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My Friends.

Click on a picture to find out more about each person

These are some of my real life friends and some of the people i chat to online

This is a picture of my best friend in the whole wide world Sebnem and Nicole who is alos a close friend of mine

This is a picture of one of the sweetest people i know Melisa shes also one of my best mates

This is the girl i owe my sanity to, Kim has been there for me heaps the last 6 months or so and i dunno where I'd be now without her *super hugs*

These guys are my two fav' guys in the WHOLE world. i love you, Toan and Serkan *hugs*

One of the sweetest men in the world *hugs* Manwell

This is a sweet, caring, young lady by the name of Farah, (far left) Umm do i get any points for this? :P

Well if you go on the net and you dont know who this is then theres no point in you looking any on my site anymore :P this would have to be Kim

Hey met one girl im lucky to call my friend Carolina, you rock my world ..err not like that way relax :P

This is Sandy, shes a really close friend of mine, love ya babe :)

This girly here is one cool chick, i love talking to her, about light hearted and deep and meaningful things *hugs* Becky

Umm, where do i start with this one? :P well this is Nat, this girl is very cheeky watch yourself around her

This here is my buddy Lisa, shes really sweet and great to talk to, I'd like to think we're good buddies :)

This is a picture of my BEAUTIFUL baby.. and her cute lil doggie

Well Well Well.. this would have to be Jac shes a strange one to say the least

Well this is Bojana although i sually call her Bo most of the time :P