"bootie on the floor what, what, what!!!"

TRL Superbowl



Ok, let’s just get straight to the N Sync parts since I’m already late. Um, Justin and his gum SMACKING was very…anyways. What’s up with the rag on the head sweetie?????? I mean just cuz y’all are broke doesn’t mean ur THAT broke to get a freakin haircut. It’s not cute (lol, why am I lying to myself)

Chris and the Ottawa Senators comment was funny…uhh….I noticed Justin had to wipe some spit/drool from his face since he can’t chew gum right…Joey try to make a goal or whatever and he doesn’t. but he reluctantly gave that girl a hug. I mean did he really not learn anything in P.E. class about opposition and stepping and throwing? Now that I think about he was probably too busy watchin girls run around and lookin at their…..Moving on.

My favorite part, Justin’s bootie boppin dance. To tell ya the truth that is the saddest most triflin thing I’ve seen that thing do but it was hilarious. I mean my friend was right that he looked like he was in a car with a bad hydraulic system. Then JC realizes that skinny people look like there about to snap in half when they dance (Mandy Moore) so he proceeds to jump in the audience so they can snap him half. Luckily 8 bodyguards(lol) come to his rescue.

This is a quote from my friend about Lance, "EWW! What is wrong with that boy?!?! What was that??? You’re supposed to do it from the front or the back, NOT the side! Someone should’ve taught him that!!!". That’s all that needs to be said about that one…Chris and Joey, no comment. All I can do is shake my head….Justin sounded really conceded when they showed the instant reply of him bouncin on the floor like the sad excuse for a white boy that he is "man! I had the bootie boppin on the floor.." Shut up!

Lance can't throw a football, no big deal. Justin can't throw a football so he has to fall on the floor and be all dramatic so he still ends up bein the ishht. I wanna know what happened to Chris' skilllzzz. You all remember the Disney Channel concert. All I have to say is Danielle. He just hasn't been the same (lol).

They perform Byex3 and I'm forced to watched hundreds of non-rhythmic girls tryin to lasso along with the guys.

I really liked this appearance. What have we learned from this appearance???? They couldn't pay Darrin all the money in the world to teach Lance how to freakdance.

