I always have odd things happen to me.
Here's a place to share that.
Read on if you're interested.

Concerts, concerts, concerts...Johnny likes concerts... And now It's time for the highlights for the month of December. Firstly Jen and I went to see . It was very Christmas. But it was very cool. It combined some of the best elements of theatre with a rock concert. They had a string section and 6 vocalists in addition to the normal components of a rock band, They ran through so many songs with all these complex arrangements and a totally amazing light show. Everyone in the band blew me away. An added bonus was Chris Caffery from Savatage being some sort of twisted ringleader/master of ceremonies in addition to his amazing guitar work that night. He kept asking the crowd questions like "What's Beethoven's last name?". And he was wearing a Santa hat and and a USA Jacket. Now, to top things all off, after the show we did a meet and greet and I got my program signed by everyone. This was the first time I didn't just smile & nod at celebrities that I admire as musicains. I complemented Alex Skolnick on his playing and said that I had never seen him play a Les Paul before. What had he been up to lately? That was all that was needed as he lauched into a long winded explaination of the 10,000 projects he's working on, He seems like a nice guy and genuinely excited about what he is doing. He asked me to go look at his website, and in a particularally interesting comment stated that he is working on the new Testament CD. But I didn't get to press him for more info. I also talked to Caffery some more and Jeff Plate, Both of whom I admire from Savatage. And Mark Wood, the heavy metal violin guy, who spent the show with a small Flying V violin strapped to his shoulder while conducting the strings. I am definately glad I checked this show out. It was probably the most Christmas thing of my while holiday season.

Now then... on to a perspective issue. I did something this December I have never done before. 1 tour, 2 shows, 2 different states, 1 week. And Scott and Andi did this with me. Yes, I am talking about...

And the Joy that is the Merry Mayhem tour. You can take a look at Andi's opinion by clicking HERE. . I think any one who knows me knows that I am an Ozzyhead and that these shows were like #15 and #16 or something. But like I said, this gave me a chance to see what a "tour" is like night to night. Time to compare and contrast kiddies. We completely missed the band Soil (insert random joke here) on both nights. And Mudvayne looks exactly the same if you take them in from 15 ft. in front of you on the floor or way the hell up. I really liked how the lead singer talks about spending quality time with your kids, and not letting people mess with you and whatever, but the live mix is awful. Just comes out like noise. After 2 shows I think I have seen enough. Now on to Rob Zombie. At the Worcester show this was the point where we managed to get up front due to a young female hanging off of me that was on some illicit substance. Here's a tip, when working the floor if you see people actually parting the crowd, follow behind like you're with them. So up front we go. We completely lost Mike & Kim and found out later they had quite the near riot and shoving match in their section of the floor. And Billy ended up center stage. Scott, Andi & I. dealt with middle aged men who snuck in a fifth of Jack Daniels and a man in front of us that was not unlike The Big Show. What a joy it is to be short. But Rob puts on a hell of a show. Fire, go go dancers, weird robotic things wandering the stage. Video screens playing old horror movies. All kinds of stuff. Nothing unexpected in the set though. The only interesting thing was watching right up close and then again from above in Manchester. Then came the moment of the night. The moment that made Joe D. lose it completely at the Manchester show... OZZY! This of course was after he made me dredge up the long surpressed memory that I actually saw Limp Bizkit way back when at an Ozzfest with a giant toilet that they were flushing Spice Girls down. UG! SO anyway... First there was the video reel. This time Ozzy was in the Moulin Rouge, Talked to Jennifer Lopez about a cock ring, Got high as Afroman, Was Madonna's driver in the "Music" video (I still had the techno version of "Crazy Train" first!), And of course was Miss Cleo. Then the flying sliegh with the rocket launcher appeared. And Santa drunk strung up. After that was Classic Ozzy mixed with New Ozzy on both shows. The band is tight, Zakk, Mike, Rob and Oz. yay! I was a fan of all these guys even before they got together to do this. They went through the same set both nights but it was amazing both nights. Zakk is a monster on guitar and proved it with quite possibly the best solo guitar spot I have ever seen live. And he capped it off with the National Anthem. It was amazing in Worcester to see his hands work and see Ozzy's facial expressions up close. And in Manchester it was just more of the wide-eyed spectacle with full range of vision. I went nuts both nights and I think I may be getting too old for this...NAH! If you didn't see it then I feel bad for you. And, Andi & I got plenty of Ozzy confetti. So there.
Yet another riveting musical review... this time it's in the 2nd of a 3 night stint in the Boston area after years upon years of being away. This show was something Steve, Billy & I were really looking forward to because none of us had seen them before and all 3 shows were sold out. But since they went on sale on my birthday things were well in hand. I picked up the boys and we had the most humerous ride in to the Paradise. Steve burned this CD full of oddites, not the least of which was a rare Mr. Bungle cut involving Cottage Cheese. Steve declared that he stores half his brain in his ass, but since it's concave you can't really tell. We were also debating if the plural of Porpoise is Porpii. Laughing our heads off. I found a parking space right on Comm. Ave. and right near some classic rebuilt 50's sports cars.
When we got to the club some guy offered to pay us $100 for our tickets. Sorry, tonight we're the cool kids. We got inside and found a very small club. I forgot how small since I haven't been there since Gilby Clarke in like 95. And it was crammed with all sorts of freaks, and surprisingly A LOT of beautiful women. And if any of you are admirers of tatoos there was much to see. The opening band was called The Lost City Angels and they were OK. Then they became more than OK when the covered "Good News" by the Neurotic Outsiders. One way to win my heart is to cover ex GN'R member side projects. Then it was time for Social D! SO-CIAL-D! SO-CIAL-D! First thing I noticed was that Mike Ness has a lot of Tatoos and wears a lot of eyeliner. Forget the pictures you might have seen. Way more than that in person. But they broke into "Ring of Fire" and the place came unglued. They followed that right up with "Story of my life" and it just kept rolling from there. They played all the standbys like "Sick Boy" & "Story Of My Life" and a bunch of stuff that Steve & I both didn't know. Speaking of Steve... I have been to a lot of shows with Steve, but never have I ever seen him this into a show nor have I seen the music flow so freely through him. Nothing could bring any of us down. Even the Heroin Addicted Muppet Man boucing around near us and some of the other losers in the crowd. I had some small girl grinding on my crotch. And Billy completely forgot to take pictures because he was so entranced. By the way, you can see Billy's review HERE . Two additional interesting closing notes were that Mike Ness spoke about Dennis Danell, who he formed the band with & who happened to die last year. Mike actually got choked up speaking of his friend and when the crowd applauded so loudly Mike seemed genuinely touched. And also, they closed with a love song, because "tough guys need love too". Some people complained that it was the same show as the night before. But who cares. It's Social D.
Sorry it took so long to post this. I've been busy and I figured you needed a break from me. In regards to the previously mentioned show, here are some comments directly from the Main Mega Mouth Dave Mustaine about our show.

"10/12 Boston
I remember this place we were playing on this night because it is right behind the "Big Green Monster." For you uninformed sports fans, that is not a flying jellyfish from my lungs, it is the outfield wall of the 'Boston Red Sox' Stadium.' Going inside, I found out some horrifying production details that would bore even dead people, so I will skip it, but I do remember last time we played this gig, some whale that was a reject centerfold from Meat Mountain Magazine said that I "shouldn't wear white shoes." I guess from the size of her, she must have been talking from experience and men's white shoes not agreeing with her diet. I imagine to a man-eater like her, shoes are kinda like gristle.
The show was abso-fucking-lutely packed. I have never seen that many people jammed into that club, in all the times that we have played there. We had a great time and there were a lot of healthy young people there from this college area."
Some people have asked how the went. It was interesting. We rented Killer Kowalski's Ring, but I guess no one thought it important to tell him. So he showed up. He was not happy. He's a pretty big, intimidating guy, even at his age... but he was dragged around by this diminutive woman I can only assume to be his wife. He snapped right to when she barked "Come along Walter!" and off they went. Beyond that the show had high points and low points. "The Creeper" once again convinced me he's a total pro and the hardcore match was awesome. I still don't get why there are 2 guys named the Punisher and who the hell is the ref? Overall the storylines worked for a first time out and there were some nasty bumps. I guess there was a mixed reaction to the whole shebang. I just wish people would let me do what I am capable of with the camera. But people insist on walking in front of it and turning their backs, and most importantly, stealing the rough cut tape so it can't get edited. Oh well.. your loss! And don't ask me how Jim's event was because I was on anti biotics, sick in bed. Well, on the floor actually... plumbing problems in the house forced us to move furniture around. Fun weekend. By the way... It's safe to say none of you ever had a nurse wearing vinyl accompany you to the ring.

OK.... Now for last Friday's joy incarnate... ! Yes again... This makes like 8 times? But once again, all part of John's return to live events... we completely missed Endo (no I STILL don't know who they are) but we got there just in time for Megadeth to hit the stage. What followed was 2 hours of pure energy. The only weird point for me was when my ex drummer accidently ignited my hand with a lit cigarette (Thanks Jay!) This is the guy who left because he didn't want to play heavy music and I see him at a Megadeth show. And the last time I saw him before that was Ozzfest. I hear his band plays shows but he never emails me to tell me when. Oh well... SO ANYWAY! I'll just say it right out the shoot...THIS BAND IS TIGHT! And I don't mean it in the hip hop way... they are just so skilled and so powerful... there's nothing they can't do. They reworked stuff as far as intros and outros and breakdowns and things and each individual member got to shine. Al was Al... always a great guitarist and a great foil for Dave. Ellefson seemed to actually have a much more defined bass presence which was real nice, Jimmy DeGrasso is really a powerhouse and quite possibly the best drummer the band has ever had. And then there's Dave Mustaine... he was in great form... and he unvailed a few new Jacksons for us...a Red, White and Blue V and a new double neck V... it looked Mahogony. Highlights of the set for me included "The Conjuring", "Ashes In Your Mouth" (Just because you don't hear them that often), "Moto Psycho" (This was the only "NEW" song) "Kill the King" (I just love that song) , "Symphony of Destruction" (Al did this cool octave thing at the beginning) and in political news "Sweating Bullets" was dedicated to Osama Bin Laden and "Crush Em" was dedicated to the US Armed Forces. All in the all night was great and I got a long sleeve. BUT I refuse to pay $100 for a baseball jersey. Afterwards we met Dave Mustaine...who commented on my bald head, signed my our tickets and tried to make nicey even though he was exhausted. Steve seemed to make friends with the guys in Candy Striper Death Orgy (They told him where to get a DRI hat) and Mike chatted with the drummer from Holocaust (an old High School friend) . All in all a good night, but the pics didn't come out that well.
2 Things... First, I have just finsihed reading And I give it rave reviews. This is the rock & roll life told from a very human perspective. And it tells the story very well of a group of people who ended up being as infamous as they are famous. What I found fascinating was the amount of detail it went into about private moments of personal victory as well as personal tradegy. If you can stomach it, and maybe even if you can't, you should read this book. It helped me to see that we all have our highs and lows and how people can grow and change in a positive way and come through amazing things to learn about themselves and the world around them in spite of, and while paying homage to, their past. At the very least it made me feel a little less alone in the world & made me see what was possible.

And secondly, Depending on how you look at it, this was forwarded by current and/or past "esteemed co-workers"

ARKANSAS (EAP) -- A Little Rock woman was killed yesterday after leaping through her moving car's sun roof during an incident best described as "a mistaken rapture" by dozens of eye witnesses.

Thirteen other people were injured after a twenty-car pile up resulted from people trying to avoid hitting the woman who was apparently convinced that the rapture was occurring when she saw twelve people floating up into the air, and then passed a man on the side of the road who she claimed was Jesus.

"She started screaming 'He's back, He's back" and climbed right out of the sunroof and jumped off the roof of the car," said Everet Williams, husband of 28-year-old Georgann Williams who was pronounced dead at the scene. "I was slowing down but she wouldn't wait till I stopped," Williams said. "She thought the rapture was happening and was convinced that Jesus was gonna lift her up into the sky," he went on to say.

"This is the strangest thing I've seen since I've been on the force," said Paul Madison, first officer on the scene.

Madison questioned the man who looked like Jesus and discovered that he was dressed up as Jesus and was on his way to a toga costume party when the tarp covering the bed of his pickup truck came loose and released twelve blow up sex dolls filled with helium which floated up into the air.

Ernie Jenkins, 32, of Fort Smith, who's been told by several of his friends that he looks like Jesus, pulled over and lifted his arms into the air in frustration, and said "Come back here," just as the Williams' car passed him, and Mrs. Williams was sure that it was Jesus lifting people up into the sky as they passed by him, according to her husband, who says his wife loved Jesus more than anything else.

When asked for comments about the twelve sex dolls, Jenkins replied "This is all just too weird for me. I never expected anything like this to happen."
OK... Here it is.. The review. I must caution that this review will be long and graphic, potentially offensive and full of inside jokes and side comments packed with additional info... ENJOY!

OK... So...it was HOT! DAMN HOT! But we'll get back to that later. I picked up Jerry, Scott and Billy and off we went. Saw Dennis at Walgreens he says Fitz is going and that Ozzfest is a good time. You damn skippy! Probably the first interesting point that set the tone for the day was getting gas and having a state cop roll up next to us and say "You have to got to be kidding". Immediately I look at the freakshow sitting in my car (Hi Guys! Love the hair!) and I figure it's harrassment time. But this cop was cool. He laughed and looked at Jerry's mohawk and said "You look like a fucking rooster!". Much laughing ensued. Then we discussed where we were going and such and off we went. The ride up had this odd deal in which the radio kept randomly playing Clash songs. No, I don't get it either. But Billy liked it. It was also the first time I hear Social Distortion on the radio. So that was cool. So once we got up there the cameras were passed out and into Ozzfest we went . Freaks and scantily clad women abound. (Release date: Aug. 14 Epic Records/Divine Recordings Ozzfest 2001 - The Second Millenium 01 - Black Sabbath - "The Wizard" 02 - Marilyn Manson - "The Love Song 03 - Slipknot - "New Abortion" 04 - Papa Roach - "Blood Brothers" 05 - Linkin Park - "With You" 06 - Disturbed - "Fear" 07 - Black Label Society - "Superterrorizer" 08 - Mudvayne - "Death Blooms" 09 - Drowning Pool - "Bodies" 10 - Union Underground - "South Texas Death Ride" 11 - Otep - "Filthy" 12 - Nonpoint - "What A Day" 13 - Hatebreed - "Last Breath" 14 - Systematic - "Deep Colors Bleed" 15 - Pure Rubbish - "Kiss Of Death" 16 - American Head Charge - "Reach And Touch" ) First step on the lawn and I see this fat girl tackle this guy and they proceed to have a full on brawl in the sand. I think she won. Then I turn and see a girl with bright red hair. And a see through mesh shirt to match. Her rationale for this was that she just didn't feel like wearing a bra. After a photo op we wandered to the second stage out in the damn parking lot. At least people weren't climbing those silly trees. As we walked in Drowning Pool was making the Bodies hit the floor. Very cool. So we saw a bunch of bands I didn't know and I stood in line to meet Zakk Wylde before I realised the line wasn't moving and he would be gone before I got there. Then we saw Union Underground who were actually pretty damn good. I will buy the CD. The next thing I remember was a girl who brought her parents to Ozzfest with her. What a family. And then Mudvayne. Ah Mudvayne! Wholesome family entertainment. As Jerry says "The lead singer seems angry"...Facepaint, stage blood, lots of chops and middle fingers and use of the word fuck. The man is keeping us down. Fight for who you are. Damn! I know that all too well. Then this girl was up on this guys shoulders caressing herself and dousing herself with water. Another photo op and the first full on flash of the day. Whoopee! Then we filed out like good little kiddies and doused ourselves with more water. Jerry made friends with a 30 year old man who wants to be him. And we lost Scott. Climbed a muddy hill and damn near killed myself and then found Scott. Then everybody left me while I had my picture taken with a girl wearing only body paint and nipple rings. Just call me a social butterfly. I wandered during Zakk's set where he played No More Tears and bitched about MTV pop. It was kinda funny. Apparently he wishes death to all urban music and teen pop. Finally found the guys and we took a few more random pics. Then the "show your tits" section of the bleachers appeared. It died pretty quick this year though. Pretty lame bunch of losers. Little did I know at this point Scott was taking pictures of wood and being accosted by fat women flashing while me and Jerry watched people dance. After Zakk's rant Crazy Town came on and were quite urban. Had to laugh at the irony. We all regrouped for Disturbed, who totally tore it up. David declared it was "Africa Hot". Amazing performance and chats about the power of the people and soul and evil and the rebirth of heavy music. Then they said they owed a debt to a band from Texas who taught them how to drink like men and they tore into Pantera's "Walk". YES! Linkin Park was OK, But you don't sample Welcome to the Jungle and then mess it all up in my presence. And Zakk must of been pissed! More urban rock! By this point I was wandering and found some random idiots to amuse me with hair and face paint and masks and whatever. Will someone explain why you wear a trenchcoat in 90 degree heat? I saw my old drummer Jay and chatted a bit. His band is playing sometime soon but he needs to actually tell people so they can go. Novel concept huh? Maybe he'll email me. Somewhere around this point was when I ended up seeing a couple. The girl had only the remains of a shirt and her boyfriend waas tweaking her nipples to the beat of an entire bands set list. Some weird new kind of foreplay? I think me and Jerry went and got water at some point but we couldn't get pretzels because we were in the "water only" line. OOOOOOOOO! And they gave us our change in gold dollar coins. I think it was during Papa Roach that I found 5 foot tall 11 year old girls in the pits, which by that point were shoving and wrestling matches. I found Jerry again and he told me about the topless girls in the crowd. I made my way to them and more pics. Then every guy in the area pushed and shoved until they knocked each other down to get to the exposed breasts Security came and off they went. But the best part is that later they ended up beside me again and I ended up being the protector. One fell off a guy's shoulders into my arms and declared something like "You like our tits huh? Fuck yeah!" Then they kissed. A small boy had to be hoisted to fondle and when separated the breast girls could not cope at all. So when we pushed them towards each other they went right past each other and basically switched postions and then began yelling once more. Then this other girl came and wrestled one girl to the floor by yanking her hair out of her head. It was about this time that another girl removed her top and showed off her peirced nipples on some guys shoulders. Later I saw her wrapped in only a towel while he fumbled with the bikini top while mumbling something about $6 and hour in a very feminine aggitated voice. This was right next to a girl who was ranting something about how sand and sweat don't mix with underwear. At least according to her pussy. I assume this was some less than subtle allusion to her not wearing underwear. Some people huh? Then there was the man who soaked my hat in ice and declared his bag of ice, which he was twirling around his head was "the only choice". and screamed and danced away. So anyway, more flashing... glow sticks... random Ozzfest stuff. By the way, for those of you keeping track, in the midst of all the standard Ozzfest trappings was a guy in a very green, very faded t shirt that said "Nebraska" on the front. That's exactly the dresscode you expect at the Boston Ozzfest. Anyway, During Slipknot the crowd all squatted at once when Corey said and that enabled me to find Billy's hair. But my Marilyn Manson boring me I was already off discussing with some girl the pocket in the thong. Then this other girl was matching girls flash for flash while her fiancee kept away the cameras. Saw Neil and Olivia and talked about the days events. Thanks for recognising me Neil. Then it was time! SABBATH! I found the boys. Scott said I was like a kid in a candy store! Ear to ear grin! There was an elaborate video montage and sampled Ozzy yelps of various degrees (Ozzy has been accepted into Hollywood's illustrious Walk of Fame in the Class of '02 along with Regis Philbin, Al Pacino, and others. No details on the exact location of the star and when the induction ceremony will take place yet.) and then the band hit the stage. I still want one more solo Ozzy outing but Sabbath rocked ( 6:35pm EDT, Mansfield, Mass. Ozzy just arrived at the venue and in passing through the Ozzfest production office proudly told everyone the "official name of my album, and you can put it on the Internet, is DOWN TO EARTH." The album, Ozzy's lucky 13th solo album, is set for worldwide release October 16. The first single, "Gets Me Through", goes to radio in the States Sept. 4.) Geezer's bass was thundering and Tony was Tony. What more can you say? Ozzy introduced the band, including having the crowd help him out to chant the name repeatedly of a fit looking "MISTER BILL WARD"! And Ozzy was nuts! I saw the frog jump! I saw the water cannons. I saw moves I hadn't seen in years. The madman is back! And he plays harmonica! They played "The Wizard"! They also played a new tune "Scary Green" I think it was called. Ozzy mumbled something at the crowd at once point but otherwise it was top form all the way. Video screens and pyro. A real event. You know the set list by now! Closed exploding confetti and a message to not drive home messed up by Ozzy because he wants to see us next year and do it all over again. Then I bought shirts. 3 to be exact. One out in the parking lot, one was just a regular tour shirt and the other was a Black Label Society long sleeve for when it gets cold. Then I wandered the parking lot shirtless and talked to the girl in the mesh shirt somemore who was now charging 5 bucks a pic and going to her shrink the next day to talk about the flaming cats and get more meds. As a whole though, everyone was great. People were laughing and joking around and looking out for one another and keeping a positive attitude, which was cool. SO... that's it for this year...let's do it again soon.