Name: John A. Bruder

Age: 27

Astrological Sign: Libra

Appearance: Cute & cuddly or dark & disturbing depending on who you ask. Either way I have a beautiful soul.

Interests and hobbies: Sleep (don't do it enough), Being a wiseass, Reading, Writing, Watching stuff that's actually interesting on TV. Wearing weird clothes (Shiny shirts and things with Dragons on them) Playing with my computer in one way or another, Making videos. Playing my guitar, Watching wrestling, Collecting Action Figures, Sci-fi, Working out, Hanging out, Thinking too much, Enlightening the stupid and ignorant, Eating sour candy and drinking coffee (no, not together), Shooting pool & drinking beer (Yes, those sometimes go together) Driving my truck...I don't know...Stuff.

Musical Influences: Ozzy Osbourne, Megadeth, Guns N' Roses, Faith No More, Billy Joel, Buckethead, Savatage, Anything with Gilby Clarke in it... and others depending on my mood.

Function in JAIAS: Guitar, backing vocals, lyricist, and occassionally some keyboards.

Other projects: I've been doing this a long time. I have done a lot of things. I ended up in a lot of weird places and situations. All you can do is try and get back in the groove. I found I do this alot. Somewhere someone has the results of many of these projects, maybe even me. It's hard to tell what I'll do next. I'm intelligent, though most of the time confused. A definate realist. Sensitive to my surroundings and people's responses to things. Right now I'm working on some new lyrics & melodies in addition to some rhythm guitar. Also doing some web and video stuff. Stay tuned!!!!!!!

Musical goals: To keep expressing my thoughts and emotions through my art. The problem is that in this time and place very few people do this in a very real way. I hope to change that. It should always be substance before style, not style before substance. I will make them see the error of their ways.