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Snowstorm Excitement

Part Four

"Georgie, I can't go into this again. You may think of Mac as your true father, but Frisco is your blood. I am sorry he doesn't treat us well. It just doesn't give you the right to tell me he doesn't exist! You know by doing that all you have done is make it harder on yourself. You have to accept this for what it is. I don't think denying it is where you should go! Oh my, I have had all I can take of this today, Georgie. You can’t change it. Your father--I mean Frisco--well, you can tell him yourself how you feel. I think you need to write him a letter and explain to him how you really feel. I will make sure it gets to him through the WSB."

Georgie nodded numbly to her mother, then ran upstairs to her room. She flopped face down onto her bed. Crossing her arms under her head for a pillow, she started crying even harder. 'I thought she would understand. How can I think of someone I've never even met as a father? Mac's the one who has always been here for me. He'd understand!' she thought as she cried into the comforter.

Felicia sits on the couch wondering if she handled that situation ok. 'I wish I could talk to Mac he would know what to do.' She picked up a pillow, hugged it tight and started to cry.

Maxie could hear her sister sobbing through the wall that separated their rooms. She shook her head in dismay. She wished her sister had known Frisco. Even just a little more, but she was still such a baby when he left. Maxie sighed and looked at a her mom and dad's wedding photo that she kept hidden with the letters. "I know Mom loves Mac, now, but still I know you two are meant to be together," she whispered to the photo, picked it up and held it against her chest. "I'm going to bring you back to mom, if its the last thing I do."


Alexis stayed on the line with Chloe. "I'm not really hurt badly, just a few cuts and bruises, and I don't think my baby's hurt. Ned's still unconscious," as Alexis says this, she looks at Ned and her voice catches in her throat.

Chloe is deeply worried for the both of her friends, and tries to think of something to help them. Suddenly, she hears noises on the other end that sound like sirens. "Alexis, is that the EMTs?" Chloe asks.

"Yes, it is," said Alexis with a hint of relief in her voice. "Listen, could you call Jax and tell him what happened? I'll be fine here."

"Okay, I'll tell him you and Ned are going to General Hospital, right?" Chloe asked, just to make sure. She didn't know where exactly Alexis and Ned had the car accident or what hospital they might be taken to.


Juan was shocked. ‘Emily was leaving just when I am coming to Port Charles. How can I stop her from leaving just yet?’ He thought and rethought the dilemma and came to a solution. He would call Nik, tell him about what he was planning and ask him to stall.

"Sounds interesting. Don't worry I won't call your house. I guess I will speak to you later. Bye," he said knowing he had to call Nik as soon as possible.

Juan hangs up with Emily and immediately calls Nik. "Hi!"

"Juan is that you?"

"Yeah, how are you?"

"I'm okay. What about you?

"Everything is fine here. Nik, I need a big favor."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I hear you're planning a super trip. Yet, I need you to stall."

"How long?"

"Hold on. I'll ask my father."

Juan calls his father over and asks him.

"I need five hours."

"That doesn't seem to bad," Nikolas said, after thinking it over for a moment.

"Do you think you can pick me up at the airport?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Oh and DON'T tell Emily anything. It's a surprise."

"Okay, no problem. See you in five hours."


Jane saw Robert and Robin coming down the hall, “I haven't heard anything yet." She turned to Robin, “Hello, how are you?"

"I’m peachy," Robin said, then broke the silence again when she announced, "I’m going to find a doctor to see how mom is doing." She walked away quickly.

Robert couldn't believe the change in his daughter. In the past, she had been a cheerful girl. Now, she was a stranger to him. "I have to keep reminding myself that she isn't a little girl anymore, Jane. Somehow, while Ana and I were away, our little girl became a woman. I wish to high heaven I could have all those years back to be with her..." he said sadly. "I don't know how to reach her anymore. When she was little, it was always so easy."


Luke couldn't believe what he was hearing. Liz had finally lost it. He grew concerned and wanted to come over to help her threw this.

"Liz, Where are you? I want to come over and speak to you."

"What! Luke, what are you talking about? Why do you need to come over here? I don't get it. But I'm at home, if that's what you wanted to know." Liz hung up the phone, startled by the reaction that Luke had given her in response to her question. 'Is it possible?' Liz thought to herself, 'Luke doesn't know that Lucky is back?' She shook her head. 'He must. I'm sure of it.' But her memory was still so hazy from the Policeman's Ball that she wasn't sure of anything anymore.

Luke drove as quickly as possible to Liz. He got out and knocked on the door. When Liz opened the door, Luke stepped inside and said, "Liz, I know you loved Lucky; we all did. He was extremely precious to us all. Lizzie, honey, we lost him. Don't you remember? I'm sorry for causing you to remember this but he died in the fire. Lizzie, please remember. Please." He says willing her to remember knowing just how unhealthy it is for Liz to believe Lucky was alive.

Liz looked at Luke, her eyebrows narrowing in confusion. "Luke? What are you talking about? Lucky's alive."

"Ohmigod. This is worse than I thought. D**n...I wish I could get a hold of my sister." He said under his breath. He decided on trying her number again. While he waited, he said, "Liz, please understand. Lucky died in a fire. Please understand."

Liz laughed at Luke. She couldn't believe that Lucky hadn't seen his father yet. She remembered seeing him with Laura at the nurse's ball, but why hadn't he gone to his father? She shook her head and looked Luke straight in the eye, "Luke! Lucky never died in the fire. He was kidnapped! He escaped! He's back!"

"Don't you think I would know about that if it were true? Besides, who do you believe took him? I mean, if it was one of Sonny's enemies, he would have told me. I'm sorry, honey. I know you want to believe it but it isn't true. I'm sorry. I would love to believe it, as well. Liz, you know before Lucky left us he really did do things right. He made you his one and only, and he finally started to forgive me. Liz, I have always told you to keep in contact with me. Why haven't you? I could have helped you not get to this point. Come here," Luke says, taking Liz into his arms in a fatherly hug.

Liz stared at Luke, confusion written across her face. Lucky was alive, wasn't he? She couldn't help but doubt her own sanity. She started to think about what had happened in the past few days, and began to seriously consider that perhaps Luke was right. No! Lucky *was* alive. She touched him, kissed him, held him, talked to him. Laura even saw that he was alive. Was won't Luke believe her. "Luke," she grabbed his hand, "Lucky is alive. I swear to you. I don't know why he wouldn't come to you. Perhaps he didn't think he was ready to face you. Luke. I am not insane. I swear! I saw and talked to Lucky." "Liz, what makes you so sure you did? Did anyone else see him? I mean, you never were mental. I do want to believe you, I do." Luke said, sitting down on Liz's couch and putting his head in his hands. Then, he looked back up at her and continued by saying "Yet, how can I when everyone knows he's dead."


After leaving Robert and Jane, Robin went out of the hospital at outside to think. As she was approaching a snow-covered bench, Emily came up from behind her.

"Hi, Robin! When did you get back in town! Oh yeah, how is your uncle doing?" Emily asked.

"He’s doing good. Why are you here?"

"Oh well I came to see my parents. I have to touch base with them before I leave. I am going to Scotland with Nik, Liz and Lucky! I am so excited, Robin! Oh man, wait! I wasn't suppose to tell anyone. Robin, you have to promise me you will not tell my parents or yours or ANYONE! I told my mom I was going to do a photo shoot, but I am really going for an adventure! Its so exciting!" Emily said, hardly able to contain her enthusiasm.

“Your secret is safe with me on one condition! That if you get in any kind of trouble you call me...You have my cell phone number, right?"


"Lucas? What's going on?" Nadia asked feeling disoriented. "What are you looking at?" she asked when she noticed he was staring out the window.

"Shh. Nadia, relax. That man over there," Lucas pointed out the window to Uncle Ricardo who had suddenly reappeared, pacing frantically in front of Nadia's room using a cell phone. "Is he your uncle?" he looked back at her, noticing her face becoming pale with fear.

Nadia wasn't sure what to tell Lucas. She knew she had seen him before but wasn't sure if he worked for her father or someone else. "He's not my uncle, but I know I've seen him before. What did he say to you?" she asked Lucas.

"He really didn't say much. He pretty much made it clear that he didn't want me around though. But--Nadia--they just brought a man into the ER who that guy," Lucas pointed at Ricardo, "...Says is your father. The nurses mumbled something about it not looking good for him. Do you want me to see if I can find some info on the guy?"

"Ohmigod!" Nadia gasped, wondering if it could really be Moreno they brought in. "I guess if you could try and find out anything that would be great," Nadia said. Then nervously, she added, "Oh and, Lucas, be careful."

Lucas quickly slipped from Nadia's room, virtually unnoticed by anyone.

Uncle Ricardo had disappeared again, so he wasn't a threat anymore.

Lucas followed the noise of doctors ordering nurses to get certain medical devices. He rounded the corner and found exactly what he was looking for: the room where Nadia's supposed father was. He slowly, inconspicuously, pulled out a chart that sat in a tray on the outside of the door. He quickly pulled it out and read the name written across the top: ANTHONY MORENO. He closed the cover and slid it back into its place, and headed back to Nadia's room. "Nadia? Do you know an Anthony Moreno?" he asked.


Jason and Carly arrived at General Hospital and ran in through the Emergency Room doors, pushing people out of their way.

Jason sees Bobbie and grabs Carly's hand and they rush over to her. "Bobbie! Where's Michael?" Jason asked frantically.

Bobbie frowned. "He's inside with his doctor..." she said.

"How is he?! Is he al’right?!" Jason asked.

Bobbie looked down and teared up. "His fever is pretty bad... They don't think it's just a fever. It's pretty serious..." she says. Just then Bobbie's beeper went off. "I have to go. I'll be back in a little while to update you." She tried to smile weakly and hugged Carly and Jason quickly.

Jason stood there, staring at nothing, with his mouth slightly open. He could feel Carly's hand trembling. He turned towards her. "Carly...I don't know what to do..." he says, and takes Carly in his arms. "How did this happen?" he asked. "What are we going to do?" Jason said, feeling tears forming in his eyes.


Lesley’s eyes lit up as she thought more about going to Scotland. "Then, how about we go find them now? Who knows? They might be looking for you now, too.”

"Sounds like a good idea. Let's go to Liz's," Lucky says.


Dr. Drake came out of the ER into the waiting area and went immediately to the nurse's desk. "Can you tell me if anyone is here for Ana Scorpio?" he asked the woman behind the desk.

She pointed over to a man and woman sitting in the chairs near the outside entrance.

"Thanks," he said, as he walked over to them. "Excuse me...I'm Dr. Noah Drake. I treated Ana."

Robert leaned forward in the chair and introduced himself, "I'm Robert, Ana's husband. This is my sister, Jane. How is Ana, doctor?"

"She's going to be fine, Mr. Scorpio. She had a mild hypo-glycemic episode. We gave her some fluids and she came around after a few minutes, but she's still not feeling 100 percent. Do you know what might have brought it on? Has she ever had this problem before?"

"I'm not sure...what a hypo-glycemic episode?" Robert asked.

" means her blood sugar dropped too low," Noah explained. "It can be brought on my high stress situations after meals have been skipped."

Robert shook his head. "No...that's never happened to her before, but the last twenty-four hours have been particularly stressful and we both skipped dinner and breakfast."

"There you have it," Noah said, glad to have the mystery solved. "That's the cause. We're going to keep her here for a few hours to make sure she doesn't have any lingering problems. You can come in and see her if you like."

"Thank you, doctor. We'll do that," Robert said.

Noah smiled. "If you'll excuse me, I have some other patients to attend to. If you need me, you can have me paged."

When the doctor had gone, Robert turned to Jane and asked, "Would you come with me to go find Robin?"

"Of course I will, and I am glad to hear that Ana is okay and it is nothing serious."

Robert smiled and offered his sister a hand while she was putting on her coat. Together, the two of them went outside into the snow to find Robin. They found her near the emergency room entrance sitting on a bench talking to a teenage girl. "Robin, the doctor came out to talk to us just a moment ago. Your mother's going to be fine!" Robert told his daughter happily. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, that’s good! ...Um this is Emily Quartermaine, this is...” Robin paused for a moment, unsure how much Emily knew about her family history. “...My father, Robert."

Jane heard Robin kind of pause when she told Emily that Robert was her father. She decided to say something, "So, Emily, how are you doing?"

“Fine thank you and you?" Emily asked politely. “Oh, Robin, can you call me later? I have to run now and see my mother. I want to tell you more about...well what we were talking about. Bye, everyone. Nice to meet you, Mr. Scorpio."

Robin excused herself, saying that she wanted to see her mother and went inside. As she walked through the ER waiting room, she saw Jason and Carly, who looked very upset.

Robin’s eyes were still red from crying earlier. Concerned, she asked, “Jason...Carly...What’s wrong?”


Brenda woke up in the limo and looked over slowly and saw Sonny looking out the window. She looked down and saw the blood on her dress and realized that it wasn't all a nightmare, and that she had really been shot. "Sonny..." she said weakly. "What's going on?" Brenda asked hoarsely.

"You were shot. I am taking you to a good private doctor. Lie back relax, most importantly DON'T MOVE!!! We'll be there very soon." He says taking her head on his lap and playing with her hair, as if to relax her.

Brenda tried to smile, and tried not to move. "Ok...I trust you Sonny." she said quietly.

" do that," He said, knowing that she did when he was suppose to rescue her and now look at her. He blamed himself that she kept on fading in and out of a coma.


Tears welled up in Samantha's eyes. Her life was hell! Obviously there was something wrong with her. ‘First James in London, then here Lucas and now John. Am I *that* ugly compared to American beauties?’ Samantha walked out of the club. ‘No use being there now.’ Her eyes were filled with tears and she didn't see the car coming until the last second. Samantha screamed John's name.


V smiled. "It's great to see you again too. I missed you." She thought about Simon. “Yeah, that thing with Simon just...well, let's just say that it didn't work out."

They walked to a table.

"So what have you been up to the past couple of months?" V asked.

Jax smiled. "Well...I've been busy," he said. "I wish I had time to fill you in, but I'm on my way up to see my parents. Maybe we can get together for lunch tomorrow or something. I've got a lot to tell you."


Not even a half hour after Juan had talked Nikolas, Juan’s father called to him. "Juan, you're going to miss you're flight. Come on!"

Juan came out of his room dragging his luggage.

His father ran to him and helped him put his luggage into the car. After closing the trunk, Juan's father gave his son something. "Open it."

Juan opened the package and saw a silver St. Christopher’s medallion on a chain. "Oh,'s gorgeous. I will wear it forever."

"I hope it well help you remember me while you're away."

"I don't need anything to remind me of you. I love you and can never forget you. Thank you father, for the gift and for understanding my need to be with Emily."

"Your welcome, my dear, dear son. Te amo."

"Te amo."

After that they jump in the car and go to the airport. After a fifteen minute drive, they arrive to the airport. As they finish checking in Juan's bags they hear his flight being called. They look at each other and hug.

Juan had to run to make his flight. As he sat in his seat, he realized he would miss his father terribly.


Part Five