The Final Rant
Once I leave this site, I'm gonna only have my other two sites to work on, and there I won't be able to really express my frustrations and things. I'm doing it here because a lot of my rants have to do with 'NSync webmasters. So I'll start. I won't name any names, but I'm sure y'all will know who I'm talking about.
Rant Number One: Phony Ass Fan Fiction Writers
Most fan fiction I've read, be it slash or porn or just the all around "girl meets 'NSync guy and falls in love" story, is good. A lot of 'em are great, and I don't have a problem with the stories. My problem is with the webmasters and their denial of how much they REALLY like 'NSync. I mean, it's one thing to write ONE story about them as a little experiment to yourself to see how talented you are as a writer, but it's a whole 'nother thing to dedicate three and four sites to them. I mean, there's nothing wrong with having a fan fic site, but when I go to read your little "About the Webmaster" or whatever, it doesn't make any sense for you to state and RESTATE adamantly that "No, I am not a fan of 'NSync. I usually listen to Nirvana and Korn and Fiona Apple." Um… okay, whatever. Then why the hell do you have TWO 'NSync sites dedicated to fan fiction? I mean, geez, have you nothing BETTER to write about? I'm like this: If you like 'NSync, then damn, you just like them. Don't be ashamed. Don't try to fake a lack of interest in them, 'cause you have to like someone somewhat to dedicate an ENTIRE site to them. One story is one thing, but a whole site? No. Don't think so. I mean, I hate Destiny's Child, and if I wrote a story where I killed them off one by one, you couldn’t really fault me, but if I dedicated a WHOLE site to them? You'd start to wonder how much I supposedly "hate" those girls, wouldn't you? I'm sorry, but you have to like someone to a certain degree and be a fan somewhat in order to sit and right multiple stories about them. I mean, I like Britney Spears, but I'm not really a fan. Therefore, I would NEVER dedicate an entire site to writing stories about her unless I was really a fan. So to all you webmasters out there who go, "Oh, I kinda like 'NSync but I'm not really a fan"… Please, you're not fooling anyone but yourself.
Rant Number Two: Condescension
To condescend someone or to be condescending means to look down on someone. To elevate yourself above someone else or basically lower them in comparison to you. It sucks. A lot of these websites that are run by these college girls do that, especially the fan fictions. I mean, it's just flat out annoying. They have this air of superiority that they speak with on their sites or when you e-mail them telling them that you liked their stories, and ya know what? They AREN'T superior. I hate how they act like they're doing you a fucking favor by talking to you when it's YOU going out of YOUR way to give them feedback. They're all like, "Okay, I get a lot of e-mails and IMs so don't get mad if I ignore you." Whaaaat?! What kind of bullshit is that? I mean, I get like, 50 e-mails a day but I STILL answer all of them! And I still talk to anyone on an IM. Another thing I hate (and I comment on this at my new site "Devil's Muse") is how they'll go, "Okay, I'm gonna be hosting stories, but if your story sucks, I'm sending it back to you." What kind of crap is that to say to someone? I mean, just 'cause you're a better writer (in YOUR opinion) doesn't mean that you have the right to put someone else down who may not be at your level yet. I mean, on my new site when I host stories, if the story isn't that good, I'm not just gonna send it back saying, "This sucks. Work on it more and maybe I'll put it up." No. I mean, I feel as if I'm a good writer, and as a good writer it's kind of my duty to help other up and coming writers, not make them feel bad and dash their confidence. Shit, it's already hard enough to submit your stuff to someone and have them critique it, but to just SLAM it because it boosts your ego? That's shitty. So what I do on my new site "Devil's Muse" is work with writers and help them to perfect their craft and make the story the best it can be, not just reject it.
Rant Number Three: Cliques
God, I thought that shit ended in high school! Obviously, I was wrong. I mean, I understand the greatness of web rings and links pages, but sometimes the shit goes waaay too far. I thought the Internet was a place where you get to meet new people and share ideas and things. But seriously, people act like the only people they can be friends with are their sister site buddies or the same people they always chat with and IM and give shout outs to on their sites. It's to the point that if an "outsider" tried to IM them to tell them how well their stories and site is, then they pretty much get snubbed. And yeah, I've been on the "snubbed" end, in case any of y'all are wondering. That's one of the reasons why I'm so nice and make friends with EVERYBODY who IMs me. Because it sucks to know that someone doesn't wanna talk to you because they don't know you. I mean, that's the whole point of an IM. To invite someone to talk to you and possibly get to know you. I mean, why put your screen name and IM name on your site if you're not gonna talk to the people who IM you? Dork. But anyways, I'm gonna just say that you can tell where the cliques are. They do nothing but rave ceaselessly about each other's stories and sites, but if you want the truth, all their writing styles are the same.
Rant Number Four: Artsy, Fartsy, Jack Kerouac Attempts At Writing
There's nothing wrong with putting a little spin on a story, especially an 'NSync story, 'cause quite frankly, the whole idea of reading nothing but stories about 'NSync can get MIGHTY boring. But some of the stuff out there is just plain WACK. I mean, let's not forget what 'NSync is comprised of: five corny ass white boys from Orlando. So all the rambling in a story, the long-winded narrative, the deep, soul wrenching angst… not to mention ending the story with a very vague, ambiguous sentence like, "I didn't know what love was", is just trite… and dumb… and leaves readers feeling unfulfilled. So this whole soul-searching journey that 'NSync may take once they realize that one of the bandmates tried to commit suicide just comes off sounding dumb. I mean, damn, just write! Don't babble. Don't ramble. Don't take fucking forever to get to a point! Ya know what it reminds me of? Kaia from "The Real World: Hawaii". God, I hated her. I mean, why must you be so long fucking winded when you're making a point? Make the point, back it up with solid evidence, and then throw in your trademark writing style for flavoring. That's how you fucking write. Shit, leave the ramblings to Steven King.
Rant Number Five: Copy Cats
Oh yeah. You knew I would have to address this sooner or later. I am SOO tired of motherfuckers copying! That is so annoying! I mean, I know my shit kicks ass, I don't need you to steal my idea word for word to be reminded of it. And what makes me mad is that people will do that shit on the sneak tip like you don't notice it. I mean, damn, if you got inspiration from someone else or the seed was planted after reading something of someone else', or if they just flat out HELPED YOU WITH IT, then by all means, feel free to give them their props! Don't just pretend like it never happened. Assholes. I put up with a lot of that shit while I was here at "Crunk Baby Crunk", but lemme tell ya now: When I go to "Devil's Muse", there won't be ANY of that. I won't tolerate it, period… and a computer virus will be sent to your ass.
Those are my rants. My final ones, anyway. I'll still be a-rantin' and a-ravin' over at my second site, which is called "My Memory Page" and features pictures of me and my friends and a lil' diary I have. I'm glad that this is over 'cause I was really getting mad and I hate being mad. See ya!