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Homecoming Day

Part Three

Carly was coming down the stairs when the doorbell rang.

All of a sudden someone was flying past her to get to the door.

It was Emily. She intentionally knocked into Carly almost sending her flying down the stairs.

"My God! Emily! Don’t you have any manners?!?!"

Emily gives her a look and answers the door before Reggie can get there.

It's Jason.

Carly takes a deep breath, fixes her hair and comes down the stairs. Smiling she says, "Hey, Jason how are you?"

Emily rolled her eyes. “Excuse me, Carly, but Jason is here to see me. Do you mind?” Turning to Jason she said. “Hi, Jason. Let’s go in the living room and talk.

Jason looks intently at Carly and slowly follows Emily into the living room, but not before whispering to Carly, "I'll talk to you later." He goes into the living room and sits down on the couch with Emily. "So, Em, what's going on?" Jason asks.

“Thanks for coming over. Listen, I need you to take me with you to the Policeman's Ball. I just can’t sit with mom and dad. You understand, don't you?” She noticed that her brother didn’t seem to be listening to her. “Jason...Jason, are you listening? Well, can you take me? Please!"

Jason laughed, focusing back on Emily. "Yeah, yeah sure, whatever you want. I wouldn't be able to sit with them either, or let alone live in this house. I don't know how you do it." He smiled at her, and got up. "Listen, Em, it's getting late, I have to get going. Just let me know when this Ball is and I will be more than happy to take you. " He put his hand on her shoulder and said, "See ya."

Jason walked out the front doors of the mansion, and Emily closed the doors behind him. He walked around the to the back of the house and found Carly sitting on a bench in the Lila’s rose garden. He watched her for a minute, and then walked overto her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Carly.." He whispered and she jumped around to face him. "Now we can talk."

Carly looked up at Jason, she had tears in her eyes. " I don’t know how much longer I can take AJ. He is driving me crazy. I need you Jason.” She laughs a bit in spite of herself. “You know I always think I know what to do about things. This is really driving me to get rid of AJ, I mean. Michael needs his real family. I need to figure out how we can see each other more."

" know how it has to be. You married AJ, and now you're stuck with him." Carly dropped her head when he said this. He hated seeing her cry. Jason lifted her chin up with his hand so she was looking at him. "Hey...we’re seeing each other now, right?"

She didn't answer him.

After a few moments of silence, Jason caved in. "Alright. We can find a place to meet, but it has to be somewhere no one is going to know who we are. What do you say?"

Carly just shrugged her shoulders, putting her back to him.

"I'll tell you what... we can meet every other night at Jake's. Then, I don't have to miss you so much." Jason put both of his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. "I never meant to say goodbye. It was never for real. I care about you...and I know you care about me..."

Carly looked at the ground when he said that and Jason ducked to see her face, raising his eyebrows, "Don't you? What's happening Carly?"

“Jason, I...can't. I just can’t! Why didn’t you say something before I married AJ. I am really mad at you for putting us in this position, when all along you always had me and didn’t want me. Besides... AJ will catch on. I’m nervous. I don’t want him to take Michael away. If we get caught, I'll be divorced and Michael will be a Q. I know AJ won’t let me see him either. Why didn’t you say something before I married him? I have to get out of here before I change my mind. Bye Jason. Love ya." Carly turns and runs out the door.

Jason started to run after her. "Carly!...Carly! Wait!" He yelled after her. He stopped running when he saw she wasn't turning back. "I love ya too..." Jason whispered under his breath and watched her walk out on him.


Liz was a little frightened by Pat's tone. "Pat, what is it? You know you can tell me anything" Liz urged him.

"Liz... there's something wrong. About a month ago I started to get real sick. I mean like I was sore all over and they did some tests..."

"And?" suddenly Liz was starting to feel dizzy, the room started to spin around her. It was becoming so hard just to focus on what Pat was saying to her.

"I have cancer Liz. The doctors say its getting worse. I have only a few more months." As the words came out of Pat's mouth he began to notice the colour in Liz's skin began to disappear.

Her hands became cold and clammy.

"Liz?" He called to her. Her eyes rolled back and her body began to convulse. "Oh my God! Get someone in here!" he screamed out for help. Running into the corridors he called out for a doctor. "Somebody help her!"

Suddenly the room spun around Liz, and the next thing she found doctors around her bed. Liz had never felt so scared in her entire life. "Who are these people?" she wondered to herself. "Why am I here? Where am I?"

Several doctors ran into the room. Pat watched as they called out medical terms and plugged at machines, trying different methods of stopping Liz from convulsing. A nurse pulled him aside. "What happened? The doctors need to know."

"I don't know. I was telling her about my cancer and suddenly her eyes, like rolled back and she started to shake. Is she going to be okay?"

"Its sounds as though she had a seizure. It may have been triggered because of the accident. We'll have to wait and find out."

"Elizabeth? Do you know where you are?" The doctor asked her.

Liz opened her eyes, gasped and looked around worriedly.

"Who are you? Where am I?" she whispered out.

"You're in General Hospital in Port Charles. You had a seizure. Can you tell me your name?"

"I... I... I... can't remember." Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Liz! You're alright, aren't you?" Pat pushed past the nurse and went to her side.

"Who... who are you? Somebody! Please tell me!" she cried out.

"Your name is Elizabeth Webber. You live in Port Charles. You were brought to the hospital after going into shock after being almost hit by a motorcycle. It may have triggered the seizure you just had. You live with your grandmother..." The doctor went on to detail basic information about Liz's life.

Pat got up and moved quickly to the door. He wanted to be there for his friend, but he needed to get away from the doctors. He was becoming lightheaded from the cramped room filled with all the nurses and doctors.

"How do you feel?" the doctor asked.

"I feel fine, my head hurts a little... but other than that..." She looked towards the window in her room. It faced into the hall.

A young, blonde haired man looked at her. His blue eyes welled up with tears.

"Who are you?" she wondered, trying to search through her memory, or what was left of it seemed. "You seem so familiar to me." She watched the young man brush a tear from his face as he turned to walk away.

"Doctor, do you think Ms. Webber will be okay," Nurse Anderson asked, after taking him aside.

"Well, the seizure was unexpected. It was probably related to the shock. But I do think she'll make a full recovery, but its her memory that worries me."

"Her memory?"

"Yes, she appears to be totally confused and unaware of anything that has happened to her in the past. I'd like her to slowly remember. I would like you to tell the friends and family of Ms. Webber, to help her... but not to remind her of any painful memories that may trigger another seizure" The doctor said.

"I will speak to Audrey immediately." Nurse Anderson left the room in search of Audrey Hardy.


Lucky had heard what the doctor said about Liz. But he had to see her. He walked into her room and she was awake. Liz said "You seem so familiar to me." I wanted to tell her who I was but I decided to heed the doctors advice so I walked away stopping just long enough to wipe tears out of my eyes. I finally got home and Liz doesn't know me.


Chloe decides she just wants to be alone for awhile after she talks to Lucky, but she wonders if Emily knew he was back. Chloe walks to Banister’s Wharf area, and strolls along thinking about Jax and Brenda. She wonders if anything happened why she let them talk. But then, just as she had thoughts of Jax and Brenda fresh in her mind, she bumps into a stranger.

"Oh my," Chloe says startled. "I'm so sorry."

The tall, olive skinned man had been standing on the pier for hours, just staring out over the lake. He was lost in thought...trying to remember the past. So many memories had bombarded him since he had entered this new city. He couldn't remember ever being here, but somehow so many things seemed familiar. The smells from the cannery...a little diner called "Kelly's" island in the lake...

Out of the blue, a beautiful young woman with blond hair bumped into him.

"Oh my," the young woman said, sounding as though she too might have been lost in thought. "I'm so sorry."

The man spoke softly, with a cultured British accent, "It's quite alright. I really shouldn't block the path. Are you hurt, Miss?"

"No, no I'm not, but thank you for asking."


‘I love my brother!’ Emily thought as she sat in her room thinking of what she will wear to the ball. As she pondered her many choices, she listened to her answering machine. ‘A message from Luke...

“Liz is in the hospital.” was the only part that stuck out to her.

‘Liz needs me.’ Just then she got a little sick to her stomach. ‘I have to get to the hospital quickly!’ Emily called a cab and raced for the hospital.

At the hospital, Emily started thinking back on Luke’s message. ‘I have to see Liz and make sure she is going to be alright. I wonder what happened? I think Luke mentioned something about here being attacked again! I can't believe it! Poor Liz, She must be so freaked out.’

"Excuse me which way to Elizabeth Webber’s room?” she asked a nurse at the fifth floor nurses station.


After arriving home with her mother and Lulu from the airport, Laura fell asleep on the couch. As she slept, she thinks she hears Lucky's voice. She tries to tell herself that she is having a dream but she finally wakes up. She looks around the house and she doesn't see Lucky. What is happening to her, is she hearing things or going crazy. She decides she needs to go check on Lulu, she is very quiet upstairs. She walks up stairs and she sees Lucky holding Lulu.

"Oh my God. Lucky, your back." Laura says before she faints.

"Mom, wake up. I didn't want to shock you like this. I just needed to see you guys."

"Lucky, I never thought I would see you again. Does your father know your back?

"I haven't gone to see him yet, I came from the hospital. I guess I will go to the club when I leave here. Liz isn't doing so well, she didn't know who I was."

"Give her time, she is still in shock. I will go see her tomorrow and see if she remembers me. Maybe I will be able to help her."

"Thanks, mom."

"Okay, Mom. I'm going to go to the club. I love you. I will see you later."

After leaving his mother’s house, Lucky decided to walk around town to try and figure out what he should do. ‘Should I go see Liz or wait?’


"So are you sure Liz is ready to leave Doctor?" Audrey asked.

The doctor nodded. "Yes. She appears to be perfectly fine, physically speaking. Her memory will return to her in time. She just needs to be with those who care about her and eventually when you least expect it her memory will return."

"Is there anything special we should do?"

"Just be helpful," the doctor said. "She's going to be going through a rough time. So be patient with her."

"Excuse me?" Liz spoke up, interrupting the whispering duo.

"Can I go home soon?" They had told her that the lady with the doctor was her grandmother. She was trying to get used to calling her that.

"That boy, Pat, told me earlier that there's a party this Friday. I want to go. Maybe it will help me."

"Oh Liz, honey... of course you can go. If you feel up to it only though. You should wear that beautiful lavender dress. You'll look stunning. How nice of Patrick to help you out," Audrey said.

"I know. He's being so helpful. He told me that my friend Emily is going to be here soon. I hope she can tell me some more about myself." Liz felt so horrible not being able to remember anyone.

Suddenly a head poked into the doorway.

"Oh Emily! How wonderful! Come in!" Audrey called out.


Jason heads into his building, still emotionally drained from his encounter with Carly. He gets onto the elevator and rides it to the top. He gets off and is confronted by an angry Hannah. "Where's Sonny?!" she asks crossing her arms. Jason rubs his forehead, "What do you want Hannah?"


As Emily enters the room Audrey leaves for just a minute and Laura is by the door.

Audrey says in surprise, “Laura, how nice of you to show up. I'm sure Liz will appreciate it, you helped her out so much the last time. How did you know Liz was here?"

"Lucky came by the house and told me that Liz was in the hospital. He is very concerned because Liz didn't remember him. I told Lucky that I would come by and see her."

"When you see Lucky again, send him over to the house. She has been through a lot and blocked a lot out. Maybe between Emily and Lucky they can help her."

"Is it alright if I go in and see her. She might remember who I am."

"Sure, go ahead. I have a few last details to take care of before we can leave."

Laura walks into Liz's room and says hi to Emily and Liz. But she can't tell if Liz remembers who she is. Laura had a nice chat with Liz even though Liz didn't remember everything about Laura. She knew Lucky went for a walk so she has to be patient until he comes back. 'Lucky will be so glad that he will be able to go over there for short periods of time. The thing that he won't be able to understand at first is why his mother has to go along. She will make sure that he understands. She decides to call Luke to see if Lucky is there and to tell him about Liz.

Part Four