The High Priestess
by Sally Anne Stephen

From Comparative Tarot's Second
Collaborative Deck Project

(click here to see more cards)

A billowing veil whispers of the separation between one’s inner soul and outer consciousness. Here is where you’ll find the High Priestess, her shadow moving freely between both worlds. She is guided by constant compromises of darkness and light which create the phases of the Moon. She draws upon a balance of the masculine and the feminine as evidenced by the traditional symbolism of palm leaves and pomegranates.

When the High Priestess visits you in a reading, she is suggesting that you listen - not with your head, nor with your heart - but rather to seek a connection with an intuition which transcends conventional wisdom. When you reach this place you might not understand why or how, but you will KNOW. This is where your High Priestess dwells.

A reversed position of the card could indicate that you need to get back in touch with your conscious self for awhile. Staying behind the veil too long can be as much a hazard than not finding your way there at all. Like the Moon, the wisdom of the High Priestess travels through many phases and it is not our task to disturb such natural synchronicity.

ARTIST’S NOTES: The high priestess was created in PhotoShop using images gathered from a drapery and upholstery cleaning service website, Google’s image search for ‘palm leaf’ & ‘pomegranate’,and lunar photography courtesy of REU program, N.A.Sharp/NOAO/AURA/NSF. I had made a rough sketch, of a proposed layout for the card before I started looking for potential choices of imagery. The H.P. must have been guiding me well, as the final card turned out to be nearly exact to the original conception created on the blank canvas of my mind.


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