The Rantings Of A Writer


After I posted that I might be doing a sequel to "'NSync's Guardian Angels", I laid down and went to sleep. The next morning, my mailbox was flooded with feedback on what I had written the day before. LOL I call it "The Rantings of A Writer". Most of them said for me to do the sequel 'cause it was in me, but this is the first letter I read, and the one that meant the most to me.

Subj: Guardian Angels sequel

Date: 9/9/00 11:47:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Mirax24




As much as I would love to read a sequel to your wonderful story, I don't think you should write one if you really don't feel like it. Your unhappiness will translate into your writing, and might prevent you from turning out a good story. It's weird that you're having those conflicting feelings, but maybe you're right and meditating on it will help. Either way, I support your decision.



In a nutshell, this girl is officially my fuckin' hero. She helped me figure out what the hell I wanted to do, whether she knows it or not. Key words: "Your unhappiness will translate into your writing." Astute observation. You see, I already started on the sequel, just to see how the vibe was, and you know what? I hate it. The vibe is just NOT there. I mean, one thing I prided myself on was the fact that I was able to make "Guardian Angels" come alive for so many people. I mean, the words literally leapt off the page and people felt what was goin' on. In this one, I was just like, "This is stupid." I swear on all things holy, I was a hair away from deleting the damn thing. I mean, I myself know the magic that "Guardian Angels" possessed, and imagine my surprise (and honor) when someone described the story as "legendary", and said that I shouldn't write a sequel.

Which brings me to my second point: Why the hell would I write that note on the site and get everyone's hopes up? 'Cause I'm stupid. 'Cause I'm mean. Or more… because I was confused and kind of scared. I mean, when I said that I wasn't gonna write another fan fiction story, I meant it. I mean, that's just not me. I wrote the damn thing in the first place to prove to myself that writing is in me, so I shouldn't have to write a sequel to prove that it's still in me… right? But why would the plot and everything for a sequel come to me all of a sudden? This question is still spinning in my head as I type this message to you guys. I mean, I feel the plot… I have it all mapped out, but I just don't have the vibe in me right now to make the story come to life. I really don't, you guys. But I know the answer to such a disturbing question. Why would a plot for a sequel to "Guardian Angels" come to me all of a sudden? Because the story, in a sense, is unfinished.

And that brings us to the real question: Am I going to finish their story? Yeah, eventually. But as of right now, that story is going on the backburner while I work on the scripts and things that are prevalent to my future. I mean, geez, I'm making a major move to LA in six months; I can't just go over there with nothing. Besides, I've had these scripts on the backburner for a long time while I churned out "Guardian Angels", and it's their turn to get some development for once. I gotta learn how to balance all my time and stories equally.

So now that I've meditated and slept on this conflict, I've realized that finishing the story is a given, but the sequel won't be coming for a loooong time. I mean a VERY long time. I'm talkin' more than a few months, here, people. It might not come for like, another year at the least. Whenever the Lord feels that it's my time to do the sequel, I'll do it. But for now, just enjoy "Revenge of the Boybands", "The Webmaster's Revenge", and "'NSync's Guardian Angels". That was my small journey into the world of fan fiction and I enjoyed it while it lasted. But now it's time for me to stop dealing with people who already exist and to deal with the one's I've created. It's time for me to play God while He's giving me the chance.

To all of you who are expecting a sequel, I apologize. I just can't do it right now, and I hope that you can respect my decision. You don't have to understand it, but you atleast have to respect it. Most fan fiction authors make up stories so that they can please their fans and keep their popularity, but you know what? I don't wanna do that. When I make up a story, I want to be able to create everything out of thin air, including all my characters. That's why I don't wanna really be known as a fan fiction author. That's why I'd rather us be nominated for a comedy award rather than a fan fiction award. 'Cause I connect better with 'NSync when I'm doing the comedy than I do when I'm writing fan fiction. But if it'll make you feel better, just know that a sequel is coming someday, and when it comes, it's gonna blow you away. I think I'll read what I have one more time and then delete it. Send that shit into oblivion, ya know? LOL Even though I'm planning to delete the first part, I still already have a title for it, too. "Devils In Paradise". Yup, that's right, our angels aren't angels anymore. You'll just have to see what happens when all of them become controlled. LOL So anyways, thanks for takin' the time out to read this, and I'll see you guys in Hollywood!


"If your words carry the power to evoke an emotion from someone, be it happiness or sadness or even anger, then you should realize that not only do your words carry power, but YOU do."- Tammy

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