Dreams are important in all of us. Dreams help us decide where we want to go and who we want to be. Your dreams are a reflection of your soul. Below I've posted some of my own dreams and hope you'll take the time to reflect upon your own. Sincerly- Jade
Jade's Dream List
Make a website *
Be in a band *
Fall in love *
Sleep in a haymow
Scuba dive in Australia
Sleep on a bench in Italy
Know every word in the dictonary before I die
Jump in mud puddles when I'm 25
Go on an all night truck run with my dad *
Complete Brians dream of seeing poetry on billboards
Make a real cool shirt for myself *
Ride my horse bare back through a valley under Moonlight
Paint a self-portrait
Make my room look like a forest *
Do my genealogy
Get a job *
Learn Brail
Canoe under the stars with someone special
Swim in the rain
Skip off school and spend the day in the woods
Climb to the top of a tree
Go to Shilo and lay in the grass*
meet Steve*
Develop my own pictures *
Walk on the cool mud in Windsor
Be a better Christian * -always working on this
have a rabbit litter survive *
Stand under a waterfall