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Aaron Tells on Nick

I know that
this website was only for
Kevin and Brian, but I
decided to add some stuff
on the other members,
too. I might even turn this
place into a BSB website!

Let's face it, Aaron - boys of your age usually hate girls, so what's it like having thousands of them screaming at you?

It was kinda weird when I supported Backstreet Boys on their German tour this summer, as we were playing to 30,000 plus audiences, and when I went out on stage the girls were going real mad and screaming and everthing. I loved it! Back home a lot of guys at school have got girlfriends, but I don't have any.

Are Nick's fans the ones who tend to like you as well?

Yeah, I do seem to get a lot of his fans liking me, but there are also a lot who don't like Nick. That's pretty cool, isn't it?

Would you join the Backstreet Boys if they asked you?

I'd love to in the future, but I'd like to stick with what I'm doing now and maybe I'm a little to young right now for the guys!

Do you and Nick share a bedroom at home?

Yeah, we do. We got on real well, but we usually fight over who gets to play the Nintendo. I always win when we play though, and so does Brian. Nick gets so mad when Brian beats him - but Brian's a lot better than Nick, ha, ha!

So do the pair of you manage to keep the bedroom tidy, then?

Well I do, I'm very tidy, but Nick's really messy. We don't even keep half a room each - Nick's stuff is all over the place and I end up picking it all up for him! Do you ever wish you weren't the little brother?

Nah, I like being the younger one, even though Nick picks on me sometimes. You know, he throws me in the pool the whole time when he's home - even when I've got all my clothes on!

What's the best present he's ever bought you?

Actually Nick bought me my fovourite thing in the whole world, my motorcycle. It's 80cc and it's really, really cool. My dad's built me, like, a mile long ramp and I jumped it and everthing!

What do the girls in school think about Nick?

Well, Backstreet Boys have only just started getting big in the U.S., but already all the girls really love him! I don't really tell anyone at school what I'm doing because they get pretty jealous.

If you could choose, which other Backstreet Boy would you like to have as your brother?

I guess it'd be Brian, 'cause he's the one I hang out with the most, but nobody could be a better brother than Nick!

Do you think you'll be more sucessful than Nick one day?

Probably not. BSBs have been out for a long time now and they are doing really well. I'm just a beginner at the moment...

So can we expect to see anymore Carters on the stage soon?

My sister, Lesley, is a singer. She's not professional, but she's into it. She's 11.

Would you ever like to do a duet with Nick?

Actually, we've already decided we're going to do one next year. We've picked a song called Loverboy by Billy Ocean to do and I'm really looking forward to it!

Do you miss him when he's away on tour without you?

Oh yeah, so much - we speak on the phone all the time. Even though he's quite a bit older we get on so well - we've got so much in common.

Does he give you any pop star advice?

All the time, he really looks out for me. It's like, when I'm just about to go out on stage, he'll come up and sit me down all going serious and go, "Now don't worry, just imagine there's only two or three people out there and sing to them." It really works - it stops me getting too nervous. He's so good like that, I really couldn't ask for a better brother!

Is there any jealousy in the Carter household?

No, because everyone's doing their own thing. My twin sister Angel is going to try modelling and my older sister Bobbie isn't really into music. Leslie my other older sister wants to sing and she might be doing backing vocals on my next single - but only if she lets me play with her guitar. The thing is I broke it the last time I used it!

Who snores loudest?

Nick doesn't snore but I do, all the time. But not loud enough to wake him up like Angel does. (Mrs Carter walks in!) They sneak out of their room all the time. (Back to Aaron) Do I sneak out? No, I love it in there, it's nice and cold because of the air conditioning.

What do you keep under the bed?

There's a painting Nick did, his very first one. It's a man - look!Let me see what else there is. (Disappears under bed for what seems like ages, then...) Ha ha, I'm under here, are you coming? No? (Climbing out) This is where I hide when I don't want my mum to catch me. Why wouldn't I want her to catch me? In case I've been naughty, of course.

There are lots of animals roaming around, how many do you own?

We have seven all together. There's Simba, Samson, Salt and Pepper who are all dogs. Lucky, Sugar and Muffy are cats - Muffy has seven toes. We also have fishes and birds. Sometimes, I take the dogs for a walk but Simba and Samson take me for a walk - they drag me along. But they are good dogs. They onced saved my life when I fell in the water while I was sleeping outside. They jumped in and pulled me by my arms to the shore, thye rescued me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.