"It's not stuck," Joey interjected breezily. "You're just not pushing hard enough. Move out of the way... wuss," he added, shoving Chris out of the way.

Joey slammed against the door, throwing all of his weight on it. The girls on the other side felt the door open a few inches, but quickly pushed back against the door, shutting it yet again.

Joey stepped back and frowned at the door. "That's weird."

Chris chuckled. "Who's the wuss now, Joe?"

"Shut up," Joey scowled. He turned to Justin. "What do you think is wrong, J?"

Justin shrugged. "I don't know. Hows about we all just push the door together?"

Wendi heard his remark from the other side of the door and groaned. "Oh no." She looked up at the ceiling and pointed at it. "I'm gonna pull out that vent, okay? After that, just follow me." She climbed on top of the Pac Man game and pulled on the metal grills. "Dammit," she swore, as the vent started to bend but wouldn't break. Finally, she managed to get the vent off and gestured for the girls to follow her.

While all of that was happening, Joey, Justin, and Chris were debating on how to go about opening the door. "Should we go to the far wall, run, and throw our weight against the door? Or should we lean against the door and push it open? Or maybe we should just get near the door and throw our weight on it? We should have more power then." Chris scratched his head, unable to decide. "Dude, there are so many ways to go about this."

Just rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Let's just go to the far wall and run towards the door." The three guys ran to the opposite wall, and then started to run until Chris stopped them. "Wait!" he cried.

"What?" Joey asked, annoyed.

"Should we count and then run?" Chris asked.

Justin scowled. "No, now let's just do this so we can play video games." The three guys ran toward the door and threw all of their weight against in, expecting some kind of resistance. Surprisingly, the door sprang right open, sending the boys flying into the game room.

"Whoa!" Justin cried as he slid towards a game. "Shit!" he swore as his head collided with it.

"That was weird," Joey said as he climbed to his feet, rubbing his shoulder.

"Yeah," Chris agreed. "I wonder what could have happened."

Justin looked idly at the ceiling and nodded, a look of understanding crossing his face. "I know what happened," he stated, as he looked at the hole in the ceiling.

"What?" Joey asked.

"I think our friends have finally paid us a little visit."

Back at the room, the girls were laid out on the beds, panting. "I definitely don't want anymore adventures today," Cassie said.

"I hear ya," Wendi replied. She got off the bed and turned on the TV. On the screen was the "Bye Bye Bye" video. Wendi sighed, "Looking at them thrusting and lassoing almost makes me wanna forgive them for trying to kill us." She looked at the others and saw them staring at her like she was crazy. "Almost," she repeated.

Ten minutes later, Tammy and Jen walked through the door. "Hey y'all," Tammy said, dropping her backpack onto a chair.

Jen looked at the girls, who all were fidgeting nervously. She looked at them suspiciously. "Did anything, interesting, happen while we were gone?"

"On no. Not at all." All the girls protested.

Tammy sighed and looked at them. "Normally, I'd believe you," she scowled. "But considering that I left y'all alone with Wendi, I'm not quite feeling your story."

Rachel looked at her older sister guiltily and then relayed the events of the last hour to her and Tammy. Tammy sat with her mouth gaping open in disbelief and then said, "Man, y'all are so lucky that y'all didn't get caught in that game room. I thought I told y'all to stay the hell outta trouble!"

Cassie shrugged. "Technically, we did."

Jen rolled her eyes. "I told you we shouldn't have left them alone."

Wendi flopped back on the bed with a groan. "C'mon guys," she said. "We just had a very scary experience with 'NSync... can't y'all just cut us some slack?"

Tammy sighed. "Fine. Well, I just closed my fake account, meaning that we have a grand total of $51,000 and twelve cents. It's time to implement Phase One of our plan... or is it Phase Two? I'm no good with phases."

"So when do we do Phase whatever?" Heather asked wearily.

"Tonight," Tammy answered. "But first, we gotta stock up on some more supplies."

"Like what?" Rachel asked.

Tammy ticked off the items on her fingers. "One, we need lots of rope. Two, we need some sort of weaponry..."

"Guns?" Wendi asked eagerly.

Tammy rolled her eyes. "Can you control the country redneck in you for one second, Wendi? For the last time, I'm not buying you a shotgun."

Wendi pouted as Tammy continued, "Three, dark clothes. That's about it for now."

"When are we gonna get the supplies?" Heather asked.

"I was hoping we could go right now," Tammy answered.

"I'm too pooped to go," Cassie moaned.

"Me too," Rachel and Heather echoed.

Wendi rolled over and got off the bed. "I'll go with you," she mumbled.

"Me too," Jen chimed in.

The three girls set out and went to the hardware shop ten minutes away. There, they bought five machetes ("I feel like Jason Voorhies!" Wendi exclaimed.), two Swiss army knives, 500 feet of rope, 200 feet of wire rope, and some flashlights. After exiting the store with their goods, the girls stopped at the K-Mart down the street and bought various sizes of black pants, shirts, hats, and shoes.

Half an hour later, the girls were walking into the hotel lobby. Tammy stopped after glancing at the front desk. "Holy shit," she whispered, fear entering her voice.

"What?" Jen asked curiously.

Tammy nodded to the front desk, which was a mere five feet away from them. "Oh no," Jen gasped, looking at Justin, who was a mere four feet away from them.

"What do we do?" Wendi asked.

"Duck!" Tammy whispered, as Justin started to turn around.

The three girls crouched behind one of the plush couches in the lobby and started to crawl towards the elevators. As Tammy crawled past Justin's general area, she heard him say, "Look, I really need to know this information. Can I speak to the manager?"

"I am the manager," the other voice said.

"Okay," Justin said earnestly, "I know it's against hotel policy to give out the information of who's staying here, but I really need to know. It's an emergency."

"Okay," the other voice sighed. "What are the names of the people you need to find?"

"Umm," Justin stammered. "I don't quite remember their last names, but I know three of their first names are Tammy, Jen, and Wendi."

Tammy got behind a potted flower and jumped up, quickly running for the elevator. Wendi and Jen followed close behind. They quickly pressed the button and jumped in as the elevator came.

"Did you hear that?" Tammy asked, pressing the button for the nineteenth floor.

"Yeah," Jen scowled. "They know we're somewhere in this city." She glared at Wendi. "I wonder how they know," she continued.

"Don't blame me!" Wendi exclaimed. "'NSync never saw us, and I mean never."

"Relax, Jen," Tammy said. "Now's no time for us to get pissed off at each other. We have to stay united."

Jen sighed, "Okay, but I don't know how we're gonna remain united when they're chopping us into little pieces."

The girls got off on their floor and hurriedly walked back to their room. They went into the double room and piled all of the bags on the bed.

"Wow, you guys got all of that?" Heather said.

Tammy nodded and then continued, "Guys, I have some bad news."

"What's wrong?" Rachel asked.

"'NSync knows where we are," Jen grumbled.

"You're kidding," Cassie said.

"Not," Tammy snorted. "We just saw Justin downstairs asking the hotel receptionist whether we were in this hotel or not."

"But..." Rachel stammered. "They never saw us! How could they know?"

"My guess is the whole arcade incident tipped 'em off," Tammy replied.

"Damn," Heather sighed. "We're sorry."

Tammy scowled, "It's too late for apologies now. All we can do is make sure we carry out our plan before they get anymore suspicious." She started to walk out of the room. "I'll be back," she called.

Cassie stopped her. "Where are you going? They might see you."

Tammy replied, "I'm gonna go steal a key so that we can get into 'NSync's rooms tonight. Don't worry; they won't see me. I'll take the service elevator. See ya in ten minutes."

Tammy walked out of the room and went into the floor's landing, which contained the service elevator. She pressed the down button, and when the elevator opened, she got in and pressed "2". When the elevator opened, she exited out and walked toward the room service office. Inside was a woman wearing a nametag that read "Karen".

"Hi," Tammy smiled.

Karen looked up and smiled back. "Hello," she said. "Can I help you?"

Tammy smiled sheepishly and said, "No, not really. See, I work room service at the Norfolk Marriott, and since I'm staying at this one, I just wanted to see if y'all operated any differently than we did."

Karen clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "I heard that an out-of-town Marriott employee was staying at this hotel! It's so nice to finally meet you!" She grinned at Tammy slyly and continued, "Is it any different from the Marriott in Norfolk?"

Tammy laughed and said, "No, except for the fact that y'all actually do work here!"

Karen laughed so hard she fell out of her seat, obviously thinking that the joke was so funny (which it wasn't) that she didn't see Tammy steal a key from the cup of keys that granted access to all rooms of the hotel.

"Well," Tammy said, walking out of the office, "it's been nice talking to you."

"Same here," Karen chirped. As an afterthought, she added, "Anytime you order room service, just let me know it's you ordering it and I'll give you a twenty percent discount."

Tammy nodded. "Okay," she called over her shoulder as she started to walk away. "Thanks, Karen!"

Tammy got back up to the double room five minutes later, and as she walked in, she noticed no one was there. "Hello?" she called.

"What?" Wendi asked, walking out of the bathroom.

Tammy frowned. "Where is everybody?"

Wendi flopped back on the bed and replied, "At the soda machine. We're hungry as hell, T. When are we gonna eat?"

Tammy sighed, "I'll call room service." She called and ordered food for all six of them, which totaled to almost $100 ("Welcome to the Marriott," Tammy grumbled sarcastically), until she reminded Karen that she was supposed to get a 20% discount.

About half an hour later, as the girls were chowing down on their meals, Tammy brought their attention back to the subject at hand.

"Okay, gals," she started. "Let's not get too comfortable here. We can't forget why we're here and why we're doing this."

The other girls nodded and put their food aside. "So what's the plan?" Heather asked.

Tammy relayed the plan step by step to the group, after which Jen asked, "When do we start?"

"Tonight," Tammy answered seriously.

Later that night, or rather earlier that morning since it was 2 a.m., the six girls exited the elevator onto the twentieth floor, dressed entirely in black. They walked down to the room Cassie said 'NSync was in, dodged the sleeping body guards in the hall, and using the key Tammy stole, entered the suite quietly.

"Go that way," Tammy gestured Cassie and Rachel towards the left. She pointed to Heather and Jen. "You guys take this key, go back out, and go to the room next to this. You know the rest of the plan," she finished, handing them the key. Tammy and Jen walked to the door on the right and opened it slowly, half expecting it to be locked. Quite surprisingly it wasn't, and Jen and Tammy entered the room quietly.

"I told you that Joey comes in here and molests Lance," Jen whispered in Tammy's ear. "That's probably why the door isn't locked."

Tammy shushed her and gestured for her to go to Chris' bed while she went to Lance's. Tammy handed Jen some rope and motioned for her to tie him up like they had practiced earlier. She did the same thing to Lance. Disgusted that he still hadn't woken up, Tammy tied the gag around his head tightly, waking him up just as Jen was putting the gag on Chris.

Lance's eyes shot open, and upon realizing that he was not only tied up but also seeing a silhouette standing over him, he thought that perhaps Justin and Chris were playing another joke on him. Yet, when he looked over at Chris' bed and saw him tied up also, that's when he started to panic.

"HELP!!" he tried to scream, but to no avail. The gag on his mouth absorbed most of the sound. Jen got pissed that Chris hadn't woken up yet, so she got a cup of scorching hot water and poured it on his head.

Chris jerked awake and tried to sit up, but the small fact that he was tied up stopped him. His eyebrows furrowed. "Whmkhh ondfn?" he tried to ask.

Tammy chuckled. And sat on the edge of Lance's bed. "What's going on, Chris? Is that what you wanted to know?"

Chris nodded frantically. Tammy went to talk, but Jen cut her off. "Allow me, T." She also sat on the edge of the bed and continued, "You see, Justin and Lance screwed up when they tried to kill us the first time. They didn't count on not succeeding due to the fact that we're fighters. And now," she finished, an evil grin on her face, "it's our turn."

"Yeah," Tammy smirked. "It's time for the webmaster's revenge. The girls strike back now."

Lance's eyes grew as round as saucers. "Whoae doed?" he said.

Tammy rolled her eyes. "I can't understand a word you're saying, Lansten," she scolded. "Hows about I try to get what you said. Nod if I get it right," she chirped with fake happiness. She ticked off on her fingers, "Are ya hungry Lance? Is that it? You wanna Hot Pocket? Maybe an Eggo waffle?" Lance shook his head no. Tammy frowned and continued, "This is harder than I thought. You wanna know why you're tied up?" Lance shook his head again. Tammy grinned mischievously and said, "You know, I'd be happier if you were asking that. This is so kinky." She looked at Lance's body stretched out on the bed and started to chuckle. "You're so vulnerable right now," she smiled. "I could do whatever I wanted to you."

"Kinky!" they heard Chris yell through his gag.

Jen smiled and said, "Comedic right up to his last hours of life." That was enough to make Chris shut up.

Tammy smirked and leaned over Lance's body. "I wonder how, ahem, equipped, Lance is," she snickered, playing with the hem of his boxer shorts.

Jen covered her mouth, for fear of a loud laugh escaping as Lance writhed and twisted on the bed, anything to prevent Tammy from pulling down his shorts.

"Calm down, Lancey-poo," Tammy cooed. "I'm not interested in your goods. I just want vengeance." With that, she pulled out the machete. Lance started to squirm even more and tried to scream, until Tammy snapped, "Shut up before I make your inside the outside, and vice versa."

Jen also pulled out her machete as Tammy continued, "Now, we're not gonna kill you now, but we are takin' ya for a little ride. Jen is gonna untie you first Lance, and then retie the ropes so we can carry you. If you don't make this as smooth as possible, you can consider your life officially over. The same goes for you, Chris."

Jen untied then retied Lance, all while Tammy stood watch with her machete. Jen then untied and retied Chris. "How we gonna carry them?" Jen asked, just as Wendi and Heather entered.

"They'll help," Tammy answered, jerking her head at the two girls. Five minutes later, the four girls were staggering out of the room, the weight of the two guys almost more than they could handle.

How the girls managed to get the guys onto the elevator and down to the car without a hitch was pure luck and a couple of miracles. The girls stuffed the guys in the backseat of the car (which was parked behind the hotel) and walked back up to their room, leaving Wendi and Heather to watch the guys.

When Jen and Tammy got back up to the room, they noticed that Cassie and Rachel weren't there. "Where do you think they are?" Jen asked worriedly.

"I don't know," Tammy answered. "If everything went right, they should be holding J.C. and Justin hostage and making them drive them to the spot. Let's just leave the note and we'll see if they're there."

The girls left a note under Joey's door and then ran back down to the car. "Let's go!" Tammy cried as she and Jen jumped in the car with Wendi and Heather and drove off. They drove through the streets of Orlando to an abandoned warehouse. There, they pulled the guys out of the car and into the warehouse, tying them in a sitting position to a pipe extending from the ceiling to the floor. "Let's make the call now," Tammy said.

Meanwhile, back at the Marriott, Joey woke up from a bad dream. He could've sworn that Wendi and Heather from "Giddy For 'NSync" were in his and Steve's room, but then dismissed it as an alcohol-induced dream. He went to the bathroom for a drink of water, and when he came back, he saw a piece of paper under his door. He was about to throw it away, thinking it was trash, but when he saw his name on it, he decided to read it, wondering if perhaps a girl left her phone number on it and wanted to "hang out". Much to Joey's surprise, the note said nothing of the sort, prompting him to wake up Steve. After letting Steve read the note, the two boys ran into Chris and Lance's room.

"They're gone," Steve said.

Joey frowned. "Of course, genius. The note said they wouldn't be here. We gotta tell the others... if they're still here."

The two ran out of the room and into J.C. and Justin's room. "Shit!" Joey cried when he didn't see the two in there. On a quick decision, he decided to check the living room to see if perhaps they were in there.

As Steve and Joey ran into the living room, Joey nearly collapsed with relief when he saw Justin and J.C. sitting on the couch. "Man," Joey gasped, trying to catch his breath. "Am I glad to see you guys. I thought the girls got y'all too."

"I thought it was just a dream," Steve chimed in.

J.C. shook his head gravely. "It definitely wasn't a dream," he answered. "And we have proof." Just then, his cell phone rang. "Hello," he said cautiously. He listened for a while and all the guys could hear from J.C.'s end was, "Uh-huh... Yeah... No, I haven't... Well, I'm sorry your plans didn't go as you wanted... Okay, I'm sorry... Just let me speak to Lance and Chris... No? Well atleast tell me they're alright... Okay, we'll meet you there in fifteen minutes." J.C. hung up the phone and smiled. "They have Lance and Chris."

"So what's there to smile about?" Joey wanted to know.

"You'll see," Justin answered with an evil grin.

Fifteen minutes later, the girls were in the warehouse waiting for the guys. "Where the hell are they?" Wendi grumbled.

"Right here," a voice said from the shadows.

Tammy stepped forward. "Show yourselves, cowards!" she called.

"Not yet," the voice said.

"You better," Jen threatened, "or 'NSync will officially become a trio."

"Don't hurt Lance or Chris," the voice commanded.

"Oh yeah?" Tammy challenged. "Or else what?"

J.C. stepped out of the shadows. "You hurt one of ours, then we hurt one of yours." In front of him, with a knife to her throat was Cassie.

"Cass!" Tammy exclaimed.

"And she's not alone," Justin laughed, stepping out of the shadows holding Rachel, a knife to her throat also.

"If you hurt my sister..." Jen warned.

"Then what?" Justin laughed. "It looks like we're kinda even," he continued.

"Your move," J.C. smiled.

Tammy leaned over and yanked Lance to his feet. She put the machete to his neck. Wendi followed suit with Chris. The two girls moved forward towards J.C. and Justin, and stopped when they were five feet away from them.

"So what now?" J.C. asked, amused.

For once, Tammy didn't know what to do. She hadn't counted on Cassie and Rachel getting caught. "I thought you said you didn't have them," Tammy jerked her head towards Cassie and Rachel.

"I lied," J.C. answered simply. He sighed, "I'm getting bored with this picture. How's about we liven it up?" He started to raise the knife, but in a move completely unexpected by all, Tammy threw Lance at J.C. with all her strength.

Lance fell on J.C. and Cassie, causing all three to fall to the floor. Justin glanced at the two, and with those two seconds of chaos, Tammy grabbed Cassie and pulled her to her feet, and grabbed Lance again, holding him hostage as Jen jumped forward and made a grab for her sister. Just like that, the girls were free and Lance and Chris were still hostages.

"Looks like we got you now," Tammy smirked.

"Not quite," they heard another voice say.

"Not again," Wendi rolled her eyes. "What now?"

Joey and Steve stepped out of the darkness. Joey had a gun that was pointed directly at Tammy. "You hurt Lance and Chris," he said, "and I hurt you."

J.C. stared at the gun. "Where the hell did you get that thing?"

Joey grinned. "Remember when I said that I'd be back 'cause I had something to get? Well, I went to the lobby and when the lady wasn't looking, I checked the computer hotel log and saw what room Tammy was in and the name she was registered under. I then got one of the body guards to distract the front desk woman while Steve stole an all access key."

"That still doesn't explain where you got the gun from, Joe..." Justin said.

Joey blew a kiss at Tammy and winked as he answered. "I stole it from her room." Tammy did a double take and moved to speak until Jen exclaimed, "Tammy, you had a gun and didn't tell us?!"

Tammy smirked and told Jen to hold Lance. She then sauntered over to Joey, enjoying his discomfort. "Don't move," he commanded, cocking the gun. He continued, "You take another step, and I'm blowing your head clean off."

Tammy laughed and stepped towards him as the others glanced at each other nervously. Joey gulped and immediately pulled the trigger. "What's wrong, Joey?" Tammy smirked. "Is working a gun harder than you thought it would be?"

Joey pulled the trigger a second, third, and fourth time, as Tammy continued to walk slowly towards him wielding her machete. "Try the safety," Tammy suggested.

Cassie gasped. "Tammy! Don't tell him that!"

"Don't worry Cass," Tammy replied. "I wanna see if he has the balls to shoot me." Her eyes never left Joey's the entire time she spoke.

Joey started to sweat profusely. "I do," he said, putting his finger on the trigger and preparing to take another shot at Tammy. The other girls closed their eyes and waited for what seemed to be Tammy's death.

Joey pulled the trigger again, and stared at the gun, perplexed by the loud click he heard as opposed to the loud bang he should have heard. Everything got confusing for him then. Steve was telling Joey to watch out, but all Joey could focus on was the evil look in Tammy's eyes as started to laugh. She took a swipe at his stomach and watched as the knife split not only his shirt but his stomach also.

Joey stared at the blood that started to ooze out of his stomach, and fell to his knees, his face turning pale. Tammy turned as JC lunged at her and commanded in a loud voice, "Don't move, or Joey's losing both heads!"

Everything in the room stopped, including the girls. Tammy looked around the room and realized that as much as she was enjoying herself, she didn't like the picture in front of her. "We were supposed to torture the guys," she thought to herself. "I can't believe it got this far."

Jen looked at Tammy. "Tammy?" she said in nervous voice. "What now?"

Lance grinned and said, "You could let us go."

"Shut up!" Heather yelled from behind JC.

Tammy took a deep breath and looked at the boys. "Who's idea was this?" she asked. "Who started the entire, 'kill the webmasters' plan?"

The boys remained silent until Lance muttered, "I did."

"So you really wanted us dead, huh?" Cassie frowned.

"No," Justin smiled. "Not at all. We just wanted to scare you guys."

Jen smiled back. "Mission accomplished." She giggled at Tammy. "Look at us! We're standing here in an abandoned warehouse with weapons holding 'NSync as hostages! No amount of meet 'n' greets can beat this!"

JC grinned sexily. "C'mon guys. We're sorry about everything. You should just let us go and we'll forget all of this ever happened."

Rachel stared at him warily. "I don't know..." she murmured with suspicion.

Chris chimed in, "Think about it. We can't come after you guys anymore. We see now that y'all are some pretty strong-willed girls. Hell," he continued with a smile, "we don't even wanna come after you guys anymore."

"I agree," Lance said from Jen's arms. "So let's all get out of here."

"I think not," Tammy drawled. "You guys have to die. The minute we let y'all go, you'll have the police after us in no time. Our lives will not be ruined on account of 'NSync, no matter how much money we spend on y'all."

"Yeah," Wendi snarled. "So it's time to wipe you guys out." She started towards JC menacingly and chuckled, "I just said it's time to wipe you guys out and JC once played a character named Wipeout... how crazy is that?"

JC looked at Wendi and smiled softly. "Whatcha gonna do?" he asked, sending her into a childish giggling fit.

"Wendi!" Cassie rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Who's being the teenybopper now? Kill him!"

JC pouted. "Do you really wanna do that? I bet you'd much rather hear a song." Without hesitation, he sang slowly and soulfully, "Wherever I go...whatever I do...whenever my heart is running out for you. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I'm crazy for you-ou..." As he said the last "you", he made the famous kissy face he had on the "'N Concert" special.

"Aww..." Wendi cooed. "That is so sweet!" She lowered her machete.

"Darn it" Cassie scowled, walking toward Wendi and yanking the machete out of her hands. "I'll kill him."

"No!" Wendi screamed, standing in front of JC. "I love him!"

Heather rolled her eyes. "Oh fuck me..." she drawled with disbelief at her friend's actions.

"You're wish is our command," Justin grinned coyly. Heather immediately blushed and looked at the ground.

"What is it about these white boys that makes white girls so incredibly stupid?" Cassie asked Tammy.

Chris walked towards Cassie and winked at her. "You mean to tell me you never wanted a little cream in your coffee?"

Cassie looked at Chris and started to giggle like a little ten year old girl. "Oh man," Tammy muttered. She looked at Lance, who was still in Jen's hold. "Y'all think y'all are so cute, huh?"

"The cuteness hasn't even begun yet, Tammy. Let me go and me and the guys can show you what it really means to be cute."

Jen was staring into Justin's blue eyes mesmerized, and suddenly let Lance go. "Jen!" Tammy screamed, jumping away from Lance and holding up her machete.

"Don't worry," Lance assured Tammy. "We won't do anything. We just wanna get out of here." He walked over to the other guys and they all turned and looked at the six girls. Joey, who was still bleeding, but was wearing a tourniquet a lá Steve's shirt, started to pant. "I'm losing a lot of blood," he whispered.

"Tough," Wendi snapped. "I hate you guys anyway. Especially you, Steve."

Jen scowled at Wendi. "Shut up," she said. She smiled at Steve. "You know I love you, Steverino."

Steve winked at her. "The feeling is more than mutual," he grinned.

"Would all of you just shut up!" Tammy finally erupted. "You guys are forgetting why we're here! Now, no more talking, from anyone. I'm tired of this." She sighed and continued, "I could really go for some relaxing music right about now."

Lance, without hesitation, started to croon Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On", much to Tammy's pleasure. "Oh boy," she muttered, starting to fan herself. "It's hot in here!"

"What do we have to do for you guys to let us go?" JC asked. He continued, "We'll do anything."

"Anything?" Tammy asked devilishly.

"Anything," JC answered just as devilishly.

Five minutes later, the boys had their shirts knotted at their chests, showing off their stomachs and were doing the dance moves and singing to Britney Spears' "...Baby One More Time". Tammy and the girls were nearly crying with laughter, and even the boys of 'NSync couldn't help but smile. When the song was over, Justin grinned at Tammy and asked, "What now?"

Tammy smirked. "Oh," she drawled, "it's torture time."

Justin's smile dropped. "B-but..." he stuttered. "I thought you wouldn't hurt us."

Tammy sighed and replied in a sing-song voice, "Wrong!" She continued, "I have one more task for y'all to complete, and then maybe I'll let y'all go. If you don't do it, we'll slice you like a dill pickle."

"What's the task?" Joey asked, who despite the performance he just helped to give, was still a deathly pale.

"I want y'all to do the song and dance of Backstreet Boys' "Everybody"," Tammy replied.

All the guys replied at once, shaking their heads, "No... Uh-uh... No way...I'm not doing it... That'll never happen." Justin added, "You'll have to kill me before I do that gay dance."

Heather snapped, "You have to. Who's holding the weapons here? Now hop to it!"
The six boys came together and started to execute the routine as best as they could, but in all the girls' opinions, they looked like crap. They had never seen or heard 'NSync sing and dance so terribly.

"Okay, okay!" Tammy yelled. "I get it! The dance is gay and you don't wanna do it. Fine." She looked at the door, and then back at the guys. "You can go now," she said casually.

"Really?" Steve said.

Tammy nodded. "Go ahead before I change my mind. But one thing..." she called as the six guys started to bolt for the door.

The boys stopped and Chris turned around. "Yeah?" he asked.

Tammy smiled menacingly, "If you tell anyone about what's been happening between us, then we will come back for you. And unlike y'all, we won't fail. Got it?"

The boys nodded and ran out the door. Cassie looked at Tammy. "Are you sure that was the smartest thing to do, Tammy?" she asked.

Tammy chuckled to herself. "Yep," she replied simply.

"But Tammy," Heather protested. "You just let them get away! They'll go to the cops for sure."

Tammy laughed . "They'll think about going to the police, but they won't. Let's just say I have something that'll make them think twice about going to the cops."

"What do you have?" Rachel asked.

Tammy pointed to a black box in a nearby corner. "You girls see that?" She asked. She continued as the others nodded, "That there is a camera with a timer and a zoom lens on it. It's been taking one picture every two minutes since the guys got here. In other words," she finished with a mischievous smile, "I'm going to inform our friends that we have some very incriminating pictures of them."

"That's right!" Jen exclaimed. "They were in some pretty compromising positions."

"Exactly," Tammy said. She counted off on her fingers. "First, we have a picture of Justin and JC with knives to the throats of two under aged girls. Two, we have Joey aiming a gun at me. And three, we have a picture of the boys with their shirts knotted like some natives of San Francisco dancing all over the place. Now ask yourself," she concluded, "who would really want those pictures to get out?"

"Not me," Wendi answered.

"Tell them now!" Cassie exclaimed. "I can't wait for them to know that we still have them between a rock and a hard place."

"Okay," Tammy said, whipping out her phone. She looked at the other girls. "You think this is over," she stated, "but in all actuality, the fun has just begun."


"Slow down, man!" Joey gasped. "I'm still weak from all that blood I lost!"

The other five guys slowed down and looked over Joey. JC finally concluded, "I don't think she sliced you that bad, but dude, I'd definitely get some stitches."

Chris growled, "Those bitches. I just wish we some kind of way to get them back."

Lance allowed a sinister grin to cross his face. "We do," he said.

"Oh yeah? What?" Justin asked.

"Let's go to the police and turn them in," Lance answered simply.

"But," Steve whispered, "you what they said. If we go to the police..."

"Shut the hell up, Steve," Lance scowled. "They were just BS-ing us. Are you really gonna let a bunch of young girls make you afraid? What the hell can they do to us?"

Just then, Chris' phone rang. He answered it cautiously and listened to the voice on the other end. Suddenly, his face went pale, and about a minute later, he hung up his phone.

"What?" JC asked worriedly, looking at Chris.

Chris looked at the others as beads of sweat started to trickle down his face. "Guys," he stammered. "I don't think we'll be going to the police anytime soon."

Two weeks later....

"Hello, I'm Carson Daly, and you're watching Total Request Live. Our special guests today are those hunky hunks that just make my toes curl, the boys of 'NSync."

Justin blushed like he was embarrassed, but on the inside, he was pissed. He hated it when Carson did stuff like that. It embarrassed the hell out of the guys, and Carson knew that. What Carson didn't know was that for everytime he embarrassed them, the boys got him back in their own little ways. Justin smirked to himself as he remembered the real reason Carson and Jennifer Love Hewitt broke up. "That was the best sex I ever had, Justin," she'd whispered in his ear the morning after, while Carson was not even five feet away from them. Justin started to chuckle, but stopped himself quickly. He started to ponder some really mean things he could do to Carson, but something made him look up into the audience. He looked, blinked, rubbed his eyes, and then looked again, but saw no one there. It was strange, though. He could have sworn that he saw Heather in the audience grinning at him. Oh well, he thought, and hurriedly jumped in to answer the next question, completely cutting JC off.

JC scowled slightly as Justin cut him off, but quickly turned it into a smile. Suddenly, he saw a bright flash of light to his left. When he glanced over, though, he had to do a double take, because he knew for a fact that he wasn't seeing Jen holding a knife and smiling. JC started to sweat, but then looked at the floor, hoping he looked inconspicuous and unafraid.

Joey glanced at JC and wondered what was wrong with him. Just then, Carson said, "Well Joey, we heard you had a bit of an accident and had to have stitches put in your stomach. What happened?"

"Well," Joey replied smoothly. He had already mapped out what he'd say and what his excuse would be. "I was eating a cantaloupe in bed one night, and I always eat my cantaloupe with like, this huge knife, ya know? Well, I accidentally fell asleep with the knife on the bed, and well...you can guess the rest."

"Ouch!" Carson said. He looked directly in to the camera. "To all you kiddies out there, this is definitely one of those instances where you DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!"

Joey had to strain to not roll his eyes to the ceiling. Instead, he thought about how good it felt to take all those naked pictures of Carson's sister and put them up on the Internet. I'm so bad, he thought with a smirk. Just then, he glanced up and saw out of the corner of his eye what looked to be Tammy, playfully licking on a knife at the back of the crowd. But when he looked again, she was gone. Joey started to shake just a little, and then Carson's voice was pulling him from his thoughts. "Hey Superman," Carson leered like he was kidding, even though he was dead serious. "Get the potatoes out of your ears and pay attention." Lord, Joey thought, would someone please shut this asshole the hell up?!

Chris smiled at his friend reassuringly, relieved when Joey smiled back, even though he could see the tension on his face. Damn that bitch Carson, Chris thought. Just then, a small square of paper landed at his feet.

"A love letter!" Justin cried, as Chris bent to pick it up. He stared at it, and his mouth dropped open. It was the picture of him and the guys with their shirts knotted doing the Britney Spears dance.

"What is it?" Carson asked, trying to snatch the picture. Chris merely held it out of his reach, replying, "None of your business, Carson. Host the show." He then gave Carson the evil eye so he'd know he was serious. Carson didn't take the hint and merely reached for it again. "C'mon Chris," he said, "lemme see it. What is it a picture of?"

Chris finally lost his patience and said, "It's one of the naked pictures of your sister that's floating around the Internet. Now leave me alone." He sat back and scowled as the audience went, "Oooohhhh", for Carson had just gotten majorly dissed on national TV. Carson gave up and announced the number one video, which to his annoyance, was 'NSync. After the video was played, the boys went back to their dressing rooms to talk.

"They're here," JC said gravely.

"Yeah, I saw 'em too," Justin replied, fear creeping into his voice.

"The question is," Chris interjected, "why they're here."

Joey chewed his thumbnail. "I know!" he snapped his fingers. "It's 'cause they think we went to the police. Alls we gotta do is tell them that we didn't, and they'll go away, right?" The boys remained silent. "Right?" Joey asked again, this time his voice full of uncertainty.

"I don't know, Joe," Lance replied. "I just don't know."

What the boys didn't know was that this was all a part of Tammy's elaborate scheme to get 'NSync back. That's what they needed the $50,000 for. The supplies, the camera with zoom lens and a timer (which isn't cheap), and plane tickets to New York and money for hotel stay. They wanted to follow 'NSync and drive them to the edge of insanity. ('NSanity? Hehehe...)

The girls repeated their TRL antics once more, showing up at a club the guys would be at that night. They made it a point to just have the guys get a little glance at them, and then to disappear into the crowd. That in itself was enough to drive the boys crazy. The girls didn't even need to make anymore appearances, because for weeks after that, the guys would report to each other frantically, "I saw one of them while I was coming from the Supermarket..." or "I think I saw Jen when I was getting some gas..." or the most unusual one, "I think I saw Cassie underneath my bed..." The boys had gone completely nuts.

A month after the TRL appearance, the boys of 'NSync were giving a concert. But this was a particularly special concert, for they were kicking off their fall tour. The guys, as batty as they were, were able to still put on a good show because they were able to find release through the music. Unfortunately, things started to go wrong.

During "Bye Bye Bye", the guys had to pretend to be puppets and fly around on puppet strings. Joey usually loved this part, but that night when he flew out on his strings over the audience, he looked down and saw what could have been "their" girls. He started to have an anxiety attack, and just as it was reaching its climax, one of the soundboard workers screwed up something, and the instruments sounded really weird for about ten seconds... especially Ruben's guitar. As he played its chords, it sounded kinda like someone, a little girl perhaps saying, "I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get you!" Joey couldn't take it anymore. He started to thrash and squirm on his harnesses and yelled into his mike, "Get me down! No! No! Get those damn girls away from me! I can't take it anymore! Somebody kill me, please!", much to the discomfort of the concert goers. But alas, Joey forgot what the stage manager told him earlier...

"Joey, whatever you do, don't squirm on your harnesses tonight during "Bye Bye Bye". It's stable enough to hold you, but you've lost a lot of weight since you were on it last and we don't know how it would react to the change in weight. Nine times out of ten you'll probably be fine, but we don't wanna take any chances. Better safe than sorry."

Unfortunately, Joey squirmed. A lot. His harness strings came out of their bolts, and he plunged to the ground. Chris, who was right next to him, saw it happening, and jerked to the right, reaching out his hand hoping to maybe catch Joey. But unfortunately, his jerky motion caused his strings to pop also, and he plunged to the ground right along with Joey. JC was right next to him and basically tried to do the same thing Chris did. The bad news? His strings popped also. The good news? Only three popped and he was still suspended in the air. The fucked up news? JC got so afraid that he'd fall to his death that he started to thrash and squirm on his strings. He didn't fall, but he did wind up getting tangled in his strings. The result? JC hung himself. Isn't it ironic?

By then, all of the concert goers were screaming and wailing in agony. Who could blame them? Chris and Joey's brains were splattered on the floor, and JC's limp body hanging from an elastic string was enough to send anybody over the edge. The crew was on the stage and in the electronic booths trying to get Lance and Justin down, but they panicked so badly that one of the harness operators hit the wrong button, and sent Justin flying into some light fixtures, electricuting him to death. If he'd always wanted to be Black, then his dream finally came true. (I'm sick, I know. That was just gross, and I apologize for that statement....but I won't delete it.) Anyone who looked at Lance and expected him to be alive, think again. Lance was dead, but he didn't have mark on him. How was that possible? Because Lance died of a heart attack... he was literally scared to death.

The moral of this story is: payback is a bitch. Any member of 'NSync who gets pissed at what he sees on humor sites should just let it go. The second moral is: don't fuck with me. I have a way with words and when I'm at my keyboard, God is granting me the pleasure of playing God. I know I'll never be God or even remotely close to Him, but when I'm at my computer writing a story, I run things, and everything is at my mercy. The final moral of the story is: don't let squabbles and ill feelings towards others grow into something that it shouldn't even be. For instance, this all started 'cause 'NSync wanted revenge on the girls. They could have just let it go, but no. Then, the girls had to strike back. No matter how famous those guys are, Tammy and the girls could have reported the crime and gotten results. Think about it: in the beginning, Tammy punched Lance square in the jaw....really hard... don't you think even a minute amount of blood might have come flying out of his mouth? It's called "evidence" in the world we live in. Then, when 'NSync's at the hotel in Orlando, they still want to get the girls. You mean to tell me you're still pissed that we made fun of y'all? No me vengas con eso! Spanish: Come off it! Next, when the girls take Chris and Lance hostage, that prompts JC and company to take the girls hostage. Finally, when they're in the warehouse and the girls are laughing and "making nice" with the boys and let them go, it could have ended there... with the exception of Chris wanting to go to the police, but that was just 'cause he was pissed off. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, if you have the chance to squash something, then by all means... SQUASH IT!! It's not worth all the drama! Well, I'm done lecturing and I'm out. This story was just plain sick and I don't think I'm writing anymore. It made me wanna throw up nasty chicken grease and greasy pork bellied salmon served in a dirty ashtray. Yuck!


The End (for sure)

Y'all know the drill... e-mail me! I got a lot of positive feedback on "Revenge of the Boyband", but because this story was kind of unsettling to me, I encourage you all to write me and tell me what you REALLY thought... even if you didn't write me after reading the first one.

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