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Hamster Housing
Squeeky's Selection
Feeding Frenzy
Totally Taming
Peaches' Products
Terrific Toys
Dear Diary


Hi! I'm Jordan's hamster, Snickers. Every part of this website is from one of Jordan's hamster's viewpoints. I don't have my own page yet because Jordan got me New Years Eve Eve. (12-30-1999) Anyway, Jordan's hamster's names are Peaches, Squeeky, Cinnamon Toast, and Jumps.
How do you like the all-knew SPIFFY frames version of my already SPIFFY site? You better like it, cause I spent a straight day or two getting all the HUGE kinks out of the systems. From the Spiffyist hamster of all,

Sadly, tragedy has struck my cute little family. One of my unnamed babies just - disappeared. And Ruby, the cutest runt ever to exist, is dying right now. I don't know how to save her. I will continue to update as I go.

Ruby died.

Cream Soda is sick.

Cream Soda died in Jordan's hands.

Apricot Cream, the strongest of the group, is sick.

After a long fight to live, Apricot Cream died. I can't believe this happened! My worst fears when I woke up were that the new aquaarium Jordan was getting wouldn't be big enough! And now this! Jordan is trying to piecee together how they died. He will post results as soon as possible.

Hamster HousingYour hamster's home.

Feeding Frenzy What to feed your hamster.

Terriffic Toys Easy to make toys for your hamster.

Peaches' Products Hamster product ratings.

Squeeky's Selection Selecting your pet.

Totally Taming Taming your new pet.

Dear DiaryMy all new diary!