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Policeman's Ball

Part Three

Jax turned and saw the man he had met on the docks with a beautiful woman Jax presumed to be Rodric's wife, Abby. Jax smiled as he saw them together. He whispered to Chloe, "That's Rodric Singleton and his wife, Abby. Their new in town."

Suddenly, Felicia fainted and Mac was at her side instantly.

'Did Mac call Rodric Robby?' Jax thought.

Suddenly, Jax remembered why Rodric had seemed so familiar to him the other day when they had met on the docks. Many years had passed since he had seen him last, but Rodric was definitely Robert Scorpio, Mac's older brother.

"That's Robert and Ana Scorpio!" he said suddenly, his eyes wide and bright as he smiled happily. "Robin's parents aren't dead!"

Chloe looked extremely confused now. "First of all, Jax, I can't just let go of the thought of finally putting our marriages to rest with divorce. And, I finally know that Gertrude and my company aren't everything in this world to me. You are. So it doesn't matter to me what they think, say, or do. Such as Gertrude getting my company. She could have it. Besides, I was thinking, just how would Gertrude get something out my it? Chloe Morgan Designs wouldn't be run by Chloe Morgan anymore, just a stranger to my clients. And when the media hears of it, they'll make sure everyone knows. What do think about it?" she asks Jax.

"Also, it's great that someone isn't dead! Who are they?" Chloe asked confused.


Mac was in shock. Standing before him, in living daylight was his older brother, Robert Scorpio, who had been presumed killed in a boat explosion off the coast of Venezula seven years ago. Right next to him was Anna Devane-Scorpio, the object of Cesaer Faison's obsession, and Robert's wife.

Rodric was taken aback. He didn't know what to say to this man who was now embracing him and had called him "Robby."

"I'm sorry..." Rodric said uncomfortably. "Do we know each other?"

Mac stepped back from his brother. "You bet we do! We're know...born of the same parents."

Rodric was unsure what to say. "I didn't know...Abby and I just got into town...everything seemed so familiar to us...but we don't know why. Have we been here before?"

The pieces came together for Mac. 'They don't know who they are...or what happened.' "Let me explain..."

Just then, Mac saw his wife come through the growing crowd of people surrounding the ballroom entry. He stepped toward her just in time to catch her as she fainted at the sight of her long lost friends Ana and Robert.


Jax was stunned. No one had ever wanted to give up so much for him. "Chloe...You are so amazing. I have never felt so loved...or so secure in my love for someone else than I do with you. If you are certain that this is what you want, who am I to stop you? You're absolutely right about your company. We can even rebuild it from the ground up together, if that is what you want. I say let's go for it!" Jax said, smiling broadly. "Ask and ye shall receive."

"As for Robert, he's Mac's older brother and Robin's father. I really don't know what the connection between my family and the Scorpio's is, but it goes back before I was ever born. No one talks about it much. I guess there was some sort of dispute back when my parents were still in Australia," Jax explained. He wondered privately what had started the feud he and Mac had only recently begun to get past.

"Of course, first we have to break the news to our spouses," Chloe says teasingly. "I'm sure they'll be SO disappointed," Chloe said with a secret smile. "But at least they could cheat on us and us on them without having to worry about anything," Chloe says and kisses Jax without caring who looks.

"I love you so much, Jax," Chloe told him. "Now let's go break the news to Alexis. I see Ned has gone off somewhere, but we could talk to him later. Now, since this is my first marriage Jax, I'm not too good at figuring out the fastest way for a divorce. Do you have any suggestions?" Chloe asked as they walk over to Alexis.

Jax laughed at Chloe's relative innocence. "What...?!?!" he said, still laughing. "You want me to just walk up to my wife and say, 'I want a divorce.' In public? This may be a fake marriage, but I don't want to humiliate Alexis like that. Why don't the four of us sit down and discuss this like adults? Wouldn't that be better?" he suggested just before they were within earshot of Alexis.


In all the excitement, Emily had forgotten about Juan.

Juan was in the kitchen watching Emily enjoy herself. “She deserves a night out, he thought. “I can’t give her one yet. When I figure this thing out with my father, I'll take her to a really romantic dinner.

Juan leaves the ball to go back to Emily’s house, and wait for her in her room.


As Emily is talking to Brenda she tells her recently returned friend, "Oh, Juan? I forgot about him.....” She looked over toward the kitchen, he's gone. “I'll call his cell phone she thinks.

“He's my boyfriend but my family doesn’t know he’s in Port Charles right now,” Emily explains to Brenda. “So when you go see my grandma, don’t mention him. Oh, Brenda! I missed you so much! You know some really important fashion people are here tonight, maybe we can visit them together. But for now i see other people want to talk to you" She gives Brenda a huge hug. "I love you Brenda. I’m so glad you're back!”


Emily calls Juan’s cell phone, as she walks over to Jason’s table.

Juan answers and explains he wanted to go home and tells her she should have a great time. He ends the conversation telling her that he'll see her at home later.

Emily had been sitting at the table with Jason for about five minutes when she decided it was time to go check on Liz again. As she was heading over to the table, she saw Felicia faint. She ran over to the crowd and overheard someone say, "Robert and Anna are back."

‘Back from where?’ she needed to find out. ‘This night is getting really interesting.’ She was wondering how Mac was going handle it when Sonny arrived with Brenda! With a little giggle she went back to the table where Liz, Pat, Lucky, Nik and Katherine were sitting.


Felicia awoke to a buzz of people talking and to see Mac standing above her. "Honey, I swear I just saw..." She looked beside her and saw Anna and Robert. " I seeing things?" She asked. She coldn't believe what she saw. "Anna? Anna, Robert is that really you?" She asked amazed.

Abby looked at the blonde woman lying on the ground. "I'm...I'm sorry, I don't know you." She said in a disapointed tone. "You both look very framiler but I it's impossable." Abby said. She turned to Rodric. "What's going on, luv?" She asked.

Mac craddled Felicia in his arms. As he looked down at his wife with concern, he asked her, "Are you alright, Felicia?" He breathed a sigh of relief when she nodded silently.

Rodric knelt down next to the woman who had fainted and offered his assistance. "Are you quite sure, Madam? Perhaps you should have a doctor look at you."

Mac's voice cracked slightly and his Australian accent thickened noticebly as looked into his brother's eyes and said, "Robby...she'll be fine. It's not every day that two people who have been gone seven years come back from the dead, mate."

Rodric's mind was abuzz. So many images were swirling around in his head he could hardly think. He saw a plane crashing in a desolate place...Aborginine men keeping watch over him at his bedside...the same men standing as an honour guard at his wedding...Abby in a beautiful gown smiling...a craggy-faced man leering and lurking in the shadows...a teenage girl with long, dark brown hair laughing and smiling... his brother standing next to him in a fragrant rose garden...

"Mac..." he said with a smile. His accent had changed from the sophisticated British to his cultured Australian accent. "I remembered wedding, I think."

Mac beamed with joy. 'It really is true! Robby and Ana are alive!'

Robert stood and faced his wife. "Ana...Is anything coming back to you, luv? Do you remember the flowers and the dress you wore? You were just as beautiful then as you are now, luv."

Instead of seeing recognition and memory in her eyes, he saw confusion.

Robert turned to Mac again. "Where's..." he searched his memory for the name he wanted. After a long moment, he had it. "Where's Robin?"

Mac couldn't just blurt everything that had happened in the last seven years out. No matter how quickly Robert was recovering his memory, he couldn't be prepared for the shock of what had happened to Robin. "She's not here. She's at Paris."

"Paris..." Robert said sounding as though the wind had been knocked out of him. He tried to remember the last time he had seen his daughter. He looked over at his wife and held out his hand to her. When she took it, he squeezed it gently then kissed the top of it. "It will all come back to you, luv. I know it."

Felicia got up with the assistance of Mac. She walked over to Anna. "Anna, it's Felicia. I was one of your very best friends. We did a lot of things together. Don't you remember?" Felicia asked.

"Think about your wedding? You wore the most fabulous dress, it was purple and had roses on it. I was one of your brides maids." Felicia said. "Try to remember."

Abby closed her eyes tightly. Suddenly images rushed through her head. She remembered a little girl and a purple dress and a magnificent garden. Her eyes started to well up in tears. She turned to the man she had called Rodric so long. "Robert?" She asked breathlessly. "I'm so confused." She said through her tears.

Robert took is wife in his arms and held close. "Shh, luv. It will all come back." The smell of her perfume filled his senses. 'Why is it that smells can bring back so many memories that time cannot?' he thought as he was bombarded by even more images of their lives together and his life on his own. "I'll help you through it, luv. I promise I will be right here."

Mac watched as his brother and sister-in-law embraced. He wished Robin could be here to see them...but in a way, he didn't really want her to see them until they were ready...until they remembered more. He didn't want her to go through anymore pain than necessary. 'She's been through so much already,' he thought.

He reached over and held his own wife a little closer. Now he was certain that no matter what, they would make it through this ordeal with Faison. Ana and Robert had. They would too.

Felicia snuggled a little closer to Mac as his grip became more tight. She smiled as she could feel tears in her own eyes. She whispered to Mac, "I can't believe all this is happeneing."

Anna turned to look at Robert. "I remeber things now. I remember our daughter. Robin," She struggled to remember, "Robin Solonti Scorpio and our wedding. I remember it to. And I remember going on adventures with you and Felicia and Luke and...Oh, Robert, I remember." She said happily as she embraced him. "Do you know how wonderful it is?" She asked then her face became pale as she pulled away from Robert. "There's something else I remember." She turned to Mac and Felicia. "What about...Faison?" She asked.


Jax and Chloe were still several yards away from Alexis when she turned to face them and smiled.

"I don't want to put her through something so public. Not tonight..." Jax told Chloe. "I want this just as badly as you do, but I don't want to hurt Alexis' reputation...or our friendship."

"That's true. I don't either. Just as long as soon everyone is with their rightly couple, I guess I have nothing to worry about. I'm just a bit anxious," Chloe says with a laugh.

"Hi, Alexis," Chloe said as Jax and herself reached Alexis and started a conversation.

"Hey, guys! How are you? Chloe, any new designs? How is my lovely husband?" Alexis says playfully. "Wait a sec, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. We'll tell you all about after the ball. Where'd Ned go?" Jax asked.

"Ned went to see if Aunt Gertrude was here. Hopefully, we will have a peaceful night. And what have YOU two been up to?" Alexis gives Jax and Chloe a smug grin.

"Actually, I saw Gertrude with Edward a few minutes ago. They were at the Quartermaine table talking...or scheming," Jax added. "We've been dancing. Would you care to dance?" he asked, holding out his hand palm up. He gave Chloe a kiss on the cheek. "You don't mind, do you, love?" he asked Chloe.

"No, of course not," Chloe says giving Jax a smile. As Jax leads Alexis out on the dance floor, Chloe stands around waiting for Ned to come back.

"Why, aren't we just the gentleman. I would love to dance with you. Jax, tell me about you and Chloe. I see the love in your eyes." Alexis and Jax moved to a dancing spot, and begin to sway to the music. "I love the way he dances" Alexis thought. Could it be that they have fallen in love? How sweet! Alexis was jerked from her thoughts when she heard Jax begin to speak.

"Alexis...where'd you go just now? You looked like you were a thousand miles away."

Alexis smiled.

Jax knew she had been thinking about something other that what he had been talking about. "I was just saying that Chloe and I are getting closer every day. We need to talk to you and Ned about something later."


Mac wished Ana hadn't remembered Faison. "He's Port Charles. He showed up a few months ago and has been making a nuisance of himself ever since...but I don't want the two of you to worry about him. He's my problem now. I can handle it."

"Oh, no you won't," Robert said. "Not by yourself, little brother. Don't think that just because I've been out of the loop for nearly ten years gives you full responsiblity. Faison was mine to deal with long before you knew of him."

Mac held out his hand to shake his brother's. "Deal. We bring him down together. Instead of murder will be kidnapping," he said with a smile as he and Robert embraced each other. "It's good to have you home."

"It's good to BE home," Robert said. "I guess we have a lot of catching up to do."

"Yeah," Mac replied soberly. "We do. A lot has happened since you've been gone. For starters, Felicia and I got married last year."

Felicia smiled showing them her left hand. "Yeah, we're married who'd a thought?" Felicia asked.

Anna smiled and walked over to Felicia and gave her a hug. "I'm so happy for the both of you but I didn't even know you knew each other." Anna said giggling. She still had lots of questions though. "I'm curious about a few things. How's Luke and Laura? The Quartermaines? Have Alan and Monica finally killed each other? What about Frisco, how did you two end up married? The last thing I remember Frisco and you were still married." She paused taking a breath. She saw the look Robert was giving her. "Well, I'm curious."

Robert chuckled, then gave his wife a kiss on the cheek. "I know, luv. So am I."

Mac smiled. "How about some dinner?"

Robert looked at his brother and smiled. "You haven't changed a bit. Still thinking with your stomach."

Mac laughed. "We can catch up while we eat," he suggested.

After they had visted the buffet table, Mac began filling his brother and sister-in law on some of the questions they had about what had been happening in town since their departure.

Robert was stunned when Mac told him Luke had accidentally shot Sean Donnelly. "How is he now?"

"He's not the same...not one-hundred percent. He was in a coma for a long time. Tiffany had him moved to Boston while he was still comatose for more specialized care. He came out of the coma a few weeks later, but there had been some brain damage and his sight was gone. He had to relearn how to do most things, but his never came back. Tiffany was pregnant when they left. While Sean was recovering in the hospital, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. They named her Ana Roberta," Mac told them.

Robert's eyes got a little misty. "We were in Boston four years. I guess we'll have to go back and meet our namesake," he said, looking at his wife and reaching out to give her hand a squeeze.

"Poor Sean. I feel so bad for him," Ana said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Let's go visit him sometime, luv." She said to Robert. "I'd love to see little Ana."

"She's georgous," Felicia said. "I think I have her picture in her somewhere." She said digging through her purse. "Here it is." She said pulling out her picture of Tiffany and Sean holding a little baby. "She's about 4 now." She pulled out the picture of Georgie. "And this is my other daughter. Georgie, she's 5." She smiled giving both pictures to Robert and Ana as she smiled at Mac.


Carly looked at Jason in dismay. “Really, you don't? Jason you know I hate to say this, but why didn’t just stop me from marrying AJ? I mean... I gave you every opportunity? I cant stand it... now that I know you care, I mean you do right?,Well I can't go there now I want to enjoy this moment with you...”

Jason tried to explain his point of view. "Carly I couldn't stop you from marrying AJ because I didn't think you'd actually go through with it," Jason said, looking at her, and taking Carly's hands, "I DO care about you..more than you think.... there's something I have to tell you..something important..please don't walk away from me when I say this...." Jason told her. He looked into her eyes, "Carly...I....I--"

He was cut off by Chloe’s arrival on the terrace.

While Chloe was waiting for Jax to come back from dancing with Alexis, she walked out onto the terrace and saw Jason and Carly talking.

"Hi, Carly...Jason," Chloe greeted them. "So, what are you guys doing out here?"


Lucky pulled Liz aside for a more private conversation, "Elizabeth, I just wanted to say goodnight to you. I will stop by and see you soon, if that is ok with you."

As Liz directed her attention to Lucky, she noticed Lucy quickly move away and head to another table.

"Lucky! You're leaving? Have a good night! Maybe I'll see you around sometime. You should stop by Kelly's and visit me. Grams says its time I returned to work anyways!" she laughed. "I didn't even know I had a job hours ago! 'Night." She smiled at him and noticed how quickly she could get lost in his eyes.

Laura walks up to Liz and tells her goodnight. “It was nice seeing you, especially out of the hospital."

"Why must you leave so soon? I would like to talk to you more."

"Liz, you are always welcome to come over and visit. You used to do that a lot and I miss it. I will also be coming to Kelly's, so I will see you there and maybe once in a while we can talk. I have to get back to Lulu and it has been a long day for both of us. I feel as though I am being greedy but I haven't seen Lucky is such a long time, that I want a chance to talk to him," Laura explained just before she headed for the door.

"I understand completely," Liz says.

Lucky smiled at Liz, "I will stop by Kelly's and visit you." Then he walked out of the ballroom to join his mother.

Less than a minute later, Liz heard noise coming from the entrance way and saw the bodyguard fall unconcious to the floor.

A tall brooding figure came forward, gun in hand. A ski mask covered his face with the exception of his eyes and lips.

Two of his supposed henchman joined him as they began to shout orders to the guests.

She watched as Mac Scorpio rose from his seat only to be knocked down by a blow to the head from the gun.

Laura wasn’t sure, but she thought it might have gone off.

All of the policemen in attendance seemed to look lost, as they lacked their weapons.

When the lead gunman came close enough, Liz noticed something strangely familiar about his face. 'His Eyes!' she thought to herself. Suddenly she felt herself pushed to the floor by Lucky and tears filled her eyes as she began to remember her accident. Flashes of her on the road, thinking Luke was Lucky. Carly and Jason running to her rescue. Her attacker on the sidewalk. It was them! She knew it. "Pat! That's the man that pushed me into the road. I remember him! I remember it! Oh my God!" her voiced cracked as she attempted to choke back sobs.

"Are you sure?" Pat asked her.

"Yes, more than ever!"

The gunman saw her cowering on the floor and glared at her as though he recognized her.

Liz felt Pat grab her head to protect her when suddenly one of the henchmen called out, "Here she is! I found her!” Liz looked up and saw Sonny Corinthos' date, Brenda Barrett being pulled away a gun pointed toward her.

"So, Miss Scott... Thought you could put us away for good, huh? Guess again!" the head gunman laughed sadistically and pulled her out the door. No one could move, everyone seemed to be in complete shock.


As soon as Mac went down Robert--who was seated between Felicia and Ana--motioned for the two of them to get down under the table, then did the same.

When they were on the floor, Robert could see that Mac was bleeding from the head. Whispering to Felicia, he said, "Can you get to Mac without attracting any attention from that lunatic?"

She nodded.

As Felicia was creeping toward her unconscious husband, the gunman grabbed Brenda Barrett and left.

Part Four