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Hamster Housing
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Dear Diary

Totally Taming

Us hamsters will be very nervous when we first meet our new human. We do not like sudden movements until we are sure you will not harm us. Do not give us too much attention until we have set up our new home. Now, once I have made my new nest, you may watch me, saying my name(I can learn to know my name). A couple days later, I will be ready to come out and play with you. After I have been home from a week to two weeks, you can start to brush my hair and all the other fun things you haven't gotten to do yet. By then I should be pretty used to you, so you may play with me several times a day.

Here is an overall summary:
Day one and two:Talk to me and maybe hand feed me
Day three to five:Hold us in your hand
Day seven to fourteen:Brush hair, other
After two weeks:Play with me several times a day.

There are many different ways to handle us hamsters, but some of them hurt us or we don't like them. Never EVER pick up a hamster by the scruff of the neck like you would a cat. We may look as though we are not harmed by it, but we are. There are many ways, though, that are OK to handle us in. You can pick him up in cupped hands, but then he is in danger of falling out. You can hold your hands flat and keep putting one hand in front of the other. If you do this, your hamster will keep walking. The best way to hold a hamster, though is in a well type shape of hands. Cinnamon Toast