Site Favorites


This is just me rambling about my favorite things about this site and working on the site. I'm not gonna list them like I did with the 'NSync moments 'cause this stuff is just too personal for that. So I'm gonna once again ramble on and on about my favorite stuff. Try to keep up. LOL

First off, I just wanna say that this site has helped me meet so many new people! And that's my all time favorite thing about the stie. If not for this site, I'd have never met Sharron, Jenny, and most of all, Cassie. Not to mention the fact that so many people have contributed stories to this site… Like Andrina. She rocks. Oh, and let us not forget Damita, who's STILL our favorite fan. She checks in with us now and then to let us know that she's still out there. I just thought it was super cool that someone 27 years old came to our lil' old site and laughed. She's my mofolo for LIFE, I tells ya.

And as for Jenny and Sharron, well… they're just amazing. Sharron is awesome when it comes to humor, as is Jenny. They're both kinda sick, but in a funny way and I always enjoy talking to them. And my girl Alex. I thought she was kinda crazy at first, but then I realized that that's just they way she is. She's cool, though, and I always like to talk to her. It reminds me of when I was twelve and thirteen.

Cassie… what can I say about my lil' cousin? Man, the day I stumbled onto "Crunk Baby Crunk" and met her was one of the best days of my life. She was so funny and easy to talk to! It was VERY hard to believe that she was only twelve/thirteen. And she's so hilarious when she updates! Seriously, I know her updates might be kind of sporadic, but when she DOES update, it's well worth the wait. I died out laughing when I read her "Celebrity Dream Date" and her review of "Making the Tour". And I'm glad that I can still keep in touch with her after I leave. I'm gonna tell her ALL about my 'NSync sightings when I'm in L.A. and she'll tell all of y'all about it.

Another thing I really liked about the site was how it let me tap into something I didn't know I had: my writing ability. "'Nsync's Guardian Angels" is definitely my favorite story, but "Revenge of the Boybands" is a close second. I'd put "The Webmaster's Revenge" up there with 'em, but that ending was a lil' too… I dunno… gory. But I loved how when I wrote the stories this sort of power just flowed through me and the result was a story that everyone enjoyed. I was very flattered when the feedback started to roll in and people were like, "Your story was so good! It inspired me to write better" or "This story was great! It brought tears to my eyes…" and so on. It made me want to keep on writing… and it still does. It's because of those letters that "Devil's Muse" is up. A lot of people told me that I shouldn't limit my writing to just 'NSync and fan fiction, but that I should continue to write and to do regular stories, which was cool and what I really wanted to do anyway.

Let's see… what else did I like about the site? Well, I loved how it gave me a chance to express my feelings about ignorant ass people, stereotypes, race relations, music, and pop music in general. I felt like I was really helping people see things from a point of view that they might not normally see from. I mean, a lot of humor sites will give their opinions on stuff but… their opinions are… well… dumb. I mean, they're just kind of rambling about nothing. I like it when people can actually say something and have it hit home. Ya know, say stuff that actually makes people stop and think about it, not make them go, "Okay, if I was writing this, I'd have said this and this… Man, I could have written a better opinion piece than this."

I like how this site made me feel like I was doing something. And I know that that may confuse people, but before I got really deep into my writing, I always had this pent up energy inside of me that I felt was going to waste. The site gave me a place to channel all my extra energy into until I was able to channel my energy into my writing and for that I am incredibly grateful.

I loved the feedback. Just knowing that you guys were out there and that I was making you all laugh so hard that soda would come out of your noses or that you wanted to create your own site as a result of coming to "Crunk Baby Crunk"… Man, I felt like I was really making a connection to all of you. Seriously, as I near my time in which I have to move to Los Angeles and make this movie dream a reality, I get so afraid sometimes, and then I'll get a letter from someone talking about how my words have managed to touch them.

So in closing I just wanna say that I love each and everyone of you all and will miss you. All of you. I hope that we can keep in touch regardless of my absence from the site. One love and God bless all of you.


Much peace and love…Tammy


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