To reinvent the art of tap into a new musical entrance millions... that's what we were hoping for. Well, we're definately not there yet!

For those of you who are interested, we present to you just what exactly we have been doing for about the past year and a half or so and how that brings us to where we are today.

After wandering around the so called "Everett Scene" for years and playing in a variety of groups whose exploits are far too storied to get into here we settled into some degree of stability in the Summer of 1999. This was the time where we came up with the name "Jaias". In case you were wondering, the name has no meaning. It's a made up word that we wanted to be associated only to us and this project.

Anyway, we got together with some guys by the names of Eric & Brendan. For a few weeks there we would try and overcome our lack of a singer/frontman and toil away at whatever diabolical creations moved us. With the sweet sound of love making above our heads and insects at our feet we holed ourselves up in a cellar and ran through cheezy ballads, attempts at hard core & punk, a little rock-a-billy with a blast beat, some moody metal and whatever else popped into our twisted little heads.

Regardless of the epic scope of the material and the obvious talent of those creating it, things began to fall apart. It wasn't long before "Creative Differences" creeped in, as did the often problematic woman problems and mental breakdowns. Some of us, I think, were just plain bored. Uninspired and frustrated. So we split up.

The rest of the boys went on to their own projects while we decided to keep the name and try to forge onward. We got our equipment back, we put up flyers, & readied ourselves for the task. But life took us another way. All sorts of problems in all areas of our lives quickly slowed our momentum. This wasn't helped any by a very distinct lack of anybody who could grasp any concept of what we were trying to do.

Burnt out, disorganised and disgusted we put everything on hold. Enough was enough. We had no interest in dealing with it anymore. We had been through too much and were exhausted from everything we had been through. Arguing with old band members, trying to explain things to potential new ones, trying to figure out how the hell we were ever going to put all the parts together, get the people & equipment we wanted, move into a space and create these songs and present this band the way we wanted. It all seemed hopeless.

After a period of inactivity what happens always happens. We started it up again. We started going over lyrics when we went out for coffee. We found room enough in a cellar for a couple guitars, amps & processors. We started throwing around ideas again. More specifically, we kept all the good ideas from before the breakup and moved forward from there to pick up the pieces.

So what now??? Your guess is as good as ours. The new material is rooted in the old, but with a new twist. Old riffs combined with new changes. As usual, the styles run the spectrum. Steve has been dabbling with various electronic devices to fill out the sound. It allows us to have more options and choices as well as gives us an idea of how a completed part might sound since we are kind of tied to our guitars. This covers everything from backup instrumentation and rhythm sections to sampling sounds and loops. The lyrics have taken some interesting turns due mainly to the fact that we are deliberately trying to take them into new areas, constantly scrapping anything sub par and truly working on them together in a format that we both have imput. The good old system of checks and balances.

We're still looking for the right people to fill this mess out. Some old associates have been suggested. Some ads have proved curious. But right now we have no idea where that is going exactly.

A while back we were invited to jam with a very "Metal" guitarist/drummer from our past who has a nasty habit of popping in and out of our lives. We've worked with him before. But he just sorta faded into obscurity again.

Lately we have just been laying low and taking it easy. Both together and separately. Just enjoying banging on things and making noise. There are some flashes of greatness there though.

People have been asking what's up with us. A few have hinted at having some sort of talent in one area or another or if they don't they mention the demise or inactivity of all of our old pals and their desire for the scene to come back. Either way it seems the old juices may be flowing again.

What's going to happen next?

Well... all we can say is stay tuned to find out. You have to admit, it's one hell of a ride... Nothing's going on...