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Spring is in the Air!

Welcome to my Spring homepage!! Wow. Spring! Already!! Time sure flies doesn't it?! Well, HAPPY SPRING!!! Isn't the weather beautiful this time of year?? Hey, did anyone like that nice tropical vacation we took during Winter??? (See "My Previous Homepages") I thought it was a nice break from the snow!
Ok, enough chatting, to the links!!

All About Me | My Favorite Links | My Favorite MIDI & WAV files | My Photo Album
Photo Album Pg. 1 | Photo Album Pg. 2 | Photo Album Pg. 3 | Photo Album Pg. 4 | Photo Album Pg. 5 | Photo Album Pg. 6 | Photo Album Index
My Australia Photo Album | Too Cute Pictures! | Recent Pictures

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Sign My SlamBook! | View My SlamBook!

Hey! I have some great stuff on my webpage, but they might be a bit hard to find! So, here I'll tell you my personal favorite hangout places so you don't have to waste any time (unless you REALLY want to look at super old, no where near updated pictures) and get to the good stuff! Here are my recomendations:

Too Cute Pictures!
Here you will find those pictures that you always turn to first when looking through a photo album because they are just too perfect to not!
My Australia Photo Album!
Here are TONS of pictures of, well, everything when I was in Australia, July 1999!
Recent Pictures!
This link will take you to an index of pages with my most recent pictures on it. The pictures on that page haven't yet been put on ANY other pages of mine! Check out our newest family members or see what you think of my new haircut! Or, check out what I've been up to lately (Youngstown concert pics)!
*** This page still under MAJOR construction!!!***

Coming soon!!!
UPDATED pictures of me (with my new haircut even!!), Pics from a Youngstown concert I recently went to (including up close pics of the guys!) & pictures of several of our pets!! Also, I'm thinking of making a page (or, pages) with the clip art and backgrounds I have collected and the ones I've used in the past/am using now! Tell me what you think of this idea, e-mail me at!

My counter doesn't always appear.

-=Spring Homepage Sprung into it's Birth in February, 2000=-
-=Last updated May 28th, 2000=-

E-mail me at
Comments, suggestions, questions & other welcome!!

You are listening to Winnie the Pooh.

Click on the above banner to get your own SlamBook!

Thank you Ryan, without you and your homepage I never would have figured out how to put scrolling words in the white box at the bottom of this page! *wink*

See my previous homepages:
The Original
Autumn Homepage
Winter Homepage

I am a Born Again Believer.