An Ode To Ramone, Mi Tió…


Boy do I love my cousin Ramone. He's so funny and cool. Fourteen years old and likes 'NSync, need I say more? Well, let me back that up. He doesn't really LIKE them, he just likes to watch them perform because as he states, "The fun never stops with 'NSync…"

I realized how much I enjoyed watching 'NSync appearances with Ramone the day the "Snowed In" special was on MTV for the first time. We had missed most of the 'NSync appearances, but we were able to catch the "Celebrity Dream Date" thingy. Ramone looked at JC, who was jumping all around like he was having some kind of epileptic seizure, and calmly remarked with a smirk, "He really IS a crackhead."

Ironically, JC is Ramone's favorite because according to him, "JC never stops with the comic relief." We had watched the "Pay Per View" special one time, and that was when Ramone's (and all my cousins) nickname for JC was created. Ramone saw JC jump off that HUGE staircase for like, the third time and asked, "Tammy, what does JC stand for? Junkie Crackhead?" Hahahaha…

Here's a short list of things that you might hear come flying out of Ramone's mouth as he watches an 'NSync performance with me:


"Ummm, why is he jumping so high in the air?"

"These are your dance moves… these are your dance moves on crack. Any questions?"

"Hey Tammy, remember when Junkie Crackhead was tap dancing off of the Jackson 5? What exactly WAS the point of that?"

"Justin is always copying JC… you see how he was tap dancing at the Billboards? I don't remember hearing the Jackson 5 in the background…"

(Laughing hysterically) "Why is Chris looking at that girl like he doesn’t know what species she is? That kid has issues…"

"Okay… Joey's backin' that thang up… time for me to go hang myself."

"Don't wanna be a fool for you… Just another player in your game for two…" (Realizes that he's singing an 'NSync song and runs screaming out of the room.)

"Hey Brittany (his sister), mom said Justin looks waaaay better than Chris (her fave)…" and then he laughs as she starts to cry and lecture him on why Chris is the best.

"Hmmm… a white boy with a fro… guess it's time for me to get my hair straightened."

"Wow! Justin has more pelvic thrusts than Jodeci!" (He said that one for me, 'cause Jodeci's my favorite group in the whole wide world.)

"If my girlfriend leaves me for one of these guys, I'm definitely starting a singing group."


Now you see why I love the kid, and you should too! Cassie loves him, and she's never even met him. So that's that.



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