...And the Word of the Day Is...


This little article is brought to you straight from the news department at MTV.com. Thanks, guys. I laughed at this article, then HAD to comment. My comments are in the angry red and in italics.


2.22.00 16:35 EST

Backstreet Boys Address 'NSYNC's Shadows

Given the familiar ground that they have seemed to share throughout their careers, it is perhaps no surprise that rumors of negative feelings between the Backstreet Boys and 'NSYNC have dogged the Boys for some time. Umm... that's their fault. If they weren't always acting so bitchy everytime someone brought up the success of 'NSync, then maybe no one would equate them with the "rumors of negative feelings". Hell, people talk about Backstreet Boys to 'NSync and do they care? Probably, but the thing is, they don't show us that they care. They just smile and handle the situation with a little something called "tact". You hear that BSB? Tact. Say it with me now... TACT.

The Boys have long been rumored to have some negative feelings regarding the encroachment of 'NSYNC on their boy band turf, especially since both bands were created by teen pop guru Louis J. Pearlman and they briefly shared manager Johnny Wright. 'NSYNC even jumped ship to Backstreet's Jive Records in September of last year. THEIR boyband turf? Hahaha.... oh man. I am dying over here. Umm, someone should really clue MTV in that the boyband turf belongs to no one...least of all Backstreet Boys. I mean c'mon. Before them was NKOTB and New Edition, and before THEM was The Jackson 5 and the Osmands. Their turf...get the fuck outta here. As for 'NSync jumping to Jive... hey, Jive offered, 'NSync accepted. Don't blame 'NSync for that, they were just trying as hard as they could to get out of a shitty contract. Next point, please.

The Boys have remained quiet in the past about any conflict, even during 'NSYNC's recent legal woes with Lou Pearlman (who Backstreet waged their own legal clash with in 1998). However, the Boys addressed the issue with MTV News' John Norris last week and talked about the 'NSYNC shadow that always seems to fall across their own limelight. Here we goooo.... time to pull out the air freshener, 'cause I can smell the bullshit already.

"It's more frustrating on the creative side, like, who you choose to write music with, who you choose to work with and produce your record, who you choose to direct your videos," Backstreet's Kevin Richardson told Norris. "I mean, it's like, 'Find your own identity.'" Who you choose to work with? Write with? Hel-lo? What's the big freakin' deal? Who says you can't use some of the same writers sometimes? Who says you can't use some of the same producers, directors, etc? Umm... if it's that big of a deal, why don't you give some of these novice, upcoming producers and whatnot a chance with your precious selfs and stop trying to deal with the more popular ones? As for finding their own identity, I do believe 'NSync has already done that. Man, I would give my right butt cheek to have one of the BackStreet Bitches read this and e-mail me with a reply. I'd verbally smash them and then make a million bucks writing screenplays just so I can refuse to put them in one of my movies. Ass rammers. And another thing, as for the whole identity thing, remember the movie "2gether"? What were the five characters one had to have in the group? The dewy eyed youth, the reassuring older brother, the heart throb, the bad boy, and the shy one... not to mention the two related ones. Who fits that description more? 'NSync or BSB? If you said BSB then you obviously have an IQ well above average. Let's see: first we have Nick, "the dewy eyed youth", then Brian "the heart throb", AJ "the bad boy", Howie "the shy one", and Kevin "the reassuring older brother". Not to mention Brian and Kevin "the two related ones". Gimme a break. "Finding your own identity", Kevin? 'NSync has an identity, and it ain't y'all's, brother. First off, 'NSync doesn't even fit into that "boy band equation". Justin is technically "the dewy eyed youth", but that can be confused with Lance, who could also be "the shy one". Not to mention the fact that 'NSync doesn't even have a "bad boy" technically. Who would it be? Chris? Umm, "crazy" and "bad" aren't the same thing. Joey? Nope, 'cause he's one of the nicest people you'll ever run across. JC? Don't think so. As for the reassuring older brother, that's traditionally the oldest member. Chris? I don't quite think he fits into that category. It could be JC, but he's a bit too high strung for that, don'tcha think? Okay, this is long enough, so I'm done...for now.

"If we talk about things and communicate ideas we want to do, we turn on the TV and it would be done, because of the fact that at that moment in time of our careers, we were being represented by the same people," Backstreet's Brian Littrell added. "We remember, at the Billboard Awards in Vegas, that time when Garth [Brooks] flew out and we turned and we said, 'We want to do that,' and then somebody else is doing it." Let me ask one question: When were the Billboards in Vegas? I think they were in January. Am I right? Even if I'm wrong, I still know one thing: 'NSYNC WAS DOING THE FLYING ROUTINE BEFORE GARTH BROOKS DID IT! Come on, Backstreet Boys! I understand that you prance around with your heads up your asses every now and then, but I KNOW you saw the Blockbuster Awards last, what? JUNE?! That was when 'NSync teamed up with Christopher Cross to sing "Sailing" and the flying routine was born. You mean to tell me that eight months AFTER 'NSync unveiled this routine, y'all are just now seeing it? **Sigh** No one's copying y'all, you guys are just late and uninformed. And even if the Billboards in Vegas were before the Blockbuster Awards, why did they wait so long to implement this idea? What, people are supposed to read their minds and know that "Oh gosh! The BackStreet Boys wanna do a flying routine! Let's not do it just so we can please them!" You better strike while the iron is hot, 'cause time waits for no man or boy... not even a BackStreet Boy.

"We just... we try hard to be different," Backstreet's Nick Carter said. "We try to have a straight path. Then we see something happening, then we try to go the other way, then all of a sudden somebody starts following us, you know what I'm saying?" In a world like ours, and a time like ours, it's pretty hard to be different. You just have to understand that there are gonna be SOME overlaps in ideas and characteristics. Even the kids that try to be different with the colored/spiked hair, tattoos, and numerous piercings are just like somebody. Individuality comes from within, Nick, not without. As for them going on a different track trying to be different, is he referring to 'NSync jumping to Jive? 'Cause other than that, 'NSync isn't anything like BSB, and they definitely don't try to copy them. If they did... nevermind, I won't EVEN go there. Like I said before, Jive offered, 'NSync accepted. If it had been Arista or anybody else that offered, 'NSync probably would have gone to them, too. It was all about getting out of a crappy record deal, and I don't blame 'em. They took advantage of a good situation. TLC did something similar. They had to file bankruptcy, but at the same time saw that as the window of opportunity to get out of an unpleasant record deal with Pebbitone, Inc. So BSB, settle that with Jive, not 'NSync.

While the topic is a bit of a sore subject, the Boys say they try not to dwell on it. "What we want to do is not look at other people," Richardson said. "We want to look forward and onward towards what we want to do, and that's what we've been doing in the past, and we're not worried about anybody else and what they're doing. We're focusing on us." Here's a suggestion: Try looking at 'NSync and learn how to fucking harmonize before you decide to sing a Temptations song or a Boys II Men song and fuck up all my memories by not sounding just as good or better.

For now, that focus falls on the Boys' current U.S. tour as well as Wednesday night's Grammy Awards, where the group is up for five Grammy awards, including Album Of The Year, for "Millennium." Hmmm... how many did they take home anyway? Oh wait, I forgot, "It's an honor just to be nominated." Oh yeah, I'm definitely a bitch.

MTV News will be on hand at the 42nd Annual Grammy Awards on February 23 providing complete coverage. The action starts on-air next Wednesday at 7 p.m. with MTV News' "Backstage At The Grammys" and continues throughout the night online, where we will be providing coverage and giving you the chance to share your thoughts on the proceedings as well. **Sarcastically** Oh goody.

On Wednesday, MTV News will also roll out much more from our interview with the Boys during our Grammy pre-show as well as right here at MTV News Online. **Sarcastically** Once again, "Oh goody."

Kara Manning


By the way, did any of y'all catch "Rosie" the day after the Grammy's? Of course you did. Didja see how Kevin from BackStreet Boys dissed 'NSync and 'NSync was just majorly cool about it? Let that have been me. I'd have verbally punished their asses on national television. But of course, the boys of 'NSync are bigger people than me, 'cause all they did was laugh about it. They're able to let shit like that slide. Me? Kevin woulda got FRIED. I'da joked all hell from his Unibrow havin' ass. Can I get an "Amen?" Sho' ya right, playa.

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