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Doctors ~ Basic Information

Basic information on physicians is contained in the American Board of Medical Specialists' "Directory of Board Certified Medical Specialists," which can be found in many libraries, or at .  

The information is also available at the American Medical Associations website at . Click on "Doctor Finder."

Call the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) at 817-868-4000 or click on to learn how to contact your state board.

The FSMB will also provide a report of disciplinary action from state medical board records.

  The costs: $9.95 per physician. Click on or write FSMB, Attn: Physician Profiles, P.O. Box 972507, Dallas, TX 75397-2507.

Public Citizen maintains a database of "20,125 Questionable Doctors." A regional edition costs $20, plus shipping. Go to or call (877) 747-1616. This database includes actions taken against doctors by Medicare and other federal agencies, as well as state boards.

Searchpoint provides similar physician information at . Basic information is free, while a full search on a doctor or chiropractor costs $9.95. Consumers' Checkbook, published by the nonprofit Center for the Study of Services, provides links to 24 states that provide physician disciplinary information. Go to Consumers' Checkbook also maintains a "Top Doctors" database of nearly 15,000 physicians. Two-year access to it costs $19.95.