Time To Get Sappy… Break Out The Kleenex

"Turn on your speakers, people, and hear 'NSync speak!"


Okay, Cassie said her thank you's and whatnot, so I guess it's my turn. First, I'd like to thank God for creating Louis "I haven't seen my shoes in two years" Perlman, 'cause even though he was one of the greediest bastards I've ever seen, without him, there would probably be no 'NSync. And if there were no 'NSync, we'd have no beautiful songs like the one playing now. Also, we would be forced to be Backstreet fans... maybe. I don't wanna really think about it. I'd like to thank my two best friends in the entire universe. Isabella and Yasmine, I love you guys. Without y'all, I am incomplete, just like Justin and JC are without Chris, Joey, and my baby Lance. Thank you so much for finally letting go of the restrictions of hip hop and R&B and becoming an 'NSync fan with me. I thought we'd commit suicide the first time we came out and admitted it. Wasn't it scary saying those five dreadful words? "I am an 'NSync fan…" Scary.

Umm, I also wanna thank my girl Avanti who is, in my completely unbiased opinion, a die-hard Backstreet Boys fan. Whenever I tire of making fun of 'NSync, she's always there for me to piss off with my Backstreet Boys jokes. (By the way, I still owe you for that Ned Flanders being the sixth member of 'NSync crack!) When me and you put up our site, it'll be as sweet as this one. Hey Tae, have you thrown out that ugly, AJ Mc "Need to be" Clean poster yet? Hahaha!!! Gotcha!! Or how about your Howie "In da hell did he get so gay looking?" poster? Take that, you non-NSyncer.

I'd also like to thank my girl Cassie. I couldn't have asked for a better partner on the sight. You rock. I appreciate you so much, you wouldn't know. You were there for me when I needed someone, even when you didn't have to be. You make me proud to be an 'NSync fan. (Oh God, did I just say that?) Nothing makes me happier than to hear what Cassie has to say about 1) the "skanks" (her word, not mine) that get to meet 'NSync, 2) those ever-stupid things they do, 3) and of course, Chris' hair. I'm glad I got the chance to meet you, and I'm glad you and I had that convo on the phone about 'NSync on TRL, 'cause that's what made me decide to jump back on the site with you when things started to go wrong. I love ya, girl, and I'ma always be here for ya…even after I go off to college next year. I'll be just a phone call away.

Next, I'd like to dedicate this entire page (and the song playing in the background) to my little sister Kira. I recently lost her (no, she didn't die, but I don't feel like going into the whole story) and I was simply devastated. I couldn't imagine life without her, and that was the reason why I was about to leave the site. She was the one who introduced me to the world of 'NSync, dragged me to their concert and meet and greet, and inspired me to make fun of them mercilessly. I love you with all of my heart, and to show you how much you've touched me, I'm declaring right here on the Internet that…you ready?… I AM AN 'NSYNC FAN FOREVER!!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm a Jodeci fanatic until the day I die, but I am also a fan of the "white version of Jodeci", as I liked to tease my sister by saying. I love you Kira, and I'ma miss you always. Be good and I promise I'll put you in a situation where you'll meet 'NSync without having to worry about me embarrassing you. I promise I'll always be here for ya.

I also wanna thank the other humor sites out there. In particular, "Just Thrust It", "Giddy For 'NSync", "Everybody's Free (To Make Fun of 'NSync), and "If Y'all Wanna Party Like We Do". I go to those sites the most and they never cease to make me laugh in their own special ways. Keep up the good work, and to Jen and Wendi in particular, I just wanna say thanks for all the positive feedback on the "Revenge of the Boybands" and "The Webmaster's Revenge". I also wanna thank the fan fiction sites out there. You guys are doing a great job, and as an aspiring writer/psychologist, I enjoy reading y'all's stories. ('NSync: Stories 'N' Stuff, 'NSync 'Nstitution, 'NSync: Story Tyme, and of course, the 'NSync porn….gotta love the porn.)

Finally, I'd like to thank James "Lansten" Bass, Christopher Kirkpatrick, Joseph Fatone (Jr.? Who knows, who cares?), Justin Timberlake, and Joshua "JC" Chasez (pronounced "Sha-zay"…hehehe… is it French, JC? Don't front like it's not really "Cha-zez"… I know your momma has some Mexican in her! Hehehe…), also known as 'NSync. Thank you for being one of the few "boybands" in the industry that HAS talent, that is worth making fun of, but is also worth defending when someone tries to say y'all suck. Thank you for such inspiring songs such as "Sailing", "For the Girl Who Has Everything", "Everything I Own", "Somewhere, Someday", and "If Only Through Heaven's Eyes". Y'all helped my friends and I realize that there is a whole uncharted genre of music in our lives, ie "pop music", and because of y'all, we also like such artists as Christina Alguilera, 98 Degrees, and Mandy Moore (well, sometimes we like her…you know how fickle we consumers can be.)

And if I left anybody out, I'm sorry, but thank you!


Much peace and love,


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