All About Kelly
Things About Me
- I graduated with an Associates Degree in Graphic Design.
- I took the SAT (college entrance exam) in the 6th grade and would have passed it totally without the math part!
- I am a poet. (Just remember I never said I was a GOOD poet)
- I was Southern Baptist for 2 years just before I got into Wicca.
- I believe in a Goddess and a God. What I DON'T believe in is Satan.
- My boyfriend's name is Drew. (I'm gonna marry the boy someday!)
- I LOVE the song The Rainbow Connection
- Merry and I worked together at Alco and she became my friend after she came to a Petra Party at my house.
My Favorite Websites
Celtic Connection
The Blessed Bee
Silver RavenWolf's Homepage
Kelly's Newest News can be found by clicking here
Thank you for your interest in me.
Please feel free to come back anytime.
By the way... it is official... I REtook the test and I am