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From Comparative Tarot's Second
Collaborative Deck Project
(click here to see more cards)
DESCRIPTION: A man kneels, peering intently at his reflection in a deep and dark pool. His white horse, absent bridle and saddle, imitates his owner's intent examination of the man's watery reflection. An amber bowl imbedded with a dragonfly glows in the foreground.
IN A READING: The Knight of Cups represents a dreamer with a passive nature. He's more likely to be found in love with love itself rather than taking an active role in a balanced love relationship. He is sensitive, creative and full of charm. REVERSED: This Knight is captured by the indulgence of his own magnificence, caught up inside himself for eternity much like the dragonfly in the amber vessel. To break such a spell, reach out and make waves in the still waters to seek that which lies deep beneath an idealized perfection. ARTISTS’ NOTES: In creating this collaborative card for a collaborative tarot deck, we each independently searched for meaningful images prior to getting together for the actual card creation. After examining each other's suggestions, we immediately choose the image of Narcissus* painted by Carravaggio between 1594-1596. We then looked for white horses cups and bowls on the internet using Google's image search. The title's font is Papyrus. Images were manipulated using PhotoShop. * Narcissus makes his appearance here as the Knight of Cups in a transformational reflection of Arnell Ando's creation for the Transformational Tarot ©1995, Ink Well Publishing |
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