As someone who lives 15 minutes from an airport that not only holds so many deep personal connections to my life, but also was one of the points of origin for this horror I felt that I had something to share. This page sums up what I have been experiencing and what I think is to be taken from this tragedy. This is surely something I never fathomed I would have to dedicate a web page to and I hope I never have to do anything like this again. There really is no need for it. Stay positive & take care of each other.

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"We took a bus down to Virginia on Tuesday. It stopped in both NY and DC but we missed everything by just a few hours. On the way back we did the same thing. We got pretty close to the Pentagon and the destruction was 10 times worse in person. Same with the twin towers except we weren't close at all. We only saw them from the distance and the images were still more powerful in person." - Mike & Kim
"Hmm, I'm a bit humbled by all of this. We found out that my uncle was supposed to be in L.A. yesterday afternoon for a business meeting that got cancelled late Monday evening. He would have flown out on flight 11. Were pretty damn estatic. Amidst all the rubble and wreckage, there is something rare that I have noticed. People in my everyday life, pedestrians, fellow MBTA riders, are all a whole lot friendlier. I hope that good will keeps up and that everyone learns to be kinder because tomorrow a plane could fly into all of our buildings. Since all this happened, every day I look at the Hancock & the Pru and it always sinks in that someday they might not be there and I appreciate the sky line a bit more than I did in the past." - Michele
"John- I appreciated the heartfelt note regarding the tragedy yesterday. Fortunately I have lost no one in this, although I do know others who were less fortunate. As a bizarre FYI, someone here at work spoke with a friend who actually saw the airliner fly by his office window and crash into the building next to him! Bizarre. " Best Regards, Chris

"Tuesday was a travesty that I pray is never repeated. I am so thankful that none of my family or friends fell victim to Tuesday's attack." -Kimberly

"I have given soon as I found out, I did... But, that is not the only thing that hit hard, you see, my dad left for Manhattan yesterday morning... it was hours before we heard from him, and I have never been so scared in my life... I know that if he died, he'd be in Heaven, but we are still very very close... But, this isn't about me, I have heard people say that we could send money to help the people in need. I totally agree with the people that said this, but I also think that the people that have lost loved ones, or have been injured or even have seen it, need our prayers more than anything. All my life my parents drilled that into my head, prayer does make everything better..." -Love, Krystine

"Just wanted to check in and let you know that I and my family are fine, and I believe all my friends are, as well. I'm glad you can say the same; thanks for your message, and I'll see you online soon, I hope." -Take care, Leah