All About Moi!
Howdy folks! If you've wasted the time to come here
I'm guessing the question
on your mind is "Who the heck is this kid?"
Well then, here ya go...
Name: Erin
Age: 16
Location: Ligonier, Indiana
Favorite Food: mmmmm food...
Favorite Movie: Austin Powers
Favorite TV show: The X-Files
Favortie Book: The Scarlet Letter
Favorite Boy: Brian! Who'd have guessed?
Favorite Song: I like them all.. but if I have to
choose just one.. I'd say 10,000 Promises
BSB confessions: Oh geez... Let's see, I've got quite the BSB collection wracked up:
I've got the Homecoming in Orlando vid, the All Access, and Backstreet Boys: The Video.
I've also
got about 5 tapes full of BSB TV appearances.
I've got 2 T-shirts - so if one is dirty, I can always wear the other!
My room's covered with pictures, just like every other fanatic, but I've
also got a huge pile of posters that travel with me. They go everywhere. I go on vacation- they go up on
the hotel room walls. I go on a plane trip- one of them will go on the seat in front of me. I always wonder what the
hotel maids think when they walk in and have hundreds of beautiful pictures staring at them.
I finally got tickets to a concert! So what do I do? I go down to the venue for a b-ball game just to check out my seats.
We're one row from the back. I sat up in those seats taking pictures and learning to love them. People who where actually there
to watch the Hoosiers play where staring up at me like I was a retard.
When I was in the venue, I actually stole a faucet. Why? I'm still trying to figure out... but I carry it around with me everywhere.
And I've gotta say hullo to my two friends who help
keep my Backstreet fire blazing. HEY SONYIA AND
Okay... enough of that, back to the boys.