God Bless Choreographers


**Sigh** I'm sooo happy to be an 'NSync fan… on the other hand, I am absolutely LIVID (in other words… MAD) that I will not be going to the concert. I have nothing that even resembles a ticket, and I refuse to pay the $200 that Cassie tried to charge me for her extras… but that's a whole 'nother story I won't go into. Fuck it, yeah I will, 'cause Cassie's evil. LOL Just kidding.

The Story

Okay, Cassie has two fourth row tickets to the Hershey, PA tour. That lucky dog. I say lucky because of the story I'm about to tell you. In a nutshell, she went to ticketmaster.com (using her mother's credit card, at that… my mom would NEVER let me loose with her card) and bought two eighth row tickets. Then, she saw some fourth rows that were available (I reiterate, "That lucky dog") and bought those, too. Now, here was my predicament. My mom and dad REFUSED to buy me tickets (even though that was ALL I wanted for my eighteenth birthday), so I had to buy them myself. Unfortunately, the tickets went on sale on a day that I had NO money, so I was out of luck. And due to me already having been to a concert where I was front row, I refused to get anything past thirteenth row. I knew that I would be unable to compete with all the little teenys out there who were able to get tickets the microsecond they went on sale, so I just sat back and stared at the naked pictures of Lance (supposedly, they are, but I still don't believe it) that my friend Isabella supplied me with, and sulked. So guess what happened? Little Miss Cassie calls me up and brags for about two hours about her fourth row tickets. I listen politely, but it's a good thing she couldn't see my face. LOL I pout that I don't have any tickets, and she says, "Well, you got to meet them, plus you got front row!" True, but still, that doesn't excuse what she did next. She goes on to talk about how she still has the eight rows and will sell them to me. I'm like, "For real? I'll buy them." Guess what this… this temptress… this urchin… this child says next?! LMAO I love her anyways, though. She goes, "Oh, I don't think my mom'll let me sell them." Then WHY did you offer?! Was that not dirtball, people? Her excuse was that it doesn’t matter since I've met them. I'm like, "Yeah, but that was back when I didn't like them!" But, oh well. I forgive her… even though she makes it a point to still offer to sell me the two tix (for $200 each, mind you… Is she crazy? Yup… Obviously, if she thinks my inner-city dwellin' ass is gonna let a girl straight outta upper-middle class Suburbia juke me outta the little money that I do have), then says, "Oh wait. My mom won't let me." That's okay, though, 'cause once I move to Cali and me and my girl Kelley go to one of the West Coast shows, we'll be able to meet them AND go to one of the after-parties 'cause we are 18, whereas Little Cassie is only 14. Ha! I have ways of meeting the guys. But now we move on to the point of this little diddy, and you'll see what the title means.

The Point of This

I was watching the "All Access" thing they did this time around, and laughed all the way through. I won't comment on it too much since Cassie is supposedly doing a review on it, but I will comment on the performance of "Space Cowboy"… mm-hmm. Now you see why I wrote the title the way I did. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm watching it right now as I'm typing this… all while cursing Cassie for not selling me tickets. Man, this choreography was… oh boy. I should make a Dr. Seuss rhyme about their infamous pelvic thrusts…

They hump a chair,

They hump the air.

They hump the floor,

then they hump some more.

They hump a plane,

They hump a train.

They hump their hands…

then they hump all over again.

Pelvic thrusting everywhere,

humpin' around like they just don't care.

Them humpin' stuff is never corny,

'cause it always makes me--

Uh… nevermind… Let's move on.

Man, just watchin' them do "Space Cowboy" made me feel like I was at Chippendale's or something. Boy, was I pleased. I don't usually go bonkers over their humping motions, but dearest Lord, even I had to fan myself when they got down on the floor and started humping the air. I'll say this: I am REALLY looking forward to when they will be on HBO. I don't even care if I won't be there… I just wanna see it. But anyways, back to the dancing.

A lot of the dances were OLD. I mean, I did this stuff back when I was like, eleven. LOL It all goes back to what Chris Rock said at the VMA's. "A black man does somethin'… fifteen years later a white man does the same thing. And gets a lot more money off of it." No racist undertones… just the truth. We're color-friendly around these parts. Anyway, can I take a moment out to comment on how GOOD Lance was lookin'? On how SEXY Lance was lookin'? On how MOLESTABLE Lance was lookin'? Of course I can, it's my site, dammit! Lance was lookin' GOOD! Sweet Lord in Heaven, he was lookin' SEXY!! Good golly Ms. Molly, he was lookin' MIGHTY MOLESTABLE!!!!! Just give me a reason, Lance… just give me a reason. One reason, dammit!

The whole, "swing your hand and hump the air like you're smackin' an ass"… that's an old one. I did that back in the fifth grade. But what the hell… it suits them. Also, I must remark on how rugged and serious and intense Joey was lookin' during this performance. Almost makes me want to molest him, too… if he doesn't molest me first… The jumping up and down was very reminiscent of "Here We Go", so I didn't care for it much, but the "giddy up, ride it cowboy move"? (You know, the one where the have their arm up like their holdin' the rope thingy on a horse and are riding on a horse.) Deee-lish. Makes me yearn for some cream in my coffee. Almost makes me wanna write a porn… then again, nix that. No, it doesn’t. Nothing would ever make me want to write a porn. LOL

Chris looked amused during the whole performance. It was kinda cute, but since it drew my attention away from the blatant sexual dance moves, he pissed me off, so I therefore say he looked stupid.

Justin and that do-rag… what am I gonna do with him?

LMAO There's this move they do right at the break down where it looks like they're bitch slappin' somebody. Especially JC. Remind me not to get on his bad side next time I see him.

The whole "shooting a gun and blowing the smoke" move was sweet as hell. I loved it. Makes me wanna give 'em a big kiss. Don't ask me why, it just does.

I really could have done without that 1970's "swimmin' under water and holdin' my nose" move. That was sooo unnecessary. For that part, they should have just taken off their pants… Tammy would have been very happy.

Remember the move I told y'all about earlier where they get down on the floor and hump the air? JC licks his finger and then humps some more with this nasty grin on his face. I'm seriously debating on changing who my favorite is now. Screw what Cassie says, this guy just oozes sex. Sorry for being so graphic. LMAO You guys should see the perverted leer on my face right now as I type this. I feel like some kind of cyber-freak-pervert.

During the breakdown dance, Joey was in front. Thank you again, choreographer, 'cause I was getting' tired of seein' Justin's ass in the front all the time. He's cute, but he ain't all that. And he definitely ain't no Lance. LOL

All in all, I just wanna say, God bless this performance. That was so blasphemous. LOL Anyways, whenever I need someone on those long, cold nights, I'll just pop in the tape of this performance. It was definitely one of their best. A must see. Now it's time to go see it again so I can lick the screen and curse Cassie a thousand times over for the evil that she has committed. See ya!

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