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After the Ball

Part Nine

"What are you talking about?" Ned asked, clearly confused. "How is our --" Ned gestures to himself and Alexis. "-- Engagement going to get rid of Gertrude?" Ned looks at Jax like skeptically, and waits for a reply.

"Shh..." Jax said, putting his finger to his lips. "You're engaged to my wife, remember? And you're still married to the love of MY life. We can turn this whole thing to our advantage if we are all patient. I think we can get rid of Gertrude for good if we play our cards right."

Intrigued by Jax's enthusiasm, Chloe raised an eyebrow and looked at him with renewed interest.

" can't possibly be carrying Ned's child, because it's mine," Jax said convincingly.

His announcement was met only with silence.

"Doesn't anyone understand English?" Jax asked, nearly laughing. "I've got to get someone to redesign the penthouse to include a nursery. I was thinking somewhere along the wall that CONNECTS to your suite, Ned. What do you think?"

Finally clicking.

"Oh, yeah. You know... I've been meaning to get a room for Brooke Lynn put in along that wall. What to do you think, Chloe? Wouldn't it be NICE of us to have a room for my daughter put in." Ned looked at Chloe who still looked clueless as to what was going on, then to Alexis, who was slowly realizing what her husband and her lover meant.

"Okay, I get what you're saying." said Alexis. "I just have one will this get rid of Gertrude?"

"Yes, I get it too," Chloe says as what Jax said was getting through. "But I agree with you Alexis, how will this help get rid of Gertrude?"


"Search Hannah’s place at Kelly's. Do anything. We have to find out so we can help Brenda. Please Jason." Sonny says trying to calm down.

"You got it." Jason says. He doesn't want to get into anything else with Sonny right now. He walks towards the door, "I'll call you if I find anything." Jason says. "I am gunna swing by the warehouse first...I have to run some shipment orders by Vinny." He leaves the penthouse at that, and heads to the warehouse...and then to Kelly's.


Carly looks at her husband and says, "AJ, I was just taking a walk and getting some fresh air. Well, Helena, nice to see ya. Lets go home, AJ. Its getting cold."

Helena put on a false smile. “It's been nice seeing you, Miss Spenc.. I mean Benson, I shall speak with you again. I has been very nice to meet you. And Mr. Quartermaine I will be seeing you soon. Oh and, AJ, could you be a dear and tell your grandmother I said hello."

"I'll do that." AJ says. ‘When pigs fly!’ he thought.

Carly and AJ go home.

AJ gets a phone call and has to take it, so Carly heads to her room. She sits at her dresser brushing her hair, thinking about all the good times she has had with Jason and Michael. ‘We where such a good family together. I should have known better that this thing with AJ wouldn't work out. I have to start my plan to get rid of him soon or I am going to go crazy!’

She looks at her cell phone starts to pick it up to call Jason...but she hesitates, ‘Maybe I shouldn't. Screw it! I'm going to call him. Maybe he can help me think of a plan to get rid of AJ for once and for all. I need to be with Jason and Michael only. I can't be Carly Quatermaine any longer.’ She dials and waits for Jason to pick up. She hopes he'll help her put together a good plan.

Jason is walking along the docks, just coming from the warehouse, when his cellphone rings. "Hello?" he asks. He hears Carly's voice on the other line. "What do you mean you need help?" he asks, getting worried. "Carly are you in trouble?!" Jason asks, and is relieved when she says no. "Can you meet me outside of Kelly's in ten minutes?" Jason asks her.

“Yes Jason, I'll be there, but I don’t know if it will be ten minutes. I have to shake the snake ..... Yes AJ! Who else? Ok. See ya then." Carly frantically gathers her things and calls a cab. She starts to go down to the foyer when she hears AJ and Alan talking. Quickly, her heart racing, she runs to her room and out the window she goes. ‘Screw it. I’ll see Jason. We can figure this out tonight. I need to get rid of AJ and fast,’ she thinks as she climbs down.

The cab pulls up and she is on her way to Kelly's.

At Kelly's, Jason sees Carly pull up in the cab and runs toward her.

Carly tells him, "Jason, I can't take this. We need to get rid of AJ. I need to be with you and Michael...”

Jason looks at Carly, "Ok....ok," he sees she's getting upset. Jason hugs Carly, "I am sorry I yelled a you the other day...I was just upset.." He leads her over to an outside table at Kelly's. "So...what do you have in get rid of your dearly-beloved husband?" Jason asks half sarcastic, half serious. "Whatever it is...let's do it fast...I really want to see Michael...and I want to see you every minute of everyday..."


Felicia explained what had happened to Mac, "Shh." Felicia said putting her fingers on his lips. "Someone came in and kidnapped Brenda. They hit you over the head and you fell unconscious. Blood was coming out everywhere but Robert and Anna helped you."

Maxie just stood in awe at the situation. Here she watched her mother comfort the man she loved with all her heart. She had never seen her mother so profoundly affected before. 'So that's love,' Maxie thought to herself. 'I hope someday, I'll fall so much in love I won't be able to breathe,' she sighed at the thought, completely lost in her own imagination.

"I'd better leave you two alone," Maxie says, figuring that they probably didn't even notice she was in the room anyways. It was like they'd been separated for years or something the way they were going on. Maxie smiled to herself, glad that Mac had finally woken up. "I'll be at home, with Georgie... you know...your daughter..." she said slowly hoping for just a nod of the head, an acknowledgement or something from them. But nothing. Mac and her mom just kept staring at each other, almost like they were communicating with thoughts instead. Maxie slowly backed out of the hospital room and got back onto the elevator. She remembered she had promised to say goodbye to Nadia and decided to stop off at her floor before she left.


Part Ten