The Twelve Days Of Christmas...

It's gonna be a loooong twelve days...


On the first day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me a condom with some whiskey...

On the second day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me two packs of gum and a condom with some whiskey...

On the third day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the fourth day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the fifth day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me FIVE POUNDS OF WEED!, four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the sixth day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me six little people, FIVE POUNDS OF WEED!, four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the seventh day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me seven crying infants, six little people, FIVE POUNDS OF WEED!, four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the eighth day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me eight Jehovah's Witness', seven crying infants, six little people, FIVE POUNDS OF WEED!, four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the ninth day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me nine crackhead strippers, eight Jehovah's Witness', seven crying infants, six little people, FIVE POUNDS OF WEED!, four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the tenth day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me ten babies' mommas, nine crackhead strippers, eight Jehovah's Witness', seven crying infants, six little people, FIVE POUNDS OF WEED!, four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the eleventh day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me eleven rubber chickens, ten babies' mommas, nine crackhead strippers, eight Jehovah's Witness', seven crying infants, six little people, FIVE POUNDS OF WEED!, four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey...

On the twelfth day of Christmas my Lancey sent to me twelve naked pictures, eleven rubber chickens, ten babies' mommas, nine crackhead strippers, eight Jehovah's Witness', seven crying infants, six little people, FIVE POUNDS OF WEED!, four porno flicks, three chicken wings, two packs of gum, and a condom with some whiskey.

So do ya know what I gave HIM on the thirteenth day of Christmas? A BLACK EYE! Where the hell am I supposed to put all of this stuff at?!


The End

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