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Dear Diary

Snicker's Diary
December 30, 1999
This is SO neat! I, the spiffyist, cutest, funnest hamster in the world, have been adopted! My new owner, Jordan, just bought me today for $6.99. I am about eight weeks of age and I'm currently pregnant. Jordan doesn't know this yet, but don't you worry, he'll know soon enough! Along with me, Jordan got a Habitrail Safari and a cute little earthenware bowl for food! I just can't wait to go to my new home and see how I'll be living the rest of my life.
December 31, 1999
What a day! This morning Jordan tried to pick me up, but I nipped at his finger. I think this pregnancy stuff is kind of getting to me. Jordan thinks it's just because I still need a lot of taming. And then, later on in the day, Jordan just set my hand in my cage and let it set there. I'm starting to get used to him now. But here's the best part of the whole day: Jordan actually picked me up and let me roam around his room for a half- hour or so! Us hamsters just LOVE doing that. After a half hour he had to put me back in my cage though. He said he was going upstairs to celebrate some thing called a noo Mill n e m. I love my new home!
January 7, 2000
My first litter! I don't think Jordan has figured it out yet because he let me out just like usual. They're all so cute! I bet that's because they're decendants of the cutest, spiffyist, smartest hamster in the world. I can't wait till Jordan finds out! The whole house will be excited!
January 8, 2000
Jordan found my babies today while his mom was reading to him! He let me run around (like he usually does when he's being read to) and explore like I usually do. Then, he was doing something with the nest box, he might have been trying to clean it or something, and he noticed all the little pink little hamsters! He was REALLY excited. He made sure to let me back to my nest immediately so that I could be sure to take care of them.
January 16, 2000
My little babies wandered out of their nest today. They are so cute!(Guess who they got that from?) One of them is all cinnamon, One has a tiny stripe, one has a stripe that should turn out about the same size as mine, and one has a HUGE stripe. I'm not sure what the fifth one looks like in daylight, though. They're in such a dark spot, I don't even know what he looks like yet! Jordan is trying to shoot them with some little gadget that makes a BIG light. I think this is where "pictures" com from, so if they turn out, you should get to see them here.
January 22, 2000
Jordan cleaned out my cage for the first time today. He moved me and all my little babies into an aquarium. I was OK with him lifting them up. The first one to ever come out now has the official title of Sleepyhead. He gets into cute little positions and acts dead until I pick him up! Jordan did some more giant flashes(pictures), so there might be pictures of me and my honeys on this web page in less than a month! I sure hope so.