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Race: Saiyan (Saiya-jin)

Description: looks like Goten and has the hair of trunks he has Saiyan armor on.

History/Story: he was made for Goten and Trunks by bulma useing there cells. For a training and for help but the let him go as the time went on Trunten was bored not training with his best friends so he went back but when he got there they had moved time after time Trunten just missed them when one day he sore then get killed by a unknow man who was all in black the did battle and Trunten won from then on Trunten would try to save everyone he met from a robber to Frieza.

weaknesses: truntens only weakness is if they have someone and if he moves they die he will die for anyone

Signature Move: Kamehameha