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Snowstorm Excitement

Part Two

It was a dreary December afternoon as the black limo cruised into Port Charles. Quickly making it's way into the heart of the city and barely stopping at any stop signs or red lights the limo made it's way to the newly renamed Ravendance Inc. tower.

As the limo came to a stop, the passenger side door opened and a female dressed in a chaffeur's uniform jumped out and ran to open the rear passenger door.

As she held the door, a handsome young man emerged from within. This was Marcel Deveraux, son of Marcus Deveraux, the multimillionare who had recently moved his base of operations from Los Angeles to Port Charles. Marcel nodded to the woman and stepped away from the limo, his long black trenchcoat flapping in the breeze. "Pick me up in an hour," he said with a soft voice.

"Yes sir, Mr. Deveraux,” the woman said as she closed the door and headed back to the front passenger seat.

Marcel watched closely as she quickly, yet seductively, walked away from him. Smiling to himself, he turned to go into the building.

As Marcel walked into the head offices of Ravendance Inc. He was greeted by the warm smile of Barbara Grant, his father's assistant.

"Welcome, Marcel!" Barbara said giving the young man a hug.

"Hey, Barbara" Marcel said hugging back. "My dad in?”

Barbara broke the hug and looked to Marcus' office doors. She hesitated "He' a meeting" she said.

Marcel couldn't help but laugh "yeah I bet" he said with a knowing smile. While he had her distracted Marcel pushed pass Barbara and stormed into his father's office.


While Lucky is walking, he ends up at the boxcar. He looks inside and sees everything that Liz painted for him. Lucky is thinking that he is very lucky to get away from Faison and return to Liz. Lucky leaves the boxcar and ends up in the park. While in the park, he runs into someone.

"Lucky!" LuLu cries. She runs to hug her brother. Since she grew up a lot since he got back, he's amazed to see his little sister at 15-years-old. "Lucky, it's so great to see you."

"Its good to see you as well LuLu or would you prefer to be called something else?" Lucky asks, not sure what name his sister prefers.

"Lu, Lesley Lu, LuLu, Lesley, it's all fine with me Lucky. Lulu is okay. Although lately i've been thinking about plain old Lesley. I can't believe you're back. We all thought you were dead. But I suppose everyone found out before me and didn't tell, because someone locked me in the Cassidine mansion somewhere. Probably Helena. But I don't want to think about that anymore. All that matters is that we're both here," LuLu says.

"That’s right. We are both here. That is all that matters. I think that I shall call you Lesely. I think that you are to old for LuLu now. Dad doesn't even know that I am alive, yet. Liz and Mom know along with Nikolas and a couple other people. How have you been, little sister?" Lucky asks.

"Pretty good, I guess," Lesley replies. "But how about you, what happened? When we thought you died, everyone couldn't stop crying. They told me you went to heaven, and that you weren't coming back. But now that I understand what that means, after all it's been a long time, but what happened? Where did you go?" she asks.

"I was kidnapped, Lesley, and I kept trying to escape and finally I was able to. When I escaped I headed home to my family and Liz. Thoughts of my family and Liz kept me going," Lucky says.


Jane looked back from the window," Robert, whats wrong? You look awfully worried."

"It's Ana. She's in the emergency room. I have to go to her," Robert said, on the verge of panic. "Can I drop you off at the hotel on my way?"

"Oh my!! No, no. I want to come with you!!" Jane exclaimed.

Robert put enough money on the table to cover the check and a tip. He pushed away from the table and put his coat on. "Let's go."

He waited while Jane put on her coat and gloves. Then, he held the door for her and waited for her to go out into the snow first. "Careful, it's getting slick," he said, concerned when she nearly slipped on the icy sidewalk. A few steps later, he had to hold onto the wall for support so he wouldn't lose his balance on another slick spot.

After a fairly trecherous drive from Kelly's to the hospital, Robert and Jane entered the emergency waiting area.

For Robert, it was the third time in 24-hours that he had been in this part of the hospital. He went directly to the information desk and inquired about his wife. "I'm Robert Scorpio. I was told that my wife has been brought into the ER. Her name is Ana," he said, trying to force himself to stay calm.

The nurse at the information desk nodded. "Yes...Dr. Noah Drake was with her when she collapsed, so she has been getting top-notch care. He's the best emergency medicine specialist in the country," she said confidently.

"Thank you..." Robert said numbly. "Do they know what is wrong yet?"

"I don't know. You'll have to wait until Dr. Drake comes out."

Robert turned to face Jane. "I hate waiting," he said softly.


"Shocked?" Ned asked, feeling Alexis nod. "Honey, you were almost positive that you were pregnant, why would it shock you that you are?" Ned lifted Alexis head, and she had tears in her eyes, and there ws something else, something he couldn't quite identify, but he knew it was there.

"Wha-what about Helena, Ned?" asked Alexis. "She'll probably kill me and our baby when she finds out, if she doesn't know already."

"You are married now, Alexis. I doubt that the Jacks' will give you up without a fight. And besides, how will Helena know that I'M the father of your child. She'll think your husband is, just like everyone else in Port Charles." Ned gently kisses Alexis' hair in reassurance, taking her in his arms in the process.

Alexis nods and buries her face in his chest. She knows he's probably right, but she can't shake the feeling that something bad is about to happen.

Ned kisses her hair one last time, then pulls back. "Dr. Newman should be back soon with your perscription." Ned goes to sit in a chair, as Dr. Newman walks back in the door. She walks over to Alexis, and hands her a piece of paper. "Here you go. I want you to get that filled at the Pharmacy before you go home. You should get started on them right away."

"Okay." said Alexis, taking the paper and putting it in her pocket. "You should also make an appointment for a sonogram on the way out. Also, call me if you have any questions or concerns." Dr.Newman handed Alexis her phone number then left the room.

Alexis stared at the door for a second, trying to shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. She then turned to Ned and asked, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah. I can't wait to tell Jax and Chloe about our baby." Ned kisses her gently, then leads her out of the room. He waits patiently as she makes her next appointment, and then leads her down to the Pharmacy. When her prescription is filled, they go out to Ned's car, and drive away. "Are you sure that all you feel is nausea? You look a little spooked."

"I guess I am. I can't seem to shake the feeling that something bad is about to happen."

Ned takes one hand off the steering wheel, and takes one of Alexis'. He looks at her and smiles reassuringly. "Everything will be alright, Darling. I won't allow anything to happen to you or our child. I promise."

Alexis smiled at Ned, still unable to shake the feeling. Looking ahead, she screams, "Ned, watch out!" just before the oncomeing car hits the head on.

Ned whips his head forward, and tries to swirve the car out of the way, but it's too late. As he drifts out of consciousness, he can hears Alexis scream and cry, and wonders if something happened to the baby... Then all is black...

Alexis is jolted forward by the impact of the crash. She hits her head on the windshield and a small trickle of blood runs down the side of her face. She sits stiil for a moment, stunned, but recovers quickly. She looks over at Ned and starts crying as she sees the huge gash in his head. She crys for a while, but suddenly, her head becomes clear. 'I have to call an ambulance.' thought Alexis as she grabbed her purse and fumbled in it for her celphone. She finds it and pulls it out, then dials 911.

"Hello, how may I help you?" asks the operator.

Alexis takes a deep breath and steadies her voice before answering. "I need an ambulance. My friend and I were hit by a car. He's hurt really badly.

"Where are you?"

"I'm on 54th street."

"Is the other car still there?"

"Ummmm...." Alexis looks outside through a hole in the door, but she doesn't see anything but trees. "I don't think so."

"Okay. The ambulance will be there in about 15 minutes."

"Okay." whispers Alexis, her voice starting to waver, despite her best efforts to keep it steady. She hangs up, looks over at Ned, and breaks down crying. She gently puts her hand on his, wishing and praying with all her might that he would be okay, for her sake and their child's.

Chloe stands near the window, watching the snow fall down. She thinks about Jax and how lucky she is to have met him. She hopes that he could work out everything with his parents.

She would just rather stand there, her eyes following the fluttering flakes, but after awhile she decided to call Alexis and Ned to see how it was going. She walks over to the phone and calls Alexis on her cell phone.

It takes several rings before she answers, getting Chloe very worried. Alexis hears her cellphone ring amidst her tears. She picks it up, opens it, and weakly answers. "Hello?" asks Alexis weakly.

"Alexis, what happened?" she asks. "What's wrong?" She prays everything is okay.

"Ned and I, we were in a car crash....." she takes a shaky breath before continuing, "He's unconcious..... I'm afraid he won't make it."

Ned can faintly hear Alexis' words. It is like he is in a dream, and Alexis is far off, crying out to him. His mind screams to tell her that he's alright, and that he would never leave their child, but his mouth won't say it. All he feels is pain, and tiredness. All he want to do is sleep, forever. Ned tries to reach out to Alexis, to touch her, hold her, tell her to be worried about the baby, and not him, but he can't. His body feels heavy, and it won't let him move.

"Oh my God," Chloe cries alarmed. "Could you call 911? Did you?"

"I did," answers Alexis. "They said they would be here in about 15 minutes."

"Is the baby alright? Are you hurt badly Alexis? Did Ned come to yet?" Chloe asks. Then she wonders if she should call Jax. She decides better to keep Alexis talking instead.


Brenda slowly opened her eyes for the hundredth time. She looked around and realized that she was laying in a limo. She didn't see Sonny anywhere, and she didn't even attempt to move. Brenda tried hard to stay awake, but she had lost too much blood.

Before she closed her eyes again, the limo door flew open and Sonny was leaning over her with Bobbie at his side.

Brenda weakly touched Sonny's face and then went unconscious.


Emily was excited about going to Scotland with her friends. “Liz, I will definately come with you guys. I have to think of a good story to tell my parents. I dont think I'll have a problem. When do we leave?”

"We get to leave as soon as Nik's jet can take off! Except Nik doesn't think this trip is safe! Convince, or else we take your family's plane!" Liz laughed. It was fun having friends that were so rich. ‘They could just take off on a plane at a moment's notice.’

“Liz!!! I did it I told my mom that I have a photo shoot and you are coming with me! I also told her that Nik is going to be our bodyguard!” Em laughed. “We don’t have to tell them that Lucky is coming! So alittle white lie never hurt anyone! I can’t wait to get out of here! Oh and, by the way, Nik will get over it or we will send him home!" Emily said, still laughing.

"Great, Em! Call me tonight. We leave, tomorrow afternoon?" she laughed and hung up the phone. She couldn't believe the luck she had. She was on her way to Scotland. She picked up the phone and called Louise to tell her the great news.

Louise answered, "That's fab, darling. Call me when you get to the airport and I'll come pick you up."

Suddenly Liz realized that she had promised Felicia that she would babysit Georgie on the weekend and decided she'd better call and cancel. Dialing the Scorpio’s number, she waited a couple of rings before Maxie picked up.

"Hello?" Maxie answered.

"Max? Its me Liz. I won't be able to babysit your sister this weekend."

"No?" she asked, disappointed. She had promised Lucas that they'd go to the movie that day.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. A bunch of us are heading to Scotland tomorrow to solve this mystery that just sort of fell into my hands," she chuckled. "Do you think your mom will mind much?"

Maxie's head was spining with thoughts. Scotland? That's where her dad was! What if this mystery that Liz was going on had something to do with her father.

"Um. Maxie?" Liz called into the phone. "you still there?"

"Oh! Yup. I'm still here. Actually could I possibly come with you guys?" she begged, hoping for a yes from Elizabeth.

"I guess," Liz replied slowly, wondering why Maxie would want to hang around with people she barely knew.

"Thank you so much!"

"We leave tomorrow, Maxie. Are you sure its okay with your mom?" Liz asked.

"Sure, she's cool with it." Maxie smiled at the adventure she was about to embark on.


"No, no questions," Ricardo said. "I'm going to go make a phone call," he said leaving to tell Moreno the details. He went over to the pay phone put in his change and punched in the number to Moreno's cell phone.

It rang several times but there was no answer.

"Damnit! Moreno, where are you!" he yelled, then saw the boy who knew Nadia looking at him strangely and realized he'd said that just a little too loudly. He turned around and hoped that Lucas hadn't figured anything out.

Lucas watched as Nadia's uncle ran to the nearest payphone. 'That's strange. Why did he just run off like that?' He just watched the man pull out a quarter and dial a number. Suddenly Nadia's uncle called out "Moreno." That named sounded so familiar to Lucas. But he couldn't place it.

"Moreno?" he whispered quietly to himself. "Where have I heard that name?" And suddenly it hit him!

‘Jerry! That was the man Jerry had worked with when he got busted for money laundering.’ And he had heard Mac mention him sometimes in passing. ‘Moreno was a crimelord!’ Lucas looked frantically into Nadia's room. 'What is her connection to Moreno?' he thought to himself. Deciding to wait and insure nothing happened to her, Lucas sat himself down in the nearest chair outside of her door. ‘Nadia was going nowhere until someone gave him some answers!’

After the phone rang several times he hung up figuring Moreno was too busy to answer. 'Damn,' he thought then he saw the kid sit down. He walked over to Lucas. "You don't have to wait around, I'm sure Nadia will be fine," he said trying not to sound as nervous as he was.

"Nope. I'm good right where I am. I think i'm going to stick around until Nadia wakes up. You know, in case she's disoriented."


Robin looked at her Uncle Mac. "I don’t know what to say...I don’t know what to think...I’m just so confused right now."

Mac reached over and took Robin's hand. "I know. It's quite a shock. I'm here for you and I always will be. I know you're an adult now, but anytime you need advice or just an ear, I want you to know you can still come to me." He smiled, trying to reassure her as much as possible, and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "So, tell me all about Paris," he suggested, hoping help ease her confusion.


"Oh, sorry,” John appologized when he saw the face Samantha made after taking a sip from her drink. “This is what I always get here, but I guess it is pretty harsh if you're not used to it," he said. He didn't know why but he felt bad for getting the drinks and didn't want to harm Samantha the way he did with all the others. There was something about her that made him feel different. "You probably wouldn't know my friend, but her name's Sarah Webber. She just got back in town, but I think she lived here a while ago too," he said unable to fight his urge to be honest with her.

Samantha's eyes lit up. "I know her! I met her this evening, just before I met you. She said that she had to go, she forgot something in the park. And then she never showed up again. I'm so happy you showed up." She smiled and then, to prove that she wasn't a baby, she took another sip of her drink...without choking this time!

'Shit how could she possibly know Sarah!' thinks John, realizing now that there is no way that he can stay in town. ‘If Sam told Sarah she was with me, then Sarah would definately tell her about the date rape incident.’ He knew he only had two choices... rape Sam and then leave town or just leave town, but he didn't think he could hurt her like that. He had hated doing it to Sarah, but he hadn't been able to stop himself. "I have to go now I just realized my plane leave in an hour," 'or at least it will when I buy the ticket,' John thought trying to figure out where to go this time. He had heard Florida was nice this time of year and hadn't been there since he was six.

"But...I just was starting to get to know you!" Samantha protested, placing a hand on his arm. "Why do you have to go now? Did I say something wrong?" Samantha was just starting to like John. ‘He CAN'T leave now!!’


"Yes, father. Thank you!!!" Juan says running to hug his father.

"You do know I love you and that's why I don't want you to go."

"Yes, I do, father and I love you for being the best father, for allowing me to go, and for loving me as much as you do."

"You never have to thank me for loving you. My love for you is unconditional, Juan. I try to do everything right for you, but sometimes I make mistakes...."

Juan cuts him off by saying "Father, it won't be a mistake I..."

This time his father cuts him off. "Juan, let me finish. As I was saying, I make mistakes as well. It seems I made a mistake by trying to keep you away from Emily. You love her I can see that now."

"Oh, father!!" Juan says hugging him tighter.

"Remember always that I love you. Don't forget that, your country, your family, or me."

"I could never forget any of that, especially not you. I love you, father." He gives his father one more hug and rushes out of the room to go pack.

Mr. Santago is alone in the room and prays he did the right thing and misses Juan already. He picks up the phone and dials the airline agency. He gets off with them and calls the jewlery store and orders something special for Juan. He doesn't want to send Juan to PC without giving him something special to remind him of home and, somewhat selfishly, of him.

Juan rushes about his room throwing clothes into a suitcase. In just a few hours, he will be with Emily. He can't believe it. ‘Father is actually is letting me go! Not only that, but he apologized for taking me home in the first place!’


Stefan dialed Nikolas’ cell phone number. "Hello, Nikolas. I just wanted to call and tell you that I will be home early today. Will you join me for an early supper tonight?

"I don't know, father. I would like that, but I might be going out of town for a bit. Is it important?"


Carly said, "Nothing, Jason, I just can't let us get involved like this without really discussing it. I feel maybe, your in a 'moment' with me and I dont know if I am ready. I know I have been chasing you for a very long time, but I just want to know for sure that this is it. The real thing. You know and Micheal are forever." Carly is nervous as Jason is taking all this in. ‘Will he really feel the same way?’


Part Three