too.

Justin: (looks at JC) Rows? Afrorows?

JC: (shakes his head at Justin) Ethiohead.

Jive Exec: (talking to Chris) I'm sorry, but I can't understand what they're saying.

Chris: (as if it's the most obvious thing in the world) Grampanoodle.

(The Jive Exec jumps to his feet, finally losing his temper)

Jive Exec: What the hell are you all talking about? Why can't you just speak English?!

Justin: Afrorows.

JC: Ethiohead.

Chris: Grampanoodle!

Lance: (nodding sympathetically) Prettyhorsimen.

Joey: Penalwartix.

Jive Exec: You guys are crazy! You're all idiots! And you guys suck, too. The Backstreet Boys are so much better than you!

('NSync jumps up angrily)

JC: Ethiohead! (jumps up on the table) Ethiohead! Ethiohead!

Joey: (flicking the Jive Exec off angrily) Penalwartix.

Chris: (laughing hysterically at all the yelling and confusion) Grampanoodle!

(Finally, the angry executive walks out of the room. The guys of 'NSync look at each other and then fall out laughing.)

Justin: Do you think we pissed him off really badly?

JC: (wiping tears from his eyes) Oh yeah. Ass kissing penal wart.

Joey: (laughing loudly) Penalwartix… Penalwartix? Where the hell did that come from?

Lance: All those one night stands you had, that's where. (The guys bust up laughing again)

JC: (as they are walking out of the office) One question, though.

Chris: What's that?

JC: How in the hell did the exec manage to transform a word as gay as "Afrorows" into a Jamaican dish?

(The guys laugh harder as the walk out into the hall)


The End… Pokemon Rules!





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