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Takaya Saiketsu


Name: Takaya Saiketsu

Age: 15

Gender: Male


Nationality: Japanese

Height: 5'9

Weight: Not really heavy or light he's somewhere in between

Eyes: Grey

Hair Color/Style: He has brown extremely messy hair that looks like he sticks an electric wire in each ear every morning. Of course the goggles he wears only adds to that.

Apparel: He normally wears shorts with a black or grey T-shirt and a jacket. He also wears a pair of "Pitch Black" style goggles.

Scars/Markings: He has a scar on his left leg that he got when he tripped down a flight of concrete steps and shredded his leg real good.

General Physical Description: He stands at 5'9 and wears a T-shirt with a jacket (when not in his school uniform). He wears his goggles on his forehead and very rarely over his eyes.


Aura: He's very relaxed and laid-back as if he's ready for anything and nothing freaks him out (although it's not true it just seems that way). He'll do just about anything to help a friend even sacrifice his own life.

Personality Attractions: Just about anyone who's not a jerk and who is willing to be his friend.

Personality Repulsions: People who are full of themselves and think they're better than everyone else.

Crushes: Girls who can take care of themselves and of course have a sense of humor.

General Personality: He's the kind of guy who you'd trust with your life. He'll never betray a friend and he'll never leave anybody behind. His mind also tends to wander and he becomes fascinated with things in an almost childish manner sometimes.

Strengths: He's an amateur magician so he can trick people pretty easily.

Weaknesses: He can act without thinking sometimes sometimes putting himself in situations he could have easily avoided if he just thought a little more. And he's... *mumble* terrified of needles.

Hobbies: Like I said earlier he's an amateur magician and specializes in card tricks and "the hand is faster than the eye tricks".


Crest: Determination.

Digimon: Rookie: Iguanamon. A small winged reptilian Digimon. He uses his speed in battle to compensate for his lack of physical strength.

Champion: Komodomon. Komodomon is much larger than his lower form Iguanamon. He's capable of crushing a car in his jaws, his Scale Blade attack will shred his opponents.

Ultimate: Hydramon. A towering three-headed Digimon, his scales are dark purple. He walks on four legs and has a wingspan of fifteen feet.

Mega: Ultimadramon. One of the legendary dragon Digimon. Ultimadramon stands on two legs and has powerful armor protecting his from almost anything. His power is nearly unmatched.

Armored: Razormon. Razormon is six feet five inches tall. He looked like a taller Iguanamon with dark green armor with blades growing from his arms.

Digimon Attacks:
Iguanamon: Acid Shot. He spits a burst of highly corrosive acid at his opponents.

Komodomon: Scale Blade. He fires sharpened scales off of his back at his enemies.

Hydramon: Tri-Force Beam. A beam of energy fires from all three heads and they converge in the center and blast the enemy real good.

Ultimadramon: Ultima Flare. Ultimadramon unleashes a blast of pure holy energy capable of doing great damage to darkness.

Razormon: Whirling Blade. He launches the blades from his arms like boomerangs.


Backstory: Takaya grew up in a normal with an older brother and sister. Well there was a rather memorable event in his life when he was five. He was pulled into his computer and attacked by an Ultimate Digimon called MetalTyrannomon. He would have died if MetalGreymon hadn't shown up and defeated the rampaging Virus, before he could find out anything he was returned to Earth. He returned to his normal life as an amateur magician until the D-ALPHA came from his computer and he got a chance to learn alot about Digimon.