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Shift-KeyF1 =Son of a butch!
Shift-KeyF2 =I've got happy pants.
Shift-KeyF3 =I hate to, but I've just got to.
Shift-KeyF4 =You're not impressing anyone. Are you? Oh, goodness. What if you're not bluffing?
Shift-KeyF5 =Oink, oink, grunt, grunt. Little piggy, aren't we?
Shift-KeyF6 =You need some serious help, don't you?
Shift-KeyF7 =Ooooh. Maybe...
Shift-KeyF8 =Don't you just love this?
Shift-KeyF9 =Oh, I just love winning!
Shift-KeyF10 =Lady luck, meet your Peter!
Shift-KeyF11 =Sure, Flipper. Let's flop.
Shift-KeyF12 =I'll take another, sweetie.
Ctrl-KeyF1 =Let's pack one more in there.
Ctrl-KeyF2 =Yes! Yes! Ctrl-KeyF3 =It's not left, it's right.
Ctrl-KeyF4 =I'm sure. You be sure. Insure.
Ctrl-KeyF5 =Double, bubble.
Ctrl-KeyF6 =Double my pleasure, double my fun, just double me, double me, double me down!
Ctrl-KeyF7 =Wha- wha- wha- what happened?
Ctrl-KeyF8 =This is no fun.
Ctrl-KeyF9 =Ugh.
Ctrl-KeyF10 =I'm ready for a stiff one! Waiter! No drinks!
Ctrl-KeyF11 =Damn it to hell.
Ctrl-KeyF12 =That was just plain bad. What in the hell was I thinking.
Alt-KeyF1 =Not me.
Alt-KeyF2 =Split them, sweet cheeks.
Alt-KeyF3 =Meow, meow, meow, meow. Split those kitties.
Alt-KeyF5 =That's enough to satisfy any man. Or me.
Alt-KeyF7 =Goody.
Alt-KeyF8 =I win!
Alt-KeyF9 =That just tickled me all over.
Alt-KeyF10 =My oh my oh my oh. This game is fun.
Alt-KeyF11 =Sweetie bumpies! That was almost better than sex.
Alt-KeyF12 =How's it feel, lucky pants?
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF1 =Oh, oh, oh, lordy.
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF2 =Bad card. Bad!
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF3 =Strong work, buckwheat.
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF4 =Beautiful.
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF5 =Not bad, bubble buns.
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF6 =That's okay, snuggy nuts. You can't win them all.
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF7 =Do it! Do it for Peter.
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF8 =Oh! Oh! OH! Wait a second. I'll clean it up.
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF9 =Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF10 =Yes! Oh, God yes!
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF11 =Is that the best you can do?
Shift-Ctrl-KeyF12, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Shift-Alt-KeyF1 =Noooooo! Ooooh. Darn.
Shift-Alt-KeyF2 =Ooh.
Shift-Alt-KeyF3 =Umhh.
Shift-Alt-KeyF4 =Okay.
Shift-Alt-KeyF5 =Yea. Yea. Yea. Yea. Yea.
Shift-Alt-KeyF7 =All right.
Shift-Alt-KeyF8 =Hey.
Shift-Alt-KeyF9 =Did I screw up something? Without enjoying it?
Shift-Alt-KeyF10 =Here's a little something.
Shift-Alt-KeyF11 =This ought to tingle your tiny.
Shift-Alt-KeyF12 =Oh, I love this.
Shift-Ctrl-Alt-KeyF1 =Hi-dee-ho, I'm a winner.
Shift-Ctrl-Alt-KeyF2 =Oh, thank you all.
Shift-Ctrl-Alt-KeyF3 =Sure. I'll take your money.
Shift-Ctrl-Alt-KeyF4 =That hand gave me stiffy pants.
Shift-Ctrl-Alt-KeyF5 =Did you see that? Wasn't that pretty?