Be Warned...

"By the way, PLEASE don't send us forwards like, 'Send this to 100 people, then you press Ctrl+D and you'll get Justin's SN'. I know you hate gettin' those so don't send them."


Sound familiar? It should. That quote came straight outta Cassie's hands when we first restarted the site. Now, I have to touch on the topic. For some reason, I happen to get a bit more mail than Cassie does, maybe 'cause of my stories. Hell, for all I know, she could be having the same problem as me. The point is, when I come home from working an eight-hour shift, then have to change my clothes to go in for my second job, when I take the twenty free minutes of my time that I do have to check my e-mail, this is what I DON'T wanna see:


Date: 8/11/00 3:17:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time

From: (girly girl)


----- Original Message -----

> To:,,







> Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 17:11:42 -0700


> Message-ID: <>

> From:

> > >

> > > > Jessi from Illinois:

> > > > "At first I thought this little chain letter was fake, like

> all

> the

> > > > others, but I was bored one night so I decided to give this one

> a

> > >whirl.

> > > > Well, I could not even believe what happened. The chain said

> that

> > > > "something

> > > > magical will happen that has something to do with *Nsync within

> 24

> > >hours

> > >of

> > > > sending it", but I was thinking I may get some little online

> newsletter

> > >in

> > > > the mail. Well, after I sent it to 15 people, I completely

> forgot

> > >about

> > >it

> > > > until the next day, I got two 4th row tickets to their concert

> that

> was

> > >sold

> > > > out that was going to be in my town, Chicago, in the mail. I

> thought

> > >the

> > > > tickets were fake naturally, so I called Ticketmaster to see if

> any

> > >tickets

> > > > had been sent out in my name. Sure enough, these tickets were

> real

> and

> > >I

> > > > could not believe it. I don't know if this happens every time,

> or who

> > >sent

> > > > the tickets, but you have to believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

> > > >

> > > > Nikki from South Carolina:

> > > > "I have always been a faithful chain sender. I believe

> totally in

> > >fate

> > > > and that these chains work. Well, thanks to my beliefs, I got

> > >something

> > > > that

> > > > was unbelievable! It

> > > > was the night before my 5th *Nsync concert. I had never met

> them

> > >before,

> > > > and

> > > > of course, like a hopeless fan, I waited around before and after


> every

> > >show,

> > > > trying to meet them, but I never could. I sent out the chain,

> and

> the

> > >next

> > > > day I went out on my journey to the *Nsync concert. It's always

> a

> long

> > >day.

> > > > Well, I got the venue in

> > > > plenty of time before the concert, hoping some of that "magic"

> would

> > >come

> > > > into

> > > > play, but it never did. After the awesome concert, I thought

> that

> > >maybe

> > >the

> > > > "magic" would happen after the show. Boy did it ever! I went

> around

> > >the

> > > > back entrance by their bus, and they came out. They were kinda

> > >startled

> > >to

> > > > see me, but I got to meet

> > > > my love, Justin (curly) was so awesome. They all kissed me on

> the

> > >cheek

> > >and

> > > > gave me autographs. This would have never happened if I

> wouldn't

> have

> > >sent

> > > > the chain out!"

> > > >

> > > > Ashley from California:

> > > > "I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever believed in these

> stupid

> > >little

> > > > letters that people send out to 5 million people. I truly

> wasn't a

> > >real

> > > > *Nsync fan. I liked their music and I thought the guys were all


> cute,

> > >but I

> > > > am 23, I didn't get into it as much as other people *12 y/o's*.

> I

> was

> > > > feeling so goofy, and I think I was drunk, but I sent out this

> chain

> > >letter

> > > > to 15 people, and I went to bed. Well, the next day, *Nsync's

> tour

> bus

> > >went

> > > > through a back road behind my neighborhood. I knew it was

> theirs

> > >because

> > >my

> > > > cousin went to a concert and stalked them and took pictures of

> the

> bus

> > >and I

> > > > recognized it. I decided to follow it, after all, it was

> *Nsync. I

> got

> > >in

> > > > my

> > > > car and followed slowly behind it. They pulled off at a gas

> station

> > >and

> > >the

> > > > driver got out to pump the gas. The guys came out to stretch,

> and I

> > >made

> > >my

> > > > move. I introduced myself to J.C, and all the guys, and had a

> great

> > > > conversation with them. They were talking about how tired they

> were,

> > >and

> > >I

> > > > said that if they ever needed a place to hang out, they could

> stop

> by

> > >my

> > > > place and I jokingly gave my address & phone #. They

> > > > took it and smiled as if they might actually do so! I got

> autographs

> > >and

> > > > kisses. I am now a *Nsync fan 4~eva!"

> > > >

> > > > Heard Enough? Do You Believe in the *Nsync Magic?

> > > >

> > > > YOU SHOULD!!! This is an authentic chain letter, started back

> in

> 1997

> > >by

> > >a

> > > > lady who is believed to be a witch. A real witch. She has

> powers

> and

> > > > spells

> > > > and chains

> > > > she can put on anyone. She decided to be creative one day, and

> she

> > >started

> > > > this chain. The above letters were only a few of the thousands

> of

> > >people

> > > > that have e-mailed us saying that the chain worked. Well, we

> got

> ahold

> > >of

> > > > the original format, contacted the starter, and we refined it to

> give

> > >it

> > >a

> > > > new look, and better power. If you are a true *Nsync fan, you

> really

> > >should

> > > > do this. All you have to do is send it to 15

> > > > people, and something magical will happen that has something to

> do

> with

> > > > *Nsync within 24 hours of sending it. Some will be skeptical,

> some

> > >will

> > > > believe it. You can be the judge. You may get a free magazine,

> you

> > >may

> > >get

> > > > a phone call from the heart-throbs, you may get tickets or

> backstage

> > >passes,

> > > > you may get a lucky chance to meet them, you never know unless

> you

> try

> > >it!

> > > > We promise and assure you nothing bad will happen to you if you

> don't

> > >send

> > > > it. Keep track of the exact time (hour, minute, second,date)

> that

> you

> > >send

> > > > out this letter. 24 hours from that exact time, something

> strictly

> > >magical

> > > > will happen. You must send it to 15 people, no more, no less.

> What

> do

> > >you

> > > > have to lose??? A chance of a lifetime. >>


I kept the letter in the exact same format that it was sent to me just so you all can see and understand how utterly MINDLESS some people out there can be. And the fact that they would send this to ME as if I'd actually do it just insults me. Now here's the bad part. Through my e-mail addy, I have an automatic mailing list where anything that is forwarded is automatically forwarded to the people on my mailing lists. I set it up for things like virus alerts, etc. What I didn't set it up for was for some retards e-mailing me with this, and then all my friends (and some of them don't even know who 'NSync is!) getting this, then wondering why the hell I would forward this to them. You can imagine some of the e-mails I got in response to this. Here's one:

Subj: What is this?!

Date: 8/11/00 4:01:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: *


t, wass this all about? i thought you were smarter than that, girl. i told you about sendin' me this stuff. you gotta think i'm crazy to actually send out all them damn e-mails to people 'cause you know that ain't how you meet somebody famous. i forgive you though. just don't do it again. it's happenin more, it seems, ya know.


*Asked me to change the e-mail addy so that he remains free of anyone getting what he calls "his private time e-mail addy".

I'm not gonna lie, y'all. I was PISSED when I got like, ten more letters like this. Some of them were kinda laughing, but still sounded annoyed. Others were just pissed. Why? Because this same chick is ALWAYS forwarding shit like this to me and it always gets sent to them. And the thing is: I don't even know who she is! So this was my response:


Date: 8/11/00 5:59:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time






To:, FuManpoopsie

To:, The1bumblebee


To:, CKCrunk

To:, Innoscent122


I really don't wanna sound like some evil, black bitch or anything, but this has got to be the worst attempt at starting a chain letter that I've ever seen. Seriously, how dumb can anyone be to believe this shit? I'm telling all of you guys once and for all: CHAIN LETTERS ARE FAKE! BULLSHIT! No one would forward a fuckin' chain letter and then poof! magically get tix to an 'NSync concert from out of no where. Do me a favor and quit sending me this shit.


So very NOT *NSync,

Tammy aka JDC4LIF


Now, for this letter, I didn't know WHO sent it to me, so I just pressed "Reply All". That also served as a way to warn ALL her friends that I don't put up with this shit and to discourage them from ever sending me anything again. Let's just say that she wasn't pleased. Here are two responses to that reply:



Date: 8/11/00 7:40:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: (~*Maddie*~ (~*Maddie*~ is my full name))



I totally agree with you.


And the next one was a bit more harsh... LMAO


Subj: wtf????

Date: 8/11/00 6:13:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: (girly girl)



what is your fuckin problem???ok--don't send that to my friends!!! you can

send it to me--but not my friends!and,apparently i thought you were a

small,lil friend of mine,but i guess you're too bitchy to be nice!k-i don't

believe anything's gonna happen from that fuckin chan letter-but i like to

play it safe and just "see what happens".ok-and i know some of my friends

really will not appreciate your bad language,so,do me a favor and never

email them again!ok--what was up your ass to say all that?i'm not offended,

but that was a shitty letter.and i'm not trying to be mean,cuz i know people

like you don't get hurt when people say things like this-so-thanx-not-for

that shitty,fuckin letter!bye bye bye. no peace and no love, jade


Ahhhh... so she's the one who's been sending me this crap. Humph. Once I found out that it was her (only after wondering who in the hell she was and WHY she would consider me a "small,lil friend" of hers) I responded. I hope she doesn't cry. LOL


Subj: Re: wtf????

Date: 8/12/00 6:42:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time





First of all, CHILD, I don't know who the fuck you are or how you got my e-mail addy or why you started sending me all this stupid 'NSync shit. Second of all, I didn't know it was YOU, or WHO it was and therefore pressed "Reply All". So if your friends got this, then TOO FUCKING BAD. You children need to grow the hell up and realize that some of us out here are ADULTS with JOBS and LIVES and have better things to do than go, "Ohmigod, if I forward this to 1,000,000 people then I will meet 'NSync." And here's something else you didn't realize Little Miss, when you forward this bullshit to me, it gets automatically forwarded to EVERYONE on my mailing list... in other words, I have people e-mailing me going, "What the hell is this? Don't e-mail me with this shit, Tammy." So next time you wanna send stuff to people out of the blue, MAKE SURE THEY FUCKING WANT IT!!!! ASK THEM FIRST! And here's another clue: If they NEVER respond to the shit you send, then 9 times out of 10, they don't really want it. Check it, I don't KNOW you, don't OWE you, and don't CARE to. All I know is that you started sending e-mail to me out of the blue and most of it was either 1) Complete and utter 'NSync BULLSHIT or it was 2) something that was completely fake and only idiots don't realize that has already been circulating (i.e. "Virus Alert!"), or 3) it's something that I already have. So if I'm being bitchy, then say hello to the Queen Bitch 'cause quite frankly, I don't give two shits. You had NO real reason to come back at me like that and I'll tell you why: I got that little 'NSync chain letter after all my friends e-mailed me and pretty much yelled at me to never send that type of crap to them again. So when I e-mailed that out, I was pissed. Afterwards, I felt bad but couldn't unsend it. Had you come at me a bit better, I wouldn't now be forced to curse at you and basically break you down into what you are: which is a stupid, immature, naive little girl. How old are you anyway? 12? 13? 13 and a half? The point is, DON'T E-MAIL ME THIS SHIT ANYMORE. I don't particularly like the way you send me loads of crap in the mail constantly... and I don't particularly like you. So go meditate on that for a while. And if you're one of the people who frequents me and Cassie's site and now will never come back and will tell all your friends not to come back, then all I have to say on behalf of "CBC:GJPO!" is: SEE YA! WE'LL MISS YA! DON'T CALL US, AND WE WON'T CALL YOU! If you come to our site, then you should KNOW that neither Cassie nor I put up with this shit at all. I believe Cassie said, (and I quote), "By the way, please don't send us one of those letters that says, 'Forward this to 15 people then press Ctrl+N+D and you will get 'NSync's screen names!' Trust us, we already have them." Now, I'm sure I got the quote a bit wrong and you're so naive that you don't understand that it deals with more than getting their screen names, but what we mean is, DON'T SEND US BULLSHIT CHAINLETTERS! So call me a bitch and just see how TRULY bitchy I can be. To quote Eminem, "I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn't then why would I say I am?" I trust that this is your last letter... it better be, or else I'm gonna hafta do something drastic.




LOL Harsh much? Bitchy to the extreme? To quote Shaft, "You damn right." What this girl fails to realize is that when I check my e-mail, I have over fifty letters to wade through. Perhaps thirty of them are responses to something on the site, which I love. Don't feel guilty about the mail y'all send me, 'cause I welcome it. I love it. That's what makes us continue to do what we're doing. Y'all will never understand how much y'all's feedback means to us. That's why we reply to EVERY letter we get, no matter how small. So on top of the letters of feedback, and replying to them, I also have to deal with numerous letters about financial planning, taking out a new mortgage (mortgage? I don't even own a house!), and invites to all these porn sites. I get perhaps ten of those a day. And on top of THOSE, just when I'm ready to tear my hair out, I have to deal with shit like, "Virus Alert", "'NSync's S/N's", and "Be 'Nsync's Next Love!". Here's something that this girl and all her friends need to understand. Most people HATE getting those letters. And most people like 'NSync, but don't dedicate their lives to them and send out letters and daydream about meeting them. Hell, I've met them and they're NOT all that. So anyways, this girl was pissed at my response, and I knew, I just KNEW that she was younger than me. I'm also pretty sure that she's the type of girl who'll finally be outside 'NSync's hotel room at seven in the morning as they're boarding their bus, and if Justin doesn't look at her, then she'll go, "He's such an asshole! I hate 'NSync!" Based on the fact that she visits the site (I guess), she automatically assumed that I'm her friend and that I have nothing better to do than to sit around and update and dream about 'NSync. Why do you think updates are so far and few? 'Cause me and Cassie have a LOT of activities that occupy our time. Hell, Cassie doesn't even think about 'NSync as much as she used to. I know I damn sure don't. But I'm off the subject. The point is, I'm pretty sure this girl won't be coming back to this site, but I will say this. I'm sorry I sent that to everyone on the list. If I'd known it was you, I'd have sent it to only you, and made the letter ten times harsher than it already is. To everyone else out there: I know you guys like our site, and we really do love and appreciate you guys, but now I see how 'NSync feels sometimes. We can't always be happy and funny and joke around. We don't always have time to answer your IM's, and for that we're sorry. There will be days when we're frustrated, or mad, or pressed for time and are trying to update the site in about fifteen minutes (trust me, it usually takes about an hour and a half) and just don't have the time or patience to stop and chat. Let us be who we are, and we'll let you guys be who you are, ya know? Thanks for listening, y'all.


Much peace and love,




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