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Intravenous gammaglobulins in refractory polymyositis: lower dose for maintenance treatment is effective.

Genevay S, Saudan-Kister A, Guerne PA. Division of Rheumatology, Hopital Universitaire, 26 Avenue Beau-Sejour, 1211 Geneve 14 Switzerland.

OBJECTIVES: To test lower dose immunoglobulins as a maintenance treatment in a patient with refractory polymyositis.

METHODS: In a patient with longstanding refractory polymyositis, intravenous (IV) immunoglobulin treatment was introduced at a standard dose (2 g/kg monthly). After a few treatment courses, doses were reduced to 0.8 g/kg monthly, allowing perfusion over one single day.

RESULTS: Although response to the standard dose was only partial, reduction of subsequent doses did not alter the evolution. On the contrary, the evolution was marked by further improvement, which has been sustained over the following year.

CONCLUSION: Lower dose IV immunoglobulins as a maintenance treatment were used with excellent results in a case of refractory polymyositis allowing considerable reduction in treatment costs. Further trials should be undertaken to evaluate this interesting alternative.

PMID: 11350855 [PubMed - in process]