...you replaced the word hate with the word pickle?
...we flatulated in puffs of colour?
...once a month there was no gravity, but we didn't know when it would happen?
...all the time we spent talking on the computer to people we know, we replaced by talking face-to-face to people we don't?
...there was no such thing as 'under the bed'?
...Hitlers mom had gotten an abortion?(She really had thought about it ya know)
...everytime you told a lie your butt got bigger?
...pens and pencils tasted like oysters?
...happiness was a fish you could catch?
...broccoli grew as tall as trees?
...whenever you had a really good idea a light bulb really did appear above your head?
...your aura was visible to everyone?
...tomorrow is just like yesterday?
...you ran the same way you did when you were five?
...one day no one liked icecream anymore?
...everytime you burped a rainbow appeared?
...God told you your karma balance an hour before you die?
...your dog really does eat your homework?
...your computer yells back at you?
...Americans understood that Canada is the best!?
...everytime you pitied yourself a bug was placed in your bed?
...all retorical questions were answered?(I'd be in trouble)
...other people came up with crazy 'what ifs' and sent them to me to post?!!!